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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2017 in all areas

  1. Bungie have fixed this 'problem'....... but only after they got caught https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2017/11/25/destiny-2-has-been-secretly-reducing-xp-gains-and-is-stopping-after-fans-caught-on/
    1 point
  2. Absolute snooze fest.
    1 point
  3. From Reddit: https://np.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/7elin7/the_state_of_hawaii_announces_action_to_address/dq62w5m/ Chris Lee here - I'm the one in the suit. My staff just told me someone apparently found this youtube upload before we had a chance to finish putting it together, but I thought I'd leave it up and just post here to explain that this fight can be won if people step up. This fight is about protecting kids, protecting families, freedom from exploitation, and the future of entertainment in this country. People are more powerful than they think. While we are stepping up to act in Hawaii, we have also been in discussions with our counterparts in a number of other states who are also considering how to address this issue. Change is difficult at the federal level, but states can and are taking action. Even so, elected officials can't do it alone. They need your support and you can compel action wherever you live by calling and emailing your own state legislators and asking them to act. But don't stop there. Call your allies. Call your pastors and teachers and community leaders. Ask them to call your state legislators as well. Their voices are politically powerful. I believe this fight can be won because all the key bases of political support across the country are on the same side. The religious community, the medical community, the education community, consumer advocates, parents, even many business leaders and local chambers of commerce. This is a fight that unites everyone, even the most polarized conservatives and progressives. Doing something is a political win for Democrats and Republicans alike. And frankly, we don't need to change the laws in every state - we just need to change a few and it will be enough to draw the line and compel change. These kinds of lootboxes and microtransactions are explicitly designed to prey upon and exploit human psychology in the same way casino games are so designed. This is especially true for young adults who child psychologists and other experts explain are particularly vulnerable. These exploitive mechanisms and the deceptive marketing promoting them have no place in games being marketed to minors, and perhaps no place in games at all. Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one. You have the power to get involved and decide this and the choice is clear: stand up now, or let this be the new normal from this point forward.
    1 point
  4. That looked immensly boring.
    1 point
  5. The current system is consistent XP earned but the progress bar getting bigger the more you play in a session or repeat the same events. Their reworked plan is to lower the XP rates across the board but have a numerical display of how much is required to fill the bar so people can work out how much is needed and what events they like to run. Doesn't appear to be much of a solution - just a change of transparency really. To be honest; the statement looks like something EA and DICE would have concocted.
    1 point
  6. Much improved display from Everton today only losing 4-1 to Southampton. After losing 1-5 to Atalanta on Thursday and having no manager; some people were concerned that the £140,000,000 they spent in the summer was wasted. After today; there's clearly signs that they are slowly improving
    1 point
  7. I don't how I feel. I want to be positive but I am struggling. Don't get me wrong, I had the stream on in the background whilst doing stuff and was pretty positive with all the changes...until I heard the Raid Lair. It is a logical change. Makes total sense and is the right thing to do. But maybe cos its not a full raid, and on the leviathan (not on mercury like they said it would be) just feels abit off. There is a ton of content available though and the idea to go after some forged weapons (about 12) after the campaign seems like a good idea. Should be old weapons we can go back in time for. Heroic Strikes are a good thing too. Just hope they can be rewarding in some way.
    1 point
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