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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2014 in all areas

  1. I just saw this on Reddit. Freaking awesome.
    7 points
  2. Docwagon

    In a thread: Success

    So I had a guy shot today in an attempt car jacking. He calls 911, gets put on hold (yeah, seriously) and drives himself to the hospital since he's close. I ask for uniform guys to go check the area he said it happened and try to find a crime scene. Often people who drive themselves to the hospital were either shot doing criminal activity or shot themselves, etc. and are trying to cover it up, so I want to check his story. They say they can't find a crime scene. I interview the guy and he seems legit. The bullet had taken a downward trajectory through his leg and had exited, and he said the suspect used a gun like a Glock. I grab an evidence tech and go out to the scene for myself. I do a grid search and find a disturbance in the grass that looks fresh, a hole with a small mound of dirt. I ask the ET if he has a shovel and he says no (and, really, why would he?) so I ask a neighbor on the porch if he has a shovel we can borrow. He lends us a spade. 5" down is a pristine bullet, rifling marks intact, absolutely gorgeous. ET photos and collects it. Based on the direction of where I knew the suspects approached from, the fact the vast majority of handguns eject to the right and back, and the location of the hole, I did a second grid search for the spent casing. The ET had already checked that area and given up, saying how amazing it was I'd found the bullet. I said "you can't find what you don't look for" and about 2 seconds later, found the casing. It was an aluminum case and blended it really well with the pavement color. It may or may not lead to an arrest, depending on if we can find a gun or get a NIBIN hit, but it felt pretty damned awesome to find it, especially the bullet in the ground.
    5 points
  3. I haven't posted in there yet, will as soon as Im finished here. And nope, dont know him IRL, just gaming. He came into my livestream the day the RIPPER released and I was going for a 4 hour gold challenge live. He kept coming back, and chilling and now we play a good bit
    3 points
  4. Diddums

    Too many subforums?

    I'm going to ditch fighting and racing, consolidate those threads into "other" together with clash of clans. If anyone else has any ideas, please speak up. Cheers!
    3 points
  5. 2 of my favourites from one of my favourite movies: Bad Boys 2
    2 points
  6. uberwarrior

    Proud Moments

    Playing HC Conquest Op Metro yesterday. My team unfortunately spawn nearest C flag so you know you're probably on a hiding to nothing anyway but hey you take the rough with the smooth. On several occasions I end up having to spawn on said C flag only to be always confronted by a stupid dumbass pussy Recon, armed with a bolt action sniper rifle and a motion sensor doing nothing but laying prone ADS'ing down the Metro tunnel. What the hell was he hoping to achieve? All the action was around B flag as ever! After coming across this guy on the 4th occasion, I thought enough is enough and proceed to troll this idiot. So I lay prone in front of him blocking his line of sight to show him the error of his selfish ways . He tries to adjust which I counter every time so he decides to tk me. That just made his situation all the worse as when I respawn I just rinse and repeat closely followed by a headshot with a 12 Gauge shottie, what a fucking muppet. People like this do not deserve to be able to play objective game modes! Anyway, needless to say this rates as a proud moment for me
    2 points
  7. Hey man, glad to see you're actually here for the forum and not just advertising your channels. Like others have said, I hope you stick around and if you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Such as, how do I get rid of these warts? I can answer stuff like that for you!!
    2 points
  8. tronic44


    omg bringing back some memories here lads, all i remember is the one with the sponge, loved them as a kid! Actually was there one about a doll/puppet, think that one was good too. The tv series was awful compared to the books but then isn't that always the case. I'd have to go back to my fams to break my collection out, pretty sure i don't have as much Jonny but sitll a half decent collection.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Outstanding actions by Dani Alves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fV2K0b38Jc
    2 points
  11. I think with the new consoles being out I'm more interested in hearing about other things, ghosts has really put me off and now ive got into battlefield I'm more interested in whatevers next in that series.
    2 points
  12. deterioration

    In a thread: Success

    Flip side of the coin vs. the grinding gears thread I feel we need a positive story outlet. It might be misconstrued into a "cool story bro" brag post thread but I'm chill with it because I like hearing other peoples triumphs, any size, be them personal, professional, financial or otherwise. < That rhymes At times reading about others good fortune picks me up if I'm feeling down. Like Bees winning loot on scratchies. Thats awesome! I’ll start by sharing: last night I officially converted from oil to natural gas as my primary heating fossil fuel. I’ve been in my house 4 years last month and the rising cost of oil has shit hammered me into investing in an alternative. Our oil boiler, which did heat and hot water - I have radiator heat, was running well below 70% efficiency. I got a Rinnai combi unit that does both heat and hot water at 95% efficiency. Which is awesome because if we’re using hot water it will only fire up for what we use and then turn off; also it will burn at a lower percentage if we aren’t hard on the hot water. The old boiler burned at 100% every time it kicked on. My plumber was curious so I got my pay slips and calculated it cost me $4,800 in oil last year. I never let the tank get below 1/2 so sludge wouldn’t get sucked through the line, clog the filter and have me stinking like oil for 2 days because I had to do minor maintenance, but in the winter I was calling every month for deliveries. Now I don’t have to call anyone! Very excited and can’t wait to see what the savings will be!
    1 point
  13. J4MES OX4D

    E3 2014

    Cannot wait for E3 this year! Last year was amazing with the new consoles but this one will be showcasing many up and coming games that we didn't see last time around. I've done a bit of research on what to expect and whilst there isn't much confirmed as of yet; there is plenty to look forward to. Confirmed games on show: Alien Isolation Call of Duty Destiny Dragon Age Inquisition Legend of Zelda (Wii U) Sim City 4 Uncharted 4 Expected to be there but not yet confirmed: Assassins Creed Unity Batman Arkham Knight Civilization Beyond Earth The Evil Within Evolve Far Cry 4 Game of Thrones Gears of War 4 Halo 5 Mass Effect 4 Mirrors Edge 2 The Order 1886 The Sims 4 Star Wars Battlefront The Division Tales From Boderlands The Witcher 3 Ubisoft have stole the show last couple of years with Watch Dogs and The Division and I'm hoping to see more of the latter at the show. 1 trailer and a few screenshots is all that's been seen since last summer but I really hope we get some new footage of the Division once again. Far Cry 4 is a strong candidate to appear and I can't wait to see this in its next gen glory. Looks like the Witcher 3 has been delayed considerably but it is expected to make an appearance so any disillusioned fans can sleep easy. I also can't wait to see if Battlefront will be there with Frostbite 3 under its belt. Seeing Naughty Dog there with U4 as one of the first games to be confirmed will just strengthen the PS4's early dominance but no doubt the Xbox gamers will be pleased to see GOW4 and Halo 5 on the horizon. Hope Mass Effect 4 makes an appearance also but it's too quiet in the Bioware camp as of yet. Could be a big year for the ever-growing Telltale Games too. Lots more to be confirmed and I expect a few big surprises too! Roll on June 10th is all I can say
    1 point
  14. J4MES OX4D


    Jack Black is bringing the classic books by RL Stine to life with a movie This was my favourite Loved these back in the 90's
    1 point
  15. Docwagon

    Too many subforums?

    Just a thought, but with the relatively low volume of traffic here, do we really need so many sub-forums in the game section? Some of the game specific subforums have maybe half a dozen threads and go days or weeks without any new post. Maybe streamline it a bit and just have "shooter" "RPG" and "other", maybe a CoD specific subforum, but merge the others?
    1 point
  16. I agree with you for the most part. Co-op games are really good when wanting to relax and have fun but there is something about a shooter. For me I think it helps feed my competitive nature. I get pissed and yell at the tv but believe it or not it's a stress relief for me. When I have had a bad day it seems to calm me down. I can't yell at the idiots I work with. I'm not got to yell at the wife or kids (to much) I just miss having fun on shooters. Battlefield is a good game but I have gotten bored with it. Maybe because its the only game I played for months now. I miss BO2 and MW3. Ghosts just doesn't do it for me but I have been playing it more as of late. It still pisses me off to no end but it's a change of pace from Battlefield.
    1 point
  17. My only hope for this game is that it manages to be a "serious" version of Borderlands. If it does that, then I will be happier than a turtle with a suitcase
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. . . . harsh, but fair.
    1 point
  20. Should be worth picking up... I only ever hear good things about mass effect... Especially if it's all 3 games on 1 disc for 1 game price!
    1 point
  21. Nope! Not after this!
    1 point
  22. Welcome, Lightz
    1 point
  23. Just shows you what certain things can mean to certain people and how gaming isn't necessarily about just gaming. Great find Tommy!
    1 point
  24. Thanks Ill be around!
    1 point
  25. Planning on several hours of bf4 tonight if someone wants jo party up. Hope to be on from around 7 if the kids sleep well. Mrs away
    1 point
  26. Ghost sucked top-shelf a$$; fully expected, thanks to Infinty Ward. I'm pumped because I'm eager to see what Sledgehammer can bring to the table. Will it be good as a 3ARC CoD? Who knows? It certainly can't be any worse than an IW one...
    1 point
  27. Dattebayo

    E3 2014

    Half-Life 3
    1 point
  28. Aww man, I thought it was about real extraterrestials.
    1 point
  29. I like it. When I started playing Minecraft there wasn't many people posting but I didn't need to dig through a big forum to find all of the loose threads. The fact that it was all in one place made it easier for me. I'm sure the organization has helped others here and not just myself.
    1 point
  30. Plumbers Crack

    E3 2014

    Last year was a big forum meet up at Eurogamer Skip through here for the best bits, pics and how Rich and Zingerburgers (?) became a forum legend http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/125-london-meet-up-2014-former-eurogamer-thread-pg-29/
    1 point
  31. J4MES OX4D

    E3 2014

    I definitely need to go to Eurogamer this year. Has anyone on here been before? I think we should club together a few people and pop on down there. I think it's usually hosted somewhere in London and tickets are easy to come by and free/cheap. E3 is the big one though and I this year should be quality!
    1 point
  32. Docwagon

    Pointer pointer

    That's amazing fun for 10 seconds, and then you realize it needs boobs to hold your attention any further. Nipple pointer, it could be the next big thing.
    1 point
  33. PPR stands for "personal progress report" and is basically a thread for you to discuss whatever you want, whether it be bragging about your 57 kems last night, your new postmilf or any life shit that might be bugging you. The section is found near the clans forum, and is hidden from the public so you can even ask advice on the weird warts you've been getting on your nuts since banging the new postmilf.
    1 point
  34. They've interviewed the captain of the South Korean ferry who said everything was normal until some b@stard dropped a fecking plane in front of them!
    1 point
  35. I don't. I only miss the lads
    1 point
  36. So I'm a Samuel L Jackson fan... And after watching Tombstone:
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Madjonny


    Look what you made me do James! I had to find them... EDIT: series 2000 were the shit create your own story series
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Docwagon

    In a thread: Success

    Ok, I'm proud of myself on this one. We had guests over yesterday and after everything was done I put my son to bed. He's 8 and big into zombies and monsters and whatnot, but lately he's scared himself and started wanting a night light on again. Last night he asked if I would sleep in his room with him, so I talked with him and had him tell me exactly what he was afraid of. It was mostly the imaginary monsters, with a little bit of old house noises and an odd shadow on his wall. We fixed the shadow issue by moving some stuff around, explained the house noises and the imaginary nature of monsters. I could tell this helped a little, and even though he accepted it was imaginary, he was still scared. So, imaginary guardians to combat imaginary monsters. I told him that if the bad guys are imaginary, then imaginary good guys could protect him. He agreed to this concept. I took a bunch of his stuffed toys and put them in the bed with him. We talked about the fighting prowess of the various species (shark, dragon, bear, etc.) The chicken ended up being a lookout. Santa and the Cat in the Hat were the captains. I told him he was now the general of a stuffed animal army, and not only was he excited about the "game", he was ready to go to sleep by himself. He's in there explaining his defense to his mom now.
    1 point
  42. Sennex

    In a thread: Success

    Most likely not exciting for you blokes at all, but here is my FUCK YEA!!!! Years ago the Dept of Education created the "90/10 rule" "The 90/10 rule requires for-profit colleges to get no more than 90% of their revenues from Title IV federal student aid." For years now at work, we have been asking the bean counters to let us run the numbers for this, but they wouldn't, it was to important for "IT" to get a hold of, and to screw up. There was also some moaning that SQL databases couldn't handle the # of equations involved in this and only Excel could accurately handle it. (Actual quote from the head Accountant, OMG I laughed so hard, in his face when he said it to me. So the Accounting department created this huge series of spreadsheets that pull data from our Financial Aid database (SQL), then they perform this huge series of really poorly written calculations against it, and let it chug along. A 3.2ghz quad core, 12gb Ramm system, with nothing on it but Office, takes about 36 hours for Excel to finish running and spit out the final answer. God help you, if you try to even move the mouse in that period of time as the whole thing could screw up. Figure this thing is parsing a grand total of 556732 payments and invoices, sorting them down into one record for every student for 40869 total records (Yes, these are actual number of records). Then it Codes each item to what type it is, and then tallies it all. From there it starts breaking things apart by Pell, Sub, Unsub, Credit Card, GAE, DANTES, Cash, Scholarship, etc... Super complex to say the least. About 3 weeks ago, I finally had enough of all the bitching about this report, and how hard it is. So I swiped a copy of all of it, and I started recreating it all in SQL. I finished it Wednesday, and presented it to the Presidents Council yesterday morning. While there, we all caught a change from the DoE that was missed and that I didn't know about. They asked me to correct the report and come back next week when the re-run was complete. I changed it on the spot, reran all the numbers, and had a new answer for them within 5 minutes. The accountants didnt' believe me that it could be run that fast, so I ran it again with them watching. And then again, and again, etc.... It only takes about 27 seconds (Depending on server load) for SQL to do what it took Excel 36+ hours. They were not happy with me to say the least. But my boss, and the CIO grabbed me for lunch and want to send me to DBA classes so I can be a proper SQL admin.
    1 point
  43. Dattebayo

    The Xbox One is...

    It opens a relay for the Reapers waiting in dark space.
    1 point
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