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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2014 in all areas

  1. Developers: Sledgehammer Games (Xbox One, PS4, and PC) // Another studio (TBA) (Xbox 360 & PS3) Available November 4th on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, and PC. Official Description: Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare, developed by Sledgehammer Games (co-developers of Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3), harnesses the first three-year, all next-gen development cycle in franchise history. Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare envisions the powerful battlegrounds of the future, where both technology and tactic have evolved to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Delivering a stunning performance, Academy Award® winning actor Kevin Spacey stars as Jonathan Irons – one of the most powerful men in the world – shaping this chilling vision of the future of war. Campaign: Players will be playing as Private Mitchell, voiced by Troy Baker. The campaign is set after a massive catastrophic attack “similar to 9/11.” Game opens with an attack by the KVA, an international terrorist organization equipped with EXO Suits. Mitchell will be fighting alongside Will Irons, son of Jonathan Irons, to stop the attack on the US soil. Afterwards, Jonathan Irons confronts Mitchell and hires him to join Atlas PMCs. Mitchell accepts his offer and starts working for him. Set in the year 2054. Features new “Exoskeletons” design for soldiers. Private Military Corporations (PMCs) have become dominant armed forces for countless nations outsourcing their military needs. Kevin Spacey stars as Jonathan Irons – the most powerful man in the world within the game. Irons runs the Atlas Corporations – the main company and villain in the game. A PMC has emerged with the power to rescue humanity from a devastated world struggling to rebuild after a global attack on its military and infrastructure. Game features technological advancements and high-tech gear. Features a new HUD which makes the entire action more immersive. The typical “Follow” icon from previous games has been changed to now be a part of your HUD and improved to be more futuristic. Game no longer features the typical Call of Duty campaign loading screens with the random voice talking quickly about your objective. Narration is key to SHGames, the loading screens will tell more of a story and give you more information as you play. Advanced Warfare has only one protagonist. Sledgehammer Games wants the technology in the game to be realistic – be things that can actually happen in the future. Exo Suits can be upgraded after each mission; amount of upgrades you can do will depend upon how many points you have. A female soldier plays a major role in the campaign; she’s introduced after the second-third mission of the game. If a soldier has to be dropped into a mission from the air, it is done via drop pods. Campaign Missions: “Induction” – Seoul, South Korea – First Mission of the game. “BioLab” – This mission revolves around the stealth aspect, and for the first time they showed the invisibility ability in action. You use the invisibility to pass by a big portion of the area to remain undetected from the drones and enemies. “Collapse” – San Francisco, CA - This was a very exciting and action packed mission. It takes place in San Francisco; some of the gameplay is in the Advanced Warfare Reveal Trailer. New Player Abilities: You are the advanced soldier: through boost jumps and grappling, covert cloaking abilities, and biomechanics that provide unparalleled strength, awareness, endurance, and speed. Players can also climb walls, boost-dodge, use zip lines, perform super-jumps, cloak themselves with optic camo, and hover in mid-air. New Exoskeleton armor will fundamentally change some of the abilities and features within Call of Duty. You can jump out of the way of enemies, sort of like a side ways dash jump. New Arsenal: New “variable grenades”, that can be cooked from a concussion grenade to a threat-detector. Threat-detection grenade highlights enemies via an augmented reality system visible in your visor. Some weapons are energy-based, and do not use traditional ammunition. New vehicle: Pitbull, which is based on the real world Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle. New walking tank in the game, moves on its own. Multiplayer: Exo Suits will be in multiplayer. Gadgets will “not be OP”. Female soldiers are returning. Other: Game being built on a whole new engine and a whole new audio engine. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC comes FIRST to Xbox One & Xbox 360. Advanced Warfare will have some sort of a co-op mode, TBA later.
    3 points
  2. Sennex

    it got better

    Everything should be fine now
    3 points
  3. Thanks guys BTW Dave, i didn't realise you changed your hair colour to ginger! Cross dressing, well......
    2 points
  4. I watched The Wolf of Wall Street. Excellent film that I would definitely recommend watching.
    2 points
  5. …The Titan fell is what happened. The amount of buzz and hype behind Titanfall (dubbed “The COD Killer”) prior to launch was off the charts. Critics everywhere were saying it was a game changer and game of the year, and initially we agreed with them. We fell for the hype and were big fans of the game and even started TitanfallBlog.com. We were present for the reveal at the Microsoft press conference last year, saw a demo at E3 and even went hands on with it at Gamescom, Eurogamer and at community events. Titanfall made a GREAT first impression, and it still does. It wasn’t until about a week after launch did we realize it might not have enough steam to keep the hypetrain going, and we’re starting to think we were right. It’s been nearly 2 months now since launch and judging by fan feedback on Twitter and through the web site, we’re hearing a lot of the same complaints which is what we think is the reason behind it’s downfall and coincidently, the reason behind Call of Duty’s success… 1) Guns and unlocks This is by far the biggest complaint we have for Titanfall and the most common one we read about. 1 sniper rifle and 1 shotgun is unacceptable in this day and age when games like Call of Duty and Battlefield have 5+ to select from for each class. That feeling of “gotta reach level 40 to unlock that new sniper rifle” or “1 more kill for that new camo” are gone. Why should I keep grinding? 2) No Traditional Campaign Titanfall’s MP campaign was a huge gamble that unfortunately didn’t pay off. Gone are the “Oh shit” moments, instead you can beat the campaign by camping and just waiting for the match to end. Respawn even admitted in “Final Hours of Titanfall” that the MP Campaign design was chosen so they wouldn’t delay the game. 3) AI Bots We know they were added with inexperienced players in mind, in addition to the maps needing to be large enough for Titans so you would need more things to shoot at, but I think we can all agree that the AI minions in Titanfall might as well be paper targets. Im not even sure how anyone could market them as “AI” seeing as how stupid they are. Theres no fun (and honor) in shooting something that doesn’t know how to shoot back at you. 4) Auto-Titan enabled because Titans are no fun The game, marketing, and story all revolve around Titans… yet no one wants to play as a Titan which is evident when every Titan in a match is set to auto-Titan. They looked cool and fun in the trailer but all they do is manage to prevent you from your next wall run (which is the coolest part of the game). These are in no particular order either. All 4 points were major in our opinion that contributed to Titanfall’s fall from grace. Don’t get me wrong, we still play Titanfall from time to time but it clearly didn’t turn out to be the game we thought it would be… Let us know about your experience in the comments below. http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/05/09/what-happened-to-titanfall-aka-the-cod-killer/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
    1 point
  6. Stretch616

    The Inbetweeners 2

    Awesome trailer! Looking forward to this
    1 point
  7. J4MES OX4D

    The Inbetweeners 2

    Gotta resurrect this for the trailer
    1 point
  8. Sennex

    it got better

    me explaining databases to Dave:
    1 point
  9. techno


    Found this kind of funny. Certainly can relate.
    1 point
  10. Map names leaked as Sunken Dragon, Propaganda, Pearl Market and Lumpini Garden. Pearl Market is in Beijing Limpini Gardens in is Bangkok A new possible game mode has been discovered call Chainlink which is a bit like Conquest but you have to capture points that link with others to further bleed the enemy objectives. A leak from the code is here:
    1 point
  11. Diddums

    it got better

    One of the people in the picture is Sennex. The other is me. You guess who is who.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Palle

    Random Pictures

    Most upvoted comment on Reddit
    1 point
  14. Diddums

    Diablo III

    It's not bad. It's not good, brilliant or whatever, just not bad. The PC version was plagued with bots and shit that were farming for stuff, so they could sell said stuff on the real cash auction house, I don't know if that transferred over to the consoles or not. It also got a bit samey samey after a while, after a few hours I was just thinking "how about some sunshine?", it was all drab and dreary, which is the point of the game, but that's the main thing that made me stop playing, and interest waned. I'm not sure if the consoles will have all the stuff that PCs had, we literally had thousands of goodies, and the map was massive. If so I'll be impressed, but I doubt it.
    1 point
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