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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Just wanted to gauge the response to this game for those of us that have picked it up. I've managed to have a couple of games so far and I'm actually pretty impressed. T2K seems a little bit reduced from the beta which helps. Some of the maps are excellent and really lend to a chaotic central point, which really helps give every class a viable option. Not experienced any severe lag and anything of that nature yet either. Lag is always going to be there in these games and I'm happy to accept that but the host choice seems much better as I've never been on anything less than a 3 bar so far. Searching for a game has been a bit hit/miss so far and the end of game screens seem to have some loading issues. These seem more server related rather than being outright buggy lastly, the lack of jet packs and wall running is Fucking amazing!! It really feels good to be back at the roots of the game in this setting. It's not the best CoD by any stretch, but I would say it's the best CoD in a very long time. I can certainly see myself sinking a good few hours into this. It's be really cool if we could get some teaming going on this but I totally understand the general CoD reservation
    4 points
  2. Anyone buying new stuff for Xmas this year? You expecting anything decent? We've seen this Thomas the Tank Engine track set for nearly a year now and thought it'd be great around the tree but for £60 it seemed a little much. Well, it went down to £40 at Smyths and I couldn't say no....its bloody awesome and Dax loves it. Thomas has voices and songs too. Its a steal at that price.
    1 point
  3. J4MES OX4D

    Doom VR

    This looks bad, this looks really bad. I know a 2D video of the VR game only conveys part of the experience but the game seems to have lost all it's key elements of fast paced, frantic and pulsating gameplay. VR just doesn't work with a game like this. Hopefully Fallout 4 and Skyrim VR will be more suitable to the technology.
    1 point
  4. There seems to be loads of challenges, prestiges to do , camos to earn, guns to prestige, divisions to prestige There are some 'getting into games issues' at the moment, and servers have just gone done so hopefully some fixes being applied. But the game is very promising, such as : war is great, like rush from battlefield but better There's a 1v1 feature you can access with members of your party whilst waiting for a lobby to form , this is a genius move I totally suck at the moment, but am loving it
    1 point
  5. Just bought this on PS store. Now I just need to wait for that 10hour download to finish... Also hi!
    1 point
  6. Cheers Stretch, from what I've seen of the new war mode, especially the Normandy landing one, it would be great for team play. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. A massive thanks again to all who joined us yesterday, we played some insane games! Yesterdays stream is on our twitch channel, just in case anyone couldn't make it and wants to watch it.
    1 point
  8. War is so much fun. Enjoying the game a lot more then I thought. Via the FG App
    1 point
  9. Capn_Underpants

    WoW Classic

    Oh snap Via the FG App
    1 point
  10. The3rdWalker

    WoW Classic

    So I guess the question is what server are we playing on? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Bluebear

    WoW Classic

    I liked it how they used Chromie to reverse time.
    1 point
  13. Plenty of campers but that's CoD. Hit detection and curved bullets I never worry about, figure what goes around, comes around
    1 point
  14. The3rdWalker

    WoW Classic

    Amazing announcement.
    1 point
  15. Charlie's copy turned up first thing so I got to have a few games earlier today. Actiually felt pretty good to be back in CoD games again, was pretty slick gameplay. They look like they have done a lot of work on challenges and types of prestige, was pretty impressed, so much so I went and got myself a copy. The prospect of a gold shovel was was too much to resist. That plus Angry Party Pooperr zombies.
    1 point
  16. So the poll closed at the end of October and it means we'll try and do the raffle idea. (Dave, I don't think it ever stops us doing Secret Santa if people still wanted to be a part of that, they just need to shout up). I want to start the interest on this again so when we are looking for nice things for everyone we're picking the right things out. If you still want to give a donation by a specific game/voucher/etc, that's always welcome or if you can't think of anything you can use the donate button and i'll be clear with everyone what has been raised to see what can be bought with it all. I'll still hold to the £100 I had saved up across the year or this idea and put it towards stuff I mentioned in the initial post. I know I have a new unboxed keyboard that will be going into this so far and no doubt vouchers out of some/all of what I can give already. I'd love this to be a good thing to happen this year. I know a lot of people have had and continue to have a difficult year, so it would be pretty awesome if people get behind this.
    1 point
  17. GazzaGarratt

    Doom VR

    Rich would put this to shame!
    1 point
  18. You're already in Matt. Its you and @Mikepjbell vs @crispymorgan and Tom @LordBaguette. You guys just need to sort out the time to get together. You only need 10 minutes.
    1 point
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