Yes, there was a decline but it went back up I believe because of allowing people to use it for transactions and bitcoin ATM's are popping up. I'm still skeptical about Bitcoin though. I think it is part of the New World Order plan to have a one world digital currency in which you must have an RFID chip implanted in your hand for you to use it to make transactions. If you recall, you know that whole, Mark of the Beast scenario from the Bible.
I am purely just being skeptical here, yes the above is certainly a possibility so who knows what is going on. I know one thing though, the Money Changers, who have a monopoly over the world money supply, wouldn't let Saddam Trade oil in gold so we invaded their country and swiftly changed the oil being sold back to dollars. I know we also took out Kadafi in Libya for the same reason. So the question you should ask yourself is, "Why would the Monopoly Men allow a new currency to emerge that isn't being regulated or taxed unless they have something to do with it? And in the meantime, they are collapsing the dollar month after month"
But don't take my word for it, do your own research. You should start with the documentary/speech "All wars are banker wars", easily found on youtube.