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    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2014 in all areas

  1. See, there IS a problem with PC. You always have too many games Like, it doesn't matter if there's 6 games I haven't played yet, steam can't be selling games for five bucks. Because then I'll 7 games I haven't played yet.
    2 points
  2. Yes! I'm glad more people are getting into warframe... Nothing in this game is explained well at all... I'll try and sum a few things up, if there is anything else just ask, I'm still quite new so I don't know everything but I'm getting there... -Weapon blueprints can be brought for credits from the store for credits. - Better weapons, or more desirable weapons (prime weapons) are found in the void missions, usually on completion, if your lucky. -Some blueprints are awarded from daily log in prizes, I have a gorgon blueprint which I found out is only available as a daily prize and is no longer available to buy. -Warframe blueprints are usually found on completion of boss levels, with the exception of Oberon, I believe they can be found pretty much anywhere if your lucky, after completing a boss level, you get your prize of a helmet, systems or chassis blueprint. - Each boss has a certain Warframe set of blueprints, E.G. Boss Alad V, has Valkyr helmet, chassis and systems blueprints, beat the level you get 1 of them, you can get duplicates so it may take up to around 10 completions to get all 3 parts... Once all 3 parts are acquired, you can build them in foundry, providing you have the correct resources. After they are built, you need to head to the store and buy the relevant blueprint, then you may construct your new Warframe, it takes 72 hours. -Prime warframe parts are also found on Void missions, with a very low chance of actually acquiring the parts... -Void keys are missions just like regular missions but set in an Orokin tower, like a fancy palace. The enemy's are harder depending on if your key is a I, II, III. Keys are where the best items are acquired, keys are also 1 time completion, if you complete the mission and reap the rewards, your key is gone and you must acquire more... Fail and you may keep trying. Keys can be given from alert missions, daily log ins, awards from missions or brought with platinum. -Derelict keys are made in the foundry, and act the same as void keys, but different rewards, and the enemy's are the infested, and is set on a derelict ship so it's a lot more dark and gloomy. Derelict assassination keys and boss are the only place Nekros Warframe blueprints can be awarded. Also, if you haven't already noticed, this game wants you to buy platinum, platinum can get you the best gear quickly, but anything you want is fully aquirable on your own without spending a penny. It just takes a lot of time... Hope some of this helps!
    2 points
  3. Diddums


    Day off. Decided to give this a go. Just about to start episode 4 and it's fucked up. Seriously fucked up. I love it. Wife loves it. Back later.
    2 points
  4. I noticed a similarity in the pictures you post of people you don't like, everyone ends up with a dildo in their hand Fully deserved, especially Adrian Cuntface Charles! I had to look it up but that's actually his middle name, apparently his parents hated him as well
    2 points
  5. NCA-Paendrag

    Watch Dogs

    The driving is growing on me. Easier when using the handbrake when turning. I felt like Jim Carrey in the movie where his life is tv show when he tries to sail away and hit an invisible wall. Took a boat and went out to the lighthouse and not far out from there is the edge of the map. Oh, and have Jam Comms ready, especially when doing Gang attacks etc. so you can scramble civilians calling the cops.
    2 points
  6. MOD: Removed my own post because I think I'm funny but I'm not.
    2 points
  7. Saw this yesterday and thought it was pretty amazing so wanted to share it. IT'S a volcano, but not as we know it. This cerulean eruption takes place in the Danakil Depression, a low-lying plain in Ethiopia. The volcano's lava is the usual orange-red – the blue comes from flames produced when escaping sulphuric gases burn. French photographer Olivier Grunewald creates such images without using colour filters or digital enhancement, which is no simple task. To get this shot he had to wait until dusk, when the electric blue flames were visible, but before all the daylight had ebbed away. Then the wind had to be blowing away from him so he could get close enough. Photographing the similarly sulphurous Kawah Ijen volcano in Indonesia, where he worked inside the crater, was even more treacherous. "We have to take care when the winds push the flames close to us," he says. "In Danakil it is easier to escape as the land is flat." Grunewald works in a gas mask to avoid breathing in the deadly fumes – but photographing Kawah Ijen still left him with peeling skin and clothes smelling of rotten eggs for weeks afterwards. Another drawback of Grunewald's subject matter is that the acidic gases don't agree with his cameras. But it's worth it, he says. "The phenomenon is so uncommon – we really feel like we are on another planet." http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22229700.100-ethiopias-blue-volcano-burns-deadly-sulphuric-gas.html#.U4WWE_ldV15
    1 point
  8. Diddums


    Some of the WoW devs left Blizzard a while ago and started developing this game. It releases on the 1st of June and it looks epic. It's an MMO with an awesome spacey setting, and everyone who's played it so far says it's good. The only thing that is holding me back is the subscription model, although if WoW is anything to go by, it means a very well polished product which is always well maintained. If it turns out to be good, this might be the game that takes some of my WoW time away.
    1 point
  9. As Tommy mentioned in the shoutbox; Battlefield 3 is free on Origin until June 3rd!! I think this includes all the DLC too.
    1 point
  10. Decent signing... Better bench player than aspas, tbh Liverpool only really need squad players and full backs. Just that little something from the bench, after the starting XI liverpools squad is really weak...
    1 point
  11. crippled_viper

    Favela Remake

    So I hate the fact that they have no creativity when they reuse old maps. But ponder this, they are charging us for old maps which we have already paid for in the past. Either it being from another game or DLC.
    1 point
  12. Sennex

    Watch Dogs

    Random Thought: So in games like this, typically the player goes big, gets the flashiest car there is and gets all nutso with it What if the Dev's took this into consideration? What if they are forcing us to choose cars that in real life people would ignore, by giving them better handling? This would be a really creative way to force the "anonymous" nature of the game onto the player. Everyone notices Lambo's and Porsche's, but how many notice a damn Hyundai Elantra?
    1 point
  13. Baabcat

    Favela Remake

    So Charlieintel was completely right. It's not a remake, they couldn't even be bothered to do that. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    1 point
  14. Sennex

    Watch Dogs

    Its almost like this game is in backwards land, where the motorcycles and crappy scooters have better handling than everything else. I can't wait to unlock the Garbage truck. I have a feeling that that is going to be an OP beast mode vehicle
    1 point
  15. deterioration


    That episode (S01E04) was banned here in the US. Make sure you're watching Oeuf and not Coquilles.
    1 point
  16. Sennex

    Watch Dogs

    Got to play for a few hours last night I am up to Act 1 Mission 3, The mission after the Birthday party. I started doing side missions because what J4mes said will most likely be pretty accurate. IDK about the driving though. Its not "bad" but its not good. Some cars do handle differently, but the sports car that you get in the first mission fucking sucked to drive. It took me, no joke, 40 minutes or so, to get away from the cops. I ended up taking out fences, gates, pedestrians and pretty much everything. About 20 minutes in, I ditched to a blue minivan and was able to escape for the most part pretty quickly, but I had so many "stars" by then that the helicopters were tailing me. I finally ditched and went for a swim under a bridge, and then after waiting did the cops go away. Moral of the story: Swim if you want to get away from cops easily. Also, the first vigilante mission is hysterical, I ended up doing three of them, and even if the "victim" of the crime dies, but you still beat up the attacker, you win the mission. So stay in cover until the person is dead, then go up and beat the crap out of the bad guy. Its pretty obvious that they didn't' think this game through all the way, which I expected as Ubisoft likes to split their games between like 30 design houses
    1 point
  17. So Tommy,Jason and myself started playing this last night. Fun game but I have no idea what I'm doing. No real instructions on what you're doing. So do you unlock weapons and such as you progress? Where do you find blue prints and other items to craft items?
    1 point
  18. For this hand painted picture. It measures 48" x 30" and is obviously one of a kind. The reason i ask is my father in law really enjoys creating bespoke pictures but wants to know if there is any way he'd be able to cover his costs and also get a resonable return on the hours invested. All feedback is appreciated. He's not the type to ask other people's opinions!! Edit: Not trying to flog it on here! Just wanted to get a gauge as i couldn't find much info on google
    1 point
  19. It depends on how much the company cares. Disney cares. Fair use ends when you are selling the item.
    1 point
  20. tronic44

    Favela Remake

    1 point
  21. Party chat has been the best thing ever, i know all you xbox traitors had it but damn it's good! I know there aren't a lot of games out for it yet but i'm glad i've got one for when they do. Don't want to get to a point where games start flooding out and i want to buy them all but need to get the console first. Buying early is definitely worth it if you enjoy playing many games, instead of saving for a console i'm now putting money aside for about 5 or 6 games. This is actually the main reason for me, i know not everyone has one yet but the fact so many of us have or are getting one just makes it so much better. Glad you guys eventually saw the light
    1 point
  22. Less than the copyright holders would sue for, probably. Honestly I have never paid more than $100 for hand painted work. His best bet is to paint some non copyrighted material and approach a local gallery.
    1 point
  23. unfortunately not but Delia in my eyes is a complete dick so the two go hand in hand in the picture! Share among Ipswich fans accordingly if you please
    1 point
  24. No regrets other than purchasing the new maps for Ghosts. I've quite enjoyed Ghosts and if you can pick it up cheap, it's not that bad. I'm looking forward to more games coming out. This is the first console that I really bought within a few weeks of release. The difference between PS3 and the PS4 games is unreal. Seriously, when I go back to the PS3 after a while, it feels so old.
    1 point
  25. Playertd

    Watch Dogs

    Chris is on his way to becoming a sophisticated gamer This game looks really cool but I don't think I could deal with shitty driving, same reason I couldn't get into saints row 3.
    1 point
  26. And you get to play with me now
    1 point
  27. deterioration


    Well we see there was going to be a conflict between Hannibal and Jack in the beginning of the first episode of the season.
    1 point
  28. Jason

    Elliott Rodger

    I've personally never even heard of a "men's rights movement." I also find it sad that you need a group to teach you how to be a damn man. Sad.
    1 point
  29. Jason

    Elliott Rodger

    Interesting viewpoint in this article... Points fingers towards the "men's rights movement" http://m.dailykos.com/story/2014/05/24/1301671/-Elliot-Roger-Gunman-in-California-Mass-Shooting-was-influenced-by-the-Men-s-Rights-Movement
    1 point
  30. J4MES OX4D

    Elliott Rodger

    From what I saw of Elliott Rodger; it seems his wealthy parents spoiled him throughout his life and that he expected everything to go his way and be on a plate for him. His attitudes to women and life in general was worrying. I have grave concern for the youth of today and society in general. Parents that are happy seeing their kids playing on Xbox for 6 hours a night, no fresh air, Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, One Direction and Chris Brown as role models and this image that they have to maintain on social networks of being beautiful in all selfies and having as many friends as possible. I'd hate to be under 21 these days. The social pressures it seems is just too much now. Even guys are under pressure having perfect hair, skin, muscles and clothes. If someone doesn't fit the expectations; they get slated or bitched about by others. Also this fanboy culture we see in music and videgames has lead to people losing the plot, making death threats and literally going 'mental'. It's a far cry from the easy days I used to know. I think society is on the brink of collapse and I think metal illness particularly in young people will go through the roof with all the daily social pressures it seems.
    1 point
  31. deterioration

    Elliott Rodger

    After reading updates all day it looks like race and misogyny have trumped the gun debate in this case. As said in previous posts people are using this tragedy as another springboard for their agendas. Not knowing all of his imbalances or mental issues: I don’t know if I agree with the blanket theory of misogyny and men seeing woman as sexual objects. I think it has to do with selfishness, jealousy, young mentality and under developed social interactions. I’m positive most of us have gone through being jealous and having our hearts stomped in the mud. This kid didn’t even get as far as "be careful what you wish for you just might get it". Seems to me like if someone took the time to talk to him and let him know everyone goes through the same shit in life it might have helped him? Maybe someone did? Has me wondering what if he was in a relationship and the girl cheated on or dumped him and got a new man? Would he have killed them and their families? Hopefully this will get people talking to their kids and will help prevent stage 5 clingers, psycho stalkers, property damage, assaults, etc… in the future.
    1 point
  32. Docwagon

    Elliott Rodger

    Yet murder is illegal so that we can sequester that person away and keep them from doing it again, or be able to arrest them for attempt or conspiracy to commit and prevent a life lost. Stricter gun laws can prevent crime, if done appropriately. Banning cosmetic features or wholesale prohibition is not doing it appropriately. Allowing the mental ill to be disarmed does. Indiana has the "Jake Laird law" because a mentally unstable person had their guns confiscated, petitioned the court and got them back, and then murdered his mother and shot up the neighborhood, killing one cop and wounding several others. Had the law allowed his crazy ass to be held in a mental institution or prohibited him from getting his guns back, the tragedy could likely have been avoided. http://www.odmp.org/officer/17421-officer-timothy-jacob-jake-laird Since I work in Homicide & Robbery, I get a stat sheet on every homicide, murder or otherwise, in our county. Very few murderers don't have weapons priors along with multiple prior felony and drug arrests (as do a majority of victims, for that matter). Stricter enforcement for weapons offenses for felons would prevent crimes, as those assholes would be in jail instead of back out carrying guns and slinging dope again.
    1 point
  33. Drifter

    Elliott Rodger

    I won't get too deep into the gun control debate, but I will say this. Stricter gun laws do nothing to prevent crimes and anyone that thinks they will are just simply kidding themselves. Murder is a crime but that doesn't stop people from committing it does it. People can, and will get weapons to commit crimes no matter what the laws are, be it gun, knife, IED, baseball bat, chemicals you name it, there's many ways to commit heinous and senseless acts towards your fellow man. Legally or illegally owning a gun is honestly a null point in cases of crimes. For those that are mentally ill or not mentally ill, if they can not get a gun legally then they will simply get one illegally (a lot easier than you would think in certain areas trust me) or they will just use some other means of mass murdering people such as just running them down in his car. Honestly there is too much garbage after an incident like this happens where both sides of the debate as well as the Government waste so much effort and time talking and fighting about gun control when they should be addressing the real underlying problems. Which is proper treatment for mentally ill persons, and stricter punishments for criminals rather than slapping people on the wrist and letting them back out into the world (not the case here but is the case in other incidents). The other thing that obviously the Gov has no control over, but which I believe is another main reason for senseless murders ...and that is the deterioration of morals/values and improper upbringing over the past two decades. There's been more senseless murders like this over the past 20 yrs than there ever was in the 50 yrs before that, there's a reason for that and it's the way society is these days. Anyway that's all I'll say about this because this sort of discussion can get pretty emotionally fueled and I don't like to get too deep into them, but the above is my .02 for what it's worth.
    1 point
  34. BoroVC

    Elliott Rodger

    Whiny, rich kid goes on a killing spree because he's pissed off he can't lose his virginity. What a fucking loser.
    1 point
  35. Dark Souls £6.79
    1 point
  36. J4MES OX4D

    PC Game Deals/Giveaways

    Autumn Sale: Bioshock Infinite £12.49 Skyrim £3.74 Left 4 Dead 2 £3.74 The Walking Dead £5.24 Sleeping Dogs £3.99 Outlast £5.09 Counterstrike GO £5.99 Garrys Mod £2.99 State of Decay £10.09 Skyrim Legendary £10.19 Civilization 5 Gold £14.99 The Stanley Parable £7.49 Borderlands 2 £9.99 Dark Souls £6.79 Far Cry 3 £9.99 Assassins Creed II £4.99 Valve Complete Collection (25 games) £25!
    1 point
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