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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2017 in all areas

  1. It was sad when Phil ran away with his tail tucked between his legs. I need someone to clean my trophies.
    2 points
  2. Its all about the retro look. Not only has 98Demake on youtube took Rocket League and recreated it for the Playstation 1, he's made the case to boot. This little video just shows how awesome it would've been if released nearly 20 years ago. He's done a few more that are pretty cool, Assassin's Creed, The Last of Us to name a few. Really, really cool and definitely worth a look. I think if there was enough interest, this game could be made for the PS1.
    1 point
  3. With all the news that's came out in the past few weeks about D2 and after the beta. What do you need from Destiny 2? With what they are saying bout the amount of story and then patrols that's a big thing for me. I want story. My big thing is I want the exotics to feel like exotic to me. Sort of like year one exotics were. Let's be honest after the Y1 stuff the other exotics didn't really feel,well, exotic. The iconic gums we all wanted or needed wasn't really there after Y1. They did a good job on the exotic armor but the weapons were lacking. I want it fun again mostly. I want more straight forward guest like they did in Takem King. That was a huge step forward. So what do you want?
    1 point
  4. J4MES OX4D

    The Emoji Movie

    Currently sitting at 9/100 on Metacritic http://www.metacritic.com/movie/the-emoji-movie?ref=hp
    1 point
  5. Honestly the raid is the least of my concerns. Bungie has it figured out when it comes to that. It's what to do after Tuesday reset that has left me wanting more through out the week. Plus if they keep the same system in place you can easily get leveled up and "raid " ready by doing the weekly stuff
    1 point
  6. I'd love to try and do this again but it takes a lot of energy and time on my part - which I haven't got massive amounts at the moment. There's a few things I was looking at actually to make it fun to show our fixtures and imbed a little tournament on here so it would be cool to look and visit. Let me look into this before I start rounding people up. Let's face it, I doubt anyone else will sort this out based on the last few months. In the meantime, why don't you all put your name down again on this thread if you're interested in Rocket League doubles league/tournament. That'll be a good start.
    1 point
  7. You donkeybutt, you haven't logged in with your FG account so you posted with your separate Tapatalk account!
    1 point
  8. You fucking star[emoji7] Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. The3rdWalker


    You can buy this game on PC or console and that's the only time you need to buy it. Say you play a mission on PC, when you load into the game on your PS4 your progress from PC SAVES AND IS CARRIED OVER, and the same progress when you save on PS4 and play on PC later that evening. (Should be done by so many other games). This game will be somewhat similar to warframe as it's pay for progression mixed in with loot boxes, sorry, "pinatas".
    1 point
  10. Raiding. I understand that my take on it is the minority but from the launch of Destiny I want to... Learn the raid. Beat the raid. Farm the raid. That process really leaves me with being maxed out and sitting on my thumbs until the next expansion after about 2 months of playing. I loved being a Sherpa on Reddit but come reset day I will look to do the encounter 3 times before anything else. I am hoping that the raiding is a bit lengthier and with interesting mechanics. Destiny outside of Vault of Glass being the iconic raid of the game was all kind of the same to me (Can't complain about Wrath or King's Fall.) Bullet Sponges. I hate them in general and think it's a mechanic for the lazy. Give me a boss that is hard as hell to learn and nail down, glass cannons, don't care. Story. Destiny should have released a stand alone graphic novel or novel in general. The game's lore was insanely good and we had to depend on the community to compile Grimoire cards to talk about it, stupid move. We're not going to find out what the stranger really was about and will probably miss huge parts of lore that we wanted because they dicked around on it. More spontaneous community involvement. I want to see more people in the instance be forced to gather around and complete an objective. Don't give me more spider tanks, defending confluxes etc. Make us hunt down a wanted criminal across an entire planet, make us do more interesting encounters that force us together.
    1 point
  11. It was the patrol and tons of exploring that I've been looking for. Clearly a story to go with it will be ace. It's a game where most of us didn't mind too much that we didn't know the backstory because D1 was such a good game but i'm really keen on understanding where stuff came from, why people are fighting each other, what hidden secrets are behind the key NPC's. As we all know Bungie, they have been good in the past to link up why things are said or seen in the game. Things like this would be amazing if they linked them to quests or hidden secrets to help you get some decent loot. I don't have much of a problem with the game mechanics themselves, they could've left them alone for all I cared but its nice to see them trying to improve where possible as long as it doesn't come at the detriment of the gameplay going forward.
    1 point
  12. Change your theme at the bottom to 'Dreadnought'. Then like
    1 point
  13. I'd like to like that x10 but don't have the option, I think folk can wait and if they can't well, I'll send the boys round innit. You better be playing gaemz right now
    1 point
  14. Lee, thanks for all of your work.
    1 point
  15. Okay. So I installed new update, little things you'll notice straight away, however the current default theme isn't fully optimised to work with the update so things such as 'likes' and some alignment are a few things you can't see anymore. But, you can change to the 'Work' Theme and you'll see a lot of difference already. I'm looking into the Dreadnought theme. Please bear with me as I complete some updates. Please also shout up if you see things not quite right.
    1 point
  16. GazzaGarratt

    Destiny 2 PvP

    I agree with the scout rifles, smaller maps from 4v4 play doesn't help those weapons at all. I mainly used the AR or the Titan minigun which was pretty awesome. I love how tactics can actually come into Countdown, especially with the shields. Popping them up at specific times and bottlenecks can really help you hold a point down well. Supers will also split people's opinions in PvP because people just want to win from good old 1v1 shooting. They should really think of a game mode where Supers are switched off.
    1 point
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