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Everything posted by spectre

  1. Minimalist style bug out bag added to Bug out bag sectoin http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20344
  2. Misdirection - chemical bombs - added to tactical security http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20853
  3. How to make a Personal Defense Monkey Fist Paracord Lanyard added to Tactical Security and Defense http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20853
  4. fish anti-biotics - new link - lower prices added to fish anti-biotics section or follow through here http://www.campingsurvival.com/fishantibiotics.html
  5. Ammunition storage added to Guns section http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20443
  6. High school? Dress code or something?
  7. I hear you can buy drugs with bitcoins. Sounds like a winner to me. But in all seriousness, it's way too complicated for me to understand. I'm with you a little, but I don't grasp it 100%. I'll read the article you posted. I hope you're right that this is the next monetary system because our current system has failed and is currently collapsing all around us. As I mentioned above, currency only holds value for as long as the people have faith in it and certainly all fiat currencies collapse eventually; especially after they are no longer back by gold/silver. I suppose that is my main concern here. That the perceived value is based on faith alone and they are not backed by anything of real value. I'm also a fan of having my wealth within arms reach.
  8. I agree with Dave, why is it called mining and how do you get access to it? How did you know what system requirements it takes and why in the world does it take some much computer resources? How many bitcoins are left to be "mined"? How long does it take to mine one? It seems there are "mining farms" being set up all over that the limited amount will be reached in no time. Upon which I'm sure the solution will be to expand the inventory. An analogy would be akin to splitting stocks maybe? But that's just conjecture since I know nothing about the stock market. How will they stop people from mining further after the limit is reached?
  9. dang, just leaving work right now, I'll get back to this proper tomorrow morning after I have some coffee in me
  10. don't be sorry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBF-zpi7lro
  11. I'll check him out, thanks.
  12. Where do you see this thing going? You say there are 40 different types, how does one become "trustworthy" to a society. That's the only thing that keeps money and currency alive, is faith in its value. Gold/Silver have a long history of retaining value so in my eyes, they are the only thing that can be considered "Real Money" - everything else is only temporary until something else comes along that the people believe in.
  13. I tried to find some other people and right off the bat they were trolling noobs. It's a pity that's what our society has become. Any youtuber recommendations of people with honor. lol, I know, honor in playing a video game, right.
  14. I'm just saying Dave, I don't trust it. Hopefully you're right. You didn't have to bring Illuminati and Lizardmen into the equation though. I'm not that crazy, lmao.
  15. So the beta won't be released until 2015 ? And the final version after that? I'm looking forward to playing it but I can't wait that long and just watch frankie's videos in the meantime. It will be cool for them to keep adding features to make it more realistic. There definitely needs to be zombie hordes from time to time though as the zombies don't seem that hard to deal with
  16. Yes, there was a decline but it went back up I believe because of overstock.com allowing people to use it for transactions and bitcoin ATM's are popping up. I'm still skeptical about Bitcoin though. I think it is part of the New World Order plan to have a one world digital currency in which you must have an RFID chip implanted in your hand for you to use it to make transactions. If you recall, you know that whole, Mark of the Beast scenario from the Bible. I am purely just being skeptical here, yes the above is certainly a possibility so who knows what is going on. I know one thing though, the Money Changers, who have a monopoly over the world money supply, wouldn't let Saddam Trade oil in gold so we invaded their country and swiftly changed the oil being sold back to dollars. I know we also took out Kadafi in Libya for the same reason. So the question you should ask yourself is, "Why would the Monopoly Men allow a new currency to emerge that isn't being regulated or taxed unless they have something to do with it? And in the meantime, they are collapsing the dollar month after month" But don't take my word for it, do your own research. You should start with the documentary/speech "All wars are banker wars", easily found on youtube.
  17. Another reason why you should Prep. FEAR: Drinking-water shortage possible in California...
  18. You could try planting thorn bushes under all your windows too. It's a deterrent. Which house is the guy gonna break into, the easy access window or the one he has to work hard not to get cut on thorns to get through?
  19. Good idea about the sign. Also put up a "Smile you're on Camera" sign. Or maybe even a "Beware; Crazy Mother Fucker Lives here" lol I'd say Boxer. But that's what kind I want anyway.
  20. I admit, I have been interested in this game for some time. I have never played it though. And I probably won't until they release a ps4 version (which would be amazing) But, I stumbled across this guy's channel late one night at work (graveyard shift) and even though I don't play the game, I'm really digging these videos. He has a whole playlist so follow through to the channel if you enjoyed this episode. Each episode has a theme or "mission" so to speak. You guys who play Dayz will know what I mean.
  21. This seemed like a good video for this thread.
  22. Yeah, that makes more sense, thanks.
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