He has a whole program designed with certain things you do in the first four weeks, then changes it up for next four weeks, then one more time. It's a great way to ease into weight lifting. You start out with tried and true mass building exercises like the bench press, squat, shoulder press, standing biceps curl, triceps pressdown and bent over row. You want to aim for 12 reps on each set and rest 2-3 minutes in between. Each exercise is done 3 sets in the first four weeks and you work out about every other day. There are even workout tracking sheets so you can print them out and write down what you are doing. Always add more weight everytime you workout. Even if its just 5 lbs. But our bodies adapt quickly, and especially when you first start so you'll be adding 15 and 20 lbs no problem. As long as you are adding weight, you know you are adding muscle.
I love it, can't wait to hit the gym today.