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  1. Luseth



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  3. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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  4. crispymorgan



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2024 in all areas

  1. J4MES OX4D

    Alien Isolation 2

    Confirmed to be in development 10 years on from the original Alien: Isolation 2 Confirmed - IGN WWW.IGN.COM On the 10-year anniversary of Alien: Isolation’s release, developer Creative Assembly has confirmed that a sequel is in development. A good watch after IGN's infamously terrible 5.9/10 review
    1 point
  2. Have I always missed the fact you can light a fire in a house? Thats most likely way warmer then outside! 😅
    1 point
  3. So I have decided to play this again the past week or so. It's great being able to load up a console and game without waiting for updates and such. The game itself is great, a JRPG with a lord of the rings skin and though it looks dated today I am still having a lot of fun and taking down a troll for the first time is quite enjoyable. It's funny watching the little film cutscenes as well as visually they look crap through this. Makes me think about putting them on the PS5 at some point (I have them on blu ray) and just re-enjoying the films. It has me questioning whether or not to get a proper upscaler, I have looked at some reviews and I think it would be worth it but for the price I would be looking at I question build quality. The other thing I am quite enjoying about it is that when I play on a modern console and I see friends in a group together playing something I feel somewhat obligated to join them sometimes even if all I really want to do is enjoy a video game on my own. Playing the PS2, it's not an issue as it is offline and I just enjoy my game without distraction.
    1 point
  4. Luseth

    Retro gamer magazine

    I sign up to Readly every now and again which I believe Martin has just discovered, on there is Retro gamer which I find quite a good magazine talking about older games, thought I might post in here every now and again about what they are talking about each month. So this month is about Ridge Racer, sadly the series isn't really around today but I do have fond memories of playing Ridge Racer Type 4 way back. I am not so into racing games now other than playing with friends. So they also explore how the series came about which began with Mazda (their tech demos over in Japan) and this developed into the video games, they were somewhat ahead of their time when they first launched in terms of graphics and such.
    1 point
  5. crispymorgan

    Alien Isolation 2

    I'd love to play the original. But honestly? I'm actually genuinely scared to. Alien has always scared the crap out of me. And to play this game would literally induce death.
    1 point
  6. I used to love gaming mags, all the was back to Zzap 64 for Commodore 64. ....and then the early days of game sites on the internet were really usefult, sadly they're all just adverts and spam now but still posing as gaming sites 😭
    1 point
  7. Demo is available to download now!
    1 point
  8. Hopefully available soon Commandos: Origins - Demo on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Cadets, “Operation Prelude“ has begun! In this demo you can explore a unique test mission, specifically tailored to let you experience the real-time tactics gameplay of the upcoming Commandos: Origins before its...
    1 point
  9. Post number 2500! Deserves a ripping bass solo.
    1 point
  10. Luseth


    So, I dipped into this at launch and then moved away from it while some of the bugs were fixed. I can happily say that I am playing through this now on my laptop and really quite enjoying it. I feel that maybe the issue with this game is not so much the fact you can't enjoy it with other players (I mean if you want that sort of thing there are a lot of more suitable games), the issue to me is there is too much. I think devs need to stop trying to make the 'biggest' game and start thinking about how to better craft their worlds, how to better populate them and make them feel alive. The reason the Elder Scrolls and The witcher games did so well is because the worlds feel alive, there is a lot going on and almost everywhere you go you come across a new story or tale that is just begging to be explored. Starfield has it's main storylines and it has a few minor ones but the minor ones very much feel isolated and short quests rather than something that may affect the world. I think of the witcher in the swamp when you can choose to sacrifice or save the kids from the old hags. On saving them you had new interactions with the kids afterwards for example.
    1 point
  11. The new map is about to drop. I've heard it's quite a ball ache and you need to light a fire every 30 minutes to stop from freezung but I'll likely give it a go.
    0 points
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