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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. Afternoon champs, champettes and everyotherchamp, you should see that the site is considerably quicker now, we've moved to a new host finally. We've also installed the PHP shizzle so you can allow notifications, so you'll get notified every time someone quotes you, mentions you or reacts to one of your posts. Enjoy the new zippiness!
  2. Sup Ryan! Welcome aboard dude, and if your lil' sis reads this, welcome to her too! We're all normal peeps here, nothing to worry about 😄
  3. This is truly heartwarming Dave.
  4. I really hope they sort it out properly. I'd love a good shooter again.
  5. Also I am now the top poster in this topic, GOML n00bs.
  6. I've got a few bits I want to do next time I'm on, basically I need a shotgun turret on the roof of the solo horde base and stuff the box with ammo and stuff and it's ready again. Then stick a load more traps down in the new base and start making some progress with the active defenses. After that I'm all yours and will auger the fuck out of anything for any resources, just let me know what we need.
  7. Miss ya big guy, hope you can be on soon again ❤️ I've made @RenFengge an admin already so we're all good on that front. Also, when this game costs me my marriage, you're paying for my divorce lawyer and I'm sleeping on your sofa until I get my own place again.
  8. Diddums

    BMW iX

    They don't change colour, they change shade. I read an article about the "paint" and it's basically the same as e-ink used in Kindles and whatnot. I saw a blue one in the flesh the other day, just as awful as the pictures. Kyla was all "what's that chipmunk car?".
  9. So, the solo horde base. It was quite badly damaged in horde night, but it survived. The whole thing went to shit when a single block for the pathing was destroyed, meaning the zeds couldn't climb the staircase anymore and just started wrecking everything else. I've hammered out their path and rebuilt it in steel blocks, then I need to rebuild the staircase and the base itself. Then make a pathway for anyone to walk on that is both out of reach of the zeds, but still able to repair the spinny traps. Excellent horde night, I know what needs doing and next time it'll be pretty much indestructible. Rad remover would just be the icing on the cake.
  10. I've no idea how to paint, if you do, please paint them for me 😂
  11. I've modded this a bit, added a motion sensor with a 30 second on-time so the blades aren't spinning 24/7. Tested it out too, hurts like a bitch. Ask me how I know.
  12. Yes, completely forgot about that! In that case just put the one one and have a shotgun ready for any stragglers. Still turn the generator on though as loads of zombies still walk in to the blades.
  13. Ok so the solo horde base is complete and works rather well. This is for anyone to use should you need to get through a horde night solo or if you're not very prepared. This isn't meant as a replacement for the main base but rather just a stopgap until that's properly ready for use, something I'm going to get started on today. There's a shotgun turret on the roof which will kill any birds, a few spinny traps which will kill any zombies that make it past the sledge turrets and a couple of sledge turrets which will continuously smack zombies down in to the massive pit below for a bit of punch damage, occasional fire damage (they have fire mods on) and fall damage. This will massively help manage zombies on horde night be basically abusing the game's pathing system. There's also a chest in the little hidey hole full of supplies. Instructions: Before horde night make sure that the shotgun turret on the roof has ammo, and the generator has fuel. Take the two sledge turrets out of the chest and place them like this: Turn the generator on, get in the little hidey hole and open the two hatches, these will allow you to shoot out of the hidey hole but prevent anything getting in. I used this idea so it'll give a much better description than I can: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhcvyYDSKy0
  14. So it was all your fault then. Shocking.
  15. Yo, that's a name I ain't seen in a while! Welcome back dude, nice to see that a few little heart attacks won't get you down! Proper fighter for sure. Be nice to play something with you dude, what do you play on?
  16. Started building a little test facility last night, didn't have long though so will have to carry on next time I'm on. Also discovered that the robotic turret (the one that doesn't need power) isn't very good, it does very little damage, runs out of ammo far too quickly, the range is quite short and it stops working as soon as I move a few blocks away from it. It did however give XP to me and anyone around me, so there's that. I will say however that as each player is limited to one of these things (two with skill points), a few of them might actually help a bit. @TurboR56Mini managed to track down a Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir for me which will come in handy, so I can wipe all my skill points and make a build more orientated to robotics and electrics. Last night's horde night just proved to me that we're getting to the point of needing more than just guns, as it was absolutely mental.
  17. There are a few people who I avoid when raiding, purely because these people put maximum effort in to their characters and really max everything out. When raiding with them, I just feel like that dumb twat holding everyone back (which let's be honest, I am 99% of the time anyway) which I feel ruins it for them which in turns ruins it for me. There are exceptions of course, usually after a few beers I just stop caring which only makes matters worse. I did the whole hardcore raiding thing with WoW, learning the fights on launch day and all that, and I loved it. Being the top of the healing charts every single raid despite being one of the lower-tier healers was immensely satisfying but it was pretty much a full time job. The amount of resources I had to have in order to achieve this was astonishing. I get it, I respect it, I used to love it, but as I get older I just want to log on, mess around and have a laugh and then log off again.
  18. So whilst I'm definitely working honest guv, I'm doing a bit of research and am getting conflicting results. The problem I'm facing is XP and whether we get XP or not from traps and whatnot. From my limited research, there are the auto-thwackers which will punch zeds in the gut. These, when strategically positioned, can smack a zed off a wall so it takes fall damage. It is my understanding that this counts as a player kill so the XP should still count, but I need to be sure. The other thing is that traps and whatnot don't award XP when they kill zeds, however with perks this can be brought up to 50% of the normal player XP. What I don't know is whether that will then share with everyone around me, or whether everyone else needs the perks too. I'm hoping to hop on this evening to start testing, I'll likely build a little structure somewhere for testing and might rope one or two of you in to see if you get XP. If nobody gets XP in any of these scenarios, then I'll have to look at killing corridors with electric fence poles to zap the zeds and then we can kill them when they're stunned. Plans are being formed, just need to sort out a few things before smashing it all together.
  19. Gotcha. I really wish Destiny would implement a higher level of raid, for example in WoW we used to have challenge versions, heroic versions and all sorts. Some would require simply changing a setting before starting, others would have mechanics which you could do / avoid to trigger them. These would then also give out slightly better loot which was always nice.
  20. What's the advantage of this? On WoW we used to do this all the time, but that's because loot was finite so the less people you did it with, the higher your chance of getting the sparkly shinies. On Destiny everyone gets a goody bag regardless, is this so you have more toons available for more raids?
  21. What is it? It's a bug that can and is fairly likely to affect every person who builds stuff. Basically once a building is built, any compromise to its structural integrity can be repaired, and it'll look like it's been properly repaired, but the actual serverside information is incorrect so although you can continue building, the structure will not be as strong as before it was compromised. Bit difficult to explain, I'll stick a video down below. What can I do? Nothing that an end user can do. Server admins can log in, enter "debug mode" and force the server to recalculate structural integrity so myself, @phil bottle, @tronic44 can do it so far. We've already discussed that every time we log on / off we'll do a quick recalculation push to reduce the chances of it affecting you, however if we're on and you feel like something's a bit off, TELL US AND WE'LL FORCE A RECALCULATION THERE AND THEN. If none of us are on and you need it done, then tag us admins in the 7 Days whatsapp group and if one of us are free, we'll pop on and do it. It'll take a wee bit of working around until the devs get it sorted, and ultimately it's not really game breaking if you know what's going on, but as @TurboR56Mini and @GazzaGarrattfound out over the weekend, if you don't know what's going on it can be very frustrating. Here's a video explaining it all much better than I can:
  22. Does your tunnel have a back door?
  23. Nah, leave it for now, gonna have another look later. Maybe a "tube station" for the underground tunnels? I'll come up with something interesting.
  24. Loving the game, been a while since I enjoyed playing something this much. I'll be starting to tinker with robotics a bit, I've already made 38 blade traps which can be installed in the new base, but before that, I'll be using a few to create a small horde base so I can experiment a bit and learn the finer details of them. As it'll take an absolute metric fucktonne of resources to create all the traps needed for the main base, I need to be absolutely 100% sure that when I put them down, they're down for good. So I'm going to make a small little base elsewhere where I can fuck around a bit, and once I'm confident that I've come up with a good, reliable and effective solution for the main base, I'm going to go ham and absolutely surround the place with traps. I also moved the wood farm as it was in a bit of a shit spot s every time someone went past it they'd drop to single digit FPS. The new location is where I'm standing here: There are about 800 trees currently planted there so if anyone needs wood, go for it. Keep in mind however that my skill points are all maxed out for efficient wood harvesting so if you think we're gonna need wood soon, let me know and I'll go harvesting next time I'm on, or grab some yourself, up to you. On another note, @tronic44 has made me a server admin so if the server gets a bit laggy or buggy or whatever, let me know and I can restart it. I also made some good progress with the courthouse, however I think @TurboR56Mini need to give it a woman's touch as it just looks a bit concrete atm. Maybe I'll use it as an experimental building for the traps, not sure yet. That's all folks, thanks for the fun so far, it's been immense. Can't wait to get back on ❤️
  25. Such a casual. I could be persuaded, depends on the day and my mood 😄
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