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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2014 in all areas

  1. techno

    Hand reared

    A couple of months ago I was out I received a call from the wife, she told me one of our three cats had brought us a present, now I'm used to dead mice, birds etc but it seems one of them ( probably the female) decided we needed something else and brought us this. It was a couple of days old so me wife and step daughter hand reared it like a child, feeding every few hours etc the wife even took him to work. Well he's now just had his first jabs. Here he's just opened his eyes Here's a few more pics as he's grown
    8 points
  2. Plumbers Crack

    Out of Context

    tronic44 on 10 Jun 2014 - 08:50AM, said: but i just love the shape, weight and feel of it.......
    6 points
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ninzFW4MIo&list=PL-DfNcB3lim_zrWrA4YIcQmtSSw0rib0e
    4 points
  4. Guest

    So...Xbox One or PS4?

    I actually have no idea why I posted this topic - I have always been aware of the PS4's obvious superiority BUT even then I have a damn video card sitting in my drawer because I have already planned to Although then again, I may end up buying a PS4 anyway to play with my low-budget school friends who have not experience the PCmasterrace who all have PS4s. And you ladies. So the comments are appreciated. However please excuse me whilst I headbutt a brick wall
    4 points
  5. J4MES OX4D

    Hand reared

    I saw the thread title 'hand reared' and I thought the worst. Thankfully this thread turned out to be the opposite; best!
    3 points
  6. TigerBurge

    Far Cry 4

    PS4 - Far Cry 4 Cinematic Trailer [E3 2014]:
    3 points
  7. Joe Cole to Aston Villa. Good to have him in the PL still.
    2 points
  8. JsinOwl

    So...Xbox One or PS4?

    I will be getting a PS4. I currently own a PS3, but was open to switching sides. My reasons: Sony supports indie game devs. I'm not sure how exactly, but many insider types have said this. Sony set out to build a game console with a gamers first mentality. MS want to take over your living room. PS4 has more impressive specs. PS4 runs a PS4 specific OS, XBone runs Windows 8, which I believe to be very much more resource intensive. MS seriously cocked up with some of their DRM decisions. I know you said exclusive titles weren't a factor, but for me it's probably the biggest factor. Seven of my top ten favorite games are PS3 exclusive titles. I hate Office 2010 and the stupid Ribbon. I want my toolbars back.
    2 points
  9. J4MES OX4D

    Far Cry 4

    Far Cry 4 gameplay
    2 points
  10. PS4 so you can game with us lovely people If we leave out which has the better hardware coughps4cough, then i really couldn't say, i've never experienced the xbone but over a million more people can't be wrong The one thing i like the most is the controller, i find the ps3 controller feels weird in my hands now but i just love the shape, weight and feel of it.......probably not the best words to put together
    2 points
  11. http://m.ign.com/articles/2014/06/10/e3-2014-gta-v-coming-to-ps4 Some will be very happy
    1 point
  12. I finished the Last of Us yesterday. Overall, I liked the story. The voice acting and animation is good. The scene were the giraffes bring Ellie out of her shellshock is one of my favorite scenes from any video game anywhere. You really feel emotionally invested in her at that point, and you're rooting for her to break out of it and return to her former chipper self. The giraffe thing, and they way its presented, is top shelf. However a few things degrade the story, IMO. I can suspend disbelief for the whole "shit ton of apex predators with a dwindling prey source still seem to be doing just fine and multiplying" thing common with zombie themed games. I can suspend disbelief when guards routinely act like Star Trek Red Shirts and wander down dark alleys by themselves to investigate the sound of a bottle breaking, and promptly forget they were in a firefight if they survive. I can suspend disbelief that there's always a handy ladder or plank right where you need one, and that you never bother to remove them to keep your enemies from having an easy way to follow you. I can sort of suspend disbelief when you kill someone and can't take their gear (the guy who was just walking around with a shotgun apparently has no shotgun or ammunition once you kill him). I can't suspect disbelief of "no fucking way" moments in the story line in a game that's primarily about the story. 1) When Joel falls on the rebar and it goes through his abdomen. That's pretty fucking hard to suspect disbelief on. One, the way they get him off would have torn him up even more. With as many blood vessels as he'd have torn, he'd have blood out really fast. That's why EMT's are trained to cut the rebar off and leave it in the body to block the blood vessels up, its not removed until the person is in surgery. With all the bacteria released into his bloodstream from his digestive tract being punctured (no way that missed his intestines), no way in fuck a single injection of penicillin is counteracting that. Then there's the fact de passes out, falls off a horse, and his only help is someone who isn't strong enough to get him back on a horse, yet somehow manages to get him to another neighborhood, while he's bleeding out, and apparently sews him up so good his internal organs are working just fine. He should have punctured a thigh if they wanted heavy but survivable blood loss, hampered mobility, and a survivable infection setting in. 2) Going to the hospital, its apparent you're gearing up for a big fight. There are more supplies available than anywhere else in the game. It ruins the surprise of having to continue to fight. Arriving and having to run what your brung, or only gaining the supplies after the fighting starts, would have preserved the surprise much better. 3) Oh, bullshit. They have to kill her instead of just taking cultures? That's not only stupid, that's ridiculous. You're going to kill the one source of new samples that you have? In a world where refrigeration relies on generators and whatever gas you can find in tanks of abandoned cars that are years old? I get its a plot device to make a moral conflict (one that, like every other choice in the game is made for you since you are playing a movie, not an RPG), but that's just too damn dumb to feel real. 4) Oh, bullshit, "they stopped looking for a cure?" How about "they got the cultures they needed, and we left" How's that going to play out for the relationship with the word inevitably gets back? So really, everything you did was for nothing. Actually, it was for worse than nothing. More scientists/doctors who understand the underlying principals of making a vaccine are dead. One more band of survivors is decimated and stripped of its leader, and for what? That's incredibly unsatisfying. I can get futility in the real world, I like to "win" in video games.
    1 point
  13. A reimagined version of the original game to go along with the upcoming movie. I was hoping to hear this at E3 because R&C is quite possibly my favorite franchise of all time. Both game and movie will arrive first half 2015. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/06/09/ratchet-clank-announced-for-ps4/
    1 point
  14. Wow that scarecrow looks amazing!
    1 point
  15. What's with that announcer voice!
    1 point
  16. All in good time my man. I'm aiming for November
    1 point
  17. One of the only games I enjoyed watching.
    1 point
  18. Jason

    Hand reared

    Can I suggest something... Get the kitty fiv /leukemia tested ASAP. If you haven't already. Edit: Just realized I don't know if you're from the US or UK, those viruses may not be as big of a thing in the UK. Idk. I was a vet tech for 10 years and saw so many cases of fiv/leuk.
    1 point
  19. I see your point for sure, but with little to play on the ps4 that interests me... GIVE IT TO ME BUNGIE, NOW!
    1 point
  20. Unbelievably, Call of Duty become the first eSports to be invited to compete at X Games. Anyway, I haven't created this to get a discussion on why they were invited, it's a post discussion on what actually happened at the event. I haven't seen Kiwi in a bit so he may have appreciated it but someone else might and I'm bored as hell. The event had 8 teams, 3 qualified by finishing top 3 from Champs and the other 5 was decided by their pro points. The 2 pools were: A, Evil Geniuses (formerly Complexity), Team Kaliber, OpTic Nation, Strictly Business B, EnvyUs, OpTic Gaming, FaZe Red, Curse Oranage 2 teams from each pool go through to the semis, Evil Genisuses, Team Kaliber, EnvyUs and OpTic Gaming. tK topped A, beating EG and ON, OpTic finished on top of pool B by beating FaZe Red and then EnvyUs. There was a bit of controvery about the EnvyUs game against OpTic. Before their match, tK beat EG (who are the best team in the game) so the winner of OpTic/EnvyUs would play them. Apparently, EnvyUs threw the match so they would have to play an extra game against another team, which if they would win they would then go play tK instead of EG for a place in the finals. OpTic won 3-1 so a lot of rumours that they did throw it. I personally don't think they did, I think OpTic beat them fairly 3-1. Anyway semis, and where the irony happened if the throwing of the game was true. EnvyUs lost to tK. I think it was 3-1 but tK were brilliant. This put them in the final and EnvyUs in a consolation match for bronze. OpTic and EG was a brilliant series. EG took the first map on Freight DOM. It was close until the last 90 seconds. Apparently Scumpii's contact was falling out so he had an awful game. Second game, OpTic took the SnD and it's worth posting the video of the final round, OpTic leading 5-4 and ProoFy does this: OpTic then took Blitz on Warhawk 7-3. They then took the final DOM on Strikezone to go through to the gold final match against tK. EG beat EnvyUs to the bronze medal, winning the final SnD and the match 3-2. OpTic beat tK in the final 3-2, for Nadeshot's first MLG win and OpTic's first win since the start of Black Ops 2. All videos can be found on http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialMLGCoD. I would recommend watching this SnD though, the final map between OpTic and tK, brilliant ending...
    1 point
  21. Playertd

    Far Cry 4

    Sweeeeet can't wait for this game! Glad they finally added coop.
    1 point
  22. BO7H B4RRELS

    Far Cry 4

    I'm definitely looking forward to Far Cry 4. Thanks for the videos guys.
    1 point
  23. I'd say PS4 just for the numbers. I think PS4 leads XBONE 2 to 1 right now and growing. Also there have been a few "free" games that are pretty good. A lot of us play Warframe. Planetside 2 is coming soon. DC universe online (if you like that kind of stuff). I've always had a playstation so I can't comment about making the change but I like my PS4, I just wish there were more games at the moment but is coming
    1 point
  24. I don't have one (yet?) but if I had to choose where to put my money it would be on SONY and a PS4. 1.) Bluntly, FUCK MICROSOFT Xeverything! I have no confidence in them. Not because I'm a fan boy of one or the other, I've been fortunate enough to have both [XB/PS2, 360/PS3], but because the 360 is an abomination. Their persons in charge, consoles, peripherals and the way they conduct business are garbage and in no way benefit a customer. (Releasing a console they knew would break, racing wheel that sets on fire, THE WORST D-pad ever made in the history of gaming, camera that when plugged in reaches unsafe temperatures, HDDVD, don't move the console when playing a game if you don't want the game disc totally ruined, etc...) 2.) Just recently one of the morons in charge stated that they are working on having a larger influence in the PC gaming market. Trying to figure out how to copy Steam basically. Think about that for a second... Microsoft wanting to get in on the PC gaming market. The same fucking assholes who's operating system is on billions of PCs just now decide to beef up their PC presance. They have no fucking idea what they are doing. 0% 3.) Most XBONE games are coming out running at lover resolutions than the PS4. Argue who's better all you want. I'm used to playing games on PC so I prefer to play in 1080p not 920 upscaled. "Next-gen" . (Ribbing a friend last night over buying Watch Dogs for XBONE when his PC would crush it. He said it looks worse than GTAV on PS3 at times. I value his opinion(s).) If you don't care about exclusives you should build a gaming PC and cock a snook at console gaming.
    1 point
  25. J4MES OX4D

    E3 2014

    The remaining schedule in US time Tue10 08:30aIGN's Nintendo Pre-Show 09:00aNintendo Digital Event 10:00aIGN's Post-Show (w/ Special Guest) 11:00aSunset Overdrive 11:20aFable Legends 11:40aKiller Instinct Season 2 01:00pThe Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 01:20pDestiny 01:40pThe Order: 1886 02:00pCall of Duty: Advanced Warfare 02:20pNintendo Game 03:00pDragon Age: Inquisition 03:20pLittleBigPlanet 3 04:20pBattlefield: Hardline 04:40pHomefront: The Revolution 05:00pThe Division 05:20pCivilization: Beyond Earth 05:40pBelow 06:00pHelldivers 06:20pMurasaki Baby 06:40pDRIVECLUB Wed11 11:00aEntwined 11:20aBig Fest 11:40aEA Sports Game 12:00pShadow of Mordor 12:50pBattleCry 02:10pNintendo Game 02:40pMortal Kombat X 03:00pAssassin's Creed Unity 03:20pAlien: Isolation 03:40pDark Souls II DLC 04:10pNintendo Game 04:40pMadden NFL 15 05:00pProject Spark 05:20pBorderlands: The Pre-Sequel 05:40pFar Cry 4 06:00pThe Crew 06:20pRainbow Six Siege 06:40pLara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Thu12 11:00aNintendo Game 11:20aLego Batman 3 11:40aHunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age 12:00pDiablo III PS4 12:20pDying Light 12:40pEVE: Valykrie 02:10pNintendo Game 02:40pKingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix 03:00pTales of Xilia 2 03:20pID@Xbox Showcase 03:40pMetro: Redux 04:00pLords of the Fallen 04:20pArena of Fate 04:40pHotline Miami 2 05:00pPlanetSide 2 PS4 05:20pMetal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pai
    1 point
  26. Watched the Wolf of Wall Street and Dallas Buyers Club both were exceptional films and for years i haven't like Matthew McConaughey but he was simply incredible in this film and fully deserved his Oscar! The next film i'll watch will be 12 years a slave, haven't had a chance to watch it yet, want to make sure i can give it my full intention.
    1 point
  27. Arkham Knight gameplay
    1 point
  28. Fair play to him if that's his boyhood team, not sure he'll get to play in the derby games next season though
    1 point
  29. I don't think I will buy this again, not even for the PC and the mods. I finished it once and it was a great way to depart the last generation but online it didn't have much longevity and once you finished the story; there wasn't much to do.
    1 point
  30. I had a 360 for 7 years but had to switch to the PS4 when I discovered Microsoft were backstabbing twats who can't maintain a decision and have a limited selection of exclusive games worth playing. The damage has been done for me and no matter what they do in the future; the way they have treated the industry isn't for the good of the gamer.
    1 point
  31. tronic44

    RIP Rik Mayall

    I can't like this post enough! One the the best episodes of Blackadder ever! Looks like i'm breaking them out tonight, watched the Young One's last night
    1 point
  32. I managed to watch a bit of this. Was impressed by the Optic team as a whole. Everyone had their moments to shine. I think my fqvourite game was Optic vs Envy on S&D Octane. They all had a time to shine in that and looked a very together unit. Good series to watch and nice to see Nadeshot get a win after all this time
    1 point
  33. Official Destiny E3 Trailer -- New Beginnings:
    1 point
  34. I don't really have anything nice to say about this game so i'll leave with this:
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Don't know if this is known info here, but saw beta was confirmed for 7/17
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. techno

    Battlefield: Hardline

    There's quite a few mp videos gone up.
    1 point
  39. Megan

    Edge of Tomorrow

    Saw it yesterday, and I liked it! (which is saying something, because I make an effort to not like Tom Cruise movies ) The focused a lot on the actual 'alien takeover' aspect of the movie, which was a nice surprise.
    1 point
  40. phil bottle

    RIP Rik Mayall

    ^This, Flash always cracked me up. "Hey nursey, am I pleased to see you or is that a canoe in my pocket?" I'm usually immune to famous deaths but I was a bit choked when I heard about Rik passing away. He was truly unique, a comedy genius in my opinion, and made me piss my pants for decades.
    1 point
  41. J4MES OX4D

    The Division

    The Division E3 2014 gameplay. Exclusive content to Xbox One
    1 point
  42. BoroVC

    RIP Rik Mayall

    RIP Rik Mayall. This is very sad news. His comic timing was legendary and was a much loved figure for me when I was growing up. I must've watched every episode of Bottom hundreds of times and knew every line off by heart. Brilliant in everything he was in. The Young Ones, Bottom, The New Statesman, Comic Strip Presents, Blackadder, Drop Dead Fred... he was a great talent. Will be very sadly missed.
    1 point
  43. Spurs till he gets better then they'll take him back
    1 point
  44. It's like they've run out of things to moan about! Next they'll change the shape of a rugby ball because it's too pointy
    1 point
  45. Only non playing political morons could even think up this concept. What is the fucking point in even getting out of your jimmies in the morning and venturing into the big wide world when you have idiots like this suggesting such idiotic proposals?? Surely they have better things to do with their "valuable" time. You know, like propping up the bar(s) in Westminster. Now people will begin to understand my complete hate of politicians no matter what their affiliation.............grrrrrrrrrr..........and relax
    1 point
  46. When Adrian Chiles starts talking
    1 point
  47. Playertd

    Last movie you watched

    Watched escape plan, was a pretty good movie. Those actors are old as fuck though lol!
    1 point
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