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Everything posted by spectre

  1. What's a kg? .................... Glad you're still making personal bests. I'm about to lift right now actually. I lifted all last year for 11 months, then winter hit and I fell of the wagon for 3 months. Now I've got 2 weeks under my belt going again. I lost freaking 15 lbs in that 3 months. Damn it man.
  2. So, Easter Egg I didn't catch the first time around. During the last line of the season, they played with the lighting to make it look like Rick had an eye patch, to symbolize him turning into the Governor. We got a ton of easter eggs this season and I'm convinced it's Showrunner Scott Gimple's doing. I'm so glad he is staying on for next year and hopefully the rest of the season. Glenn Mazara can suck it. He killed off Andrea when she was supposed to be on until season 8. She didn't know she was dying until the day before the shoot. They used her death as shock value and it was basically pointless. Hershe's death was handled very well, again, attributed to Scott Gimple. It was also Gimple's idea to have Sophia come out of the barn. He obviously is the right man for the job.
  3. lol @Mr T It's been awhile since I just sat and looked up in the sky in awe and wonder. We have a resevoir close by, and I staked claim on the little island out there. It's very heavy jungle think so nobody actually goes there much. I'm planning on making it a nice place to escape too. Anyway, last year, I went and stayed the night there and just stood looking up. I forgot how wonderful it is.
  4. A tribute video I made. The theme of season 4 was Change. Can the Survivors maintain themselves in the face of the challenges or will they lose themselves to brutality. And if they do, can they come back to their humanity or are they too far gone. Hershel was the Moral Compass of the group and now they have lost that part of them. I tried to show the evolution of Rick trying to make things back to the way they were for Carl, then getting his ass handed to him for being a Pacifist. After he goes off to recover, the Savage Rick emerges from the Cacoon. The last song was used at the end of the episode when Rick kills the two guys in the bar. I think it is a fitting theme song for Rick - The Regulator. I chose Carol's monologue talking about change over Rick's confrontation with Joe's gang, because it was right at that moment when he snapped. Total editing time - 8 hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AS_9wrCtsU
  5. Just found this and this and one more
  6. nah, its cool man. Sorry, I get excited about the show. It's awesome. I thought you had read the comics too?
  7. I won't spoil anything. But you're missing out on some funny shit over in the WD thread.
  8. lol Beewbs! It took me awhile to get into it. I'd say about past the first half of the first season. I've been waiting for Joffrey to get his for awhile now. I hope its satisfying when/if it finally happens. All the beewbs is a little silly but I can't really complain can I? I really enjoy this guy's channel. He does Supernatural, Arrow, Game of Thrones, Marvel Movies and Walking Dead; among others.
  9. Has the last book came out yet? Do you know all the way to the end? How many seasons you think they will make?
  10. Back on tonight! lol, this cracks me up.
  11. Oh Deadly Friend, I remember that one! I'll tell you what is some good hilarious fun. The Reanimator Movies. So funny with the special effects. I'm glad they are not just remaking the Goonies but instead going with the sequel. I have a feeling its not gonna turn out well but please let it be descent. Although, seeing a Fat Sean Astin would kind of take me out of the moment, lol.
  12. I agree, they just don't make movies like the 80's movies anymore. I just rewatched Lost Boys the other day. I revist those movies from time to time. License to Drive Better off Dead The Burbs Fright Night Red Dawn Big Trouble in Little China
  13. Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review (by me)
  14. Never Say Die: Donner Confirms “Goonies” Sequel in the Works Yes!
  15. I love the jokes on Talking Dead at the end of In Memoriam. Hilarious.
  16. lol he's grinning in that pic cause he accessed his dad's porn collection stowed on the xbox.
  17. I've been depressed out this situation for a long time. It permeates every aspect of our culture. Sex, Celebrity Worship, Degeneracy Celebration (reality shows). The world has gone mad. The real struggle is learning how to maintain your sanity/humanity when everyone around you has lost it.
  18. He has a whole program designed with certain things you do in the first four weeks, then changes it up for next four weeks, then one more time. It's a great way to ease into weight lifting. You start out with tried and true mass building exercises like the bench press, squat, shoulder press, standing biceps curl, triceps pressdown and bent over row. You want to aim for 12 reps on each set and rest 2-3 minutes in between. Each exercise is done 3 sets in the first four weeks and you work out about every other day. There are even workout tracking sheets so you can print them out and write down what you are doing. Always add more weight everytime you workout. Even if its just 5 lbs. But our bodies adapt quickly, and especially when you first start so you'll be adding 15 and 20 lbs no problem. As long as you are adding weight, you know you are adding muscle. I love it, can't wait to hit the gym today.
  19. I agree. He could probably pull it off. But it would feel like a parody and not fit the tone, I think. Pretty funny choice though.
  20. Congratulations on taking the leap. It looks like you are passed the hardest part which is getting it going. If I could go back in time to when I first started, I'd do this program which is designed with the beginner in mind. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/beginner-to-advanced-bodybuilder-in-12-weeks.html You want to go easy on the high reps, you could really mess things up with repeated use of the same movement too many times.
  21. lmao "up your nose with a rubber hose" - classic My favorite Negan situation was when he took Carl on the tour. Carl is a badass in the comic towards the end. Hopefully Chandler riggs gets tougher. Still waiting for them balls to drop and get that man voice, lol
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