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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2017 in all areas

  1. GazzaGarratt

    Last of Us 2

    Epic and mental in game trailer from Paris Game Week.
    2 points
  2. lepercolony

    Last of Us 2

    watched this over and over last night. then proceeded to watch some theory vids on YT. my disappointment that there weren't any Joel/Ellie appearances was mitigated by the thought that the woman was actually . . . . . . never mind, i was gonna do a spoiler but i couldn't figure it out lol. just watch this if you dig speculation:
    1 point
  3. What's your gaming expectations? For instance what do you want to experience when you turn your console or PC on? What I think is happening is 2-fold. 1) Gamers expectations are changing and are critical of negative things quicker than in the past 2) The way that most games are made have a different model to how they were made in the past Partly, the reason I'm asking is because I'm pretty tired of how games form a toxic and negative behaviour very quickly these days. As an outsider to the CoD days, I think people had more acceptance of how games were made until over 10 years of the franchise found it difficult for people to support it any longer. I could go on but I want to hear your thoughts. I have to appreciate I'm more of a half-full kind of guy when I view things, but I and many others I would think agree that the negativity of many communities breed more negativtity and disinterest in games which is unfair to push new people away from pretty solid games.
    1 point
  4. Yeah, but then it wouldn't be unique because everyone would have it. I hate everyone looking the same [emoji23] Via the FG App
    1 point
  5. A lot has changed in gaming in recent years particuarly in the current generation. The PS3/360 era was so simple and much more enjoyable. Nowadays, you have to worry about thinks like performance, patches, DLC, microtransactions, gambling, loot boxes, pay to win and other negative elements gravely impacting even single player experiences as well as MP components. It's such a headache and the amount of distrust in the industry from a consumer standpoint is very significant now especially as the above practices are appearing in many varied titles now. Activision have taken it further with their matchmaking manipulating algorithms and now the likes of WB, Ubisoft, 2K are making their story-based campaigns so grindy; players are more enticed to pay for progress rather than play the game. I think people's expectations are very high still and there has not been many games released in this gen that would rank as some of the best of all time. The Witcher 3 is the only game that has probably showcased the standard people wanted. Games like Watch Dogs, The Division and Destiny promised so much but really missed the mark. I just want to play games without the bullshit that plague certain brands today. Divinity Original Sin 2 is probably the only title in 2017 that is 100% transparent and honest.
    1 point
  6. GazzaGarratt

    Curse of Osiris DLC

    I want to see them be clearer on the content and ask them to be really clear when talk about the game. Most of the issue I'm starting to believe is more about how people at Bungie talked and continue to talk about the game. Right now, it would be better to concise and clear about facts. Don't hide behind 'New Raid Content', just tell us what that means now. More should do the adventures and focus on those as a objective. Many are really fun to do.
    1 point
  7. The reason I didn't get the original Destiny was because the 'social shooter' had no matchmaking for the likes of Raids. I said at the time this would come back to bite them and harm the community and 3 years on they disclosed during the E3 presentation that only 50% of players participated in a Raid which now saw 'Guided Games' implemented which should've been a no-brainer in the first place. Not everyone had time to try and concot getting a team together especailly on game that is supposed to be socially-focused. In Destiny 2, we have 6 man Fireteams but for those to go into PvP; 2 have to be ommitted with the 4v4 limit. Bravo Bungie once again for simply stupid or bizarre game design decisions. I don't know whether it's down to technical limitations or simply awful design forsight but the social side of this brand is actually weak, flawed and heavily restricted. It's not too different to Ubisoft's The Crew. I like how Destiny 2 is seemless but at its core its very limited. Activision dick riders dare not say anything bad about their brands at the risk of losing their pampered event invites of free hotels and the chance to play stuff early. There's nothing worse than a Activision franchise cocksucker.
    1 point
  8. We should wake up to the age we live in where we expect mediocre in the hopes to pay more for fixing really? I'll admit they can't cater to everyone and they did a lot right towards the end of D1 but I feel this is a step back and im not alone if I didn't play this with others I'd be done I think like I dropped bf1. The lore ok for some but I care not one bit personally but ok. Could the lore hold back the possibility of adding more enemies? But bringing back stuff and calling it new content it's like reskinned maps in cod dlc etc, fine but give it as extras. I might sound overly critical but I want this game to succeed but I won't/can't get hyped yet would be happy to be proved wrong.
    1 point
  9. techno

    Curse of Osiris DLC

    There pretty good at making a trailer, but that's it, will I get it... Yup because we all know games no good after they bring down that paywall and I'll get money's worth out of it . But just more old stuff rereleased no raid( no surprise) and time travel to justify more reusable stuff.
    1 point
  10. http://www.digitalstorm.com/aura.asp Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. Bloody hell! Was he wearing spikes instead of studs?
    1 point
  12. Love the last minute of that with the stepladder analogy!
    1 point
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