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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2014 in all areas

  1. Sony and Microsoft have released first details of their slim units today.
    7 points
  2. He failed the 'fit and proper' test, appealed and then miraculously won his appeal and the takeover! It's a bit of a joke. I remember a few years ago Notts County nearly went bankrupt after a season because the bent owners decided to bring in Sven Goran Eriksson and pay Sol Campbell £70,000 a week when they were a League 2 club! County went £5m in the red and the owners just transferred the debt from themselves to the club and walked away whilst the FA did fuck all! Don't even get me started on Portsmouth The FA absolutely love big money in the Premiership. They will happily see clubs hit the brink for the sake of how much dosh is floating about. They want the Prem to be the best league in the world and they assume that more money=better clubs. UEFA is really clamping down to it now though because our league is out of control. Sky high ticket prices because of the wages and clubs getting deeper into trouble because of the rising running costs yet other leagues in Europe are run flawlessly. The FA couldn't give a fuck about England's future and young talent because with money available; clubs can just poach some foreigner with their Arab money. I hope UEFA stand strong and repercussions are met because the FA are a bunch of money grabbing wankers. Chelsea may have started flashing the cash before the rules came into fruition but they breached them on countless occasions in recent years but the FA won't say anything because they don't want to upset the Abramovic apple cart.
    4 points
  3. The problem is not at grassroots but at club level and that is where they need rule changes particularly when it comes to foreign players. They've made bland permutations regarding how many home grown players you have to include in your matchday squad but it simply isn't enough. The Premiership is represented by 68.5% foreign imports and is growing at a cringeworthy level and I fear it will just alienate younger prospective footballers, some of which have been on the books at clubs for over a decade only to be cut loose. The Championship has breached the 50% mark which is a massive worry to and comparatively despite other leagues growing with overseas talent; the core identity of the Prem and the money is destroying the image of the league. They've been investing in bottom level for a long time but the FA need to tighten restrictions without UEFA doing it for them. The FA need to make a bold move for the sake of the national and international game. Here is the stats on foreign players http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/default/gastarbeiterstartseite/basics.html
    3 points
  4. Sennex


    3 points
  5. It's funny you should say that, because they're implementing a few new rules into youth football for next season in an attempt to improve the quality of our young players. Firstly, next season our league is being forced to cut down to 5 a side from this seasons 7 a side. They're hoping it will mean kids try and do tight passing instead of traditional "English football". This does however mean we have to split our team in two due to the fact we have 12 players and there's no other way of getting everyone play time. Secondly, this season we were banned from allowing younger players to play for teams in an older age group. I disagree with this one completely. We have a lad who is wanted by Luton, Northampton, MK Dons and Watford. I mean he just dances around players for fun. Instead of us allowing him to be challenged in an older age group however, The F.A thinks he will improve more by making fools out of other kids his age. Anyway, just a bit of info
    3 points
  6. techno

    Naval Strike [March 18th]

    Just found this video sums it up well. :
    2 points
  7. This is why E-Sports is not a fucking SPORT in my opinion I think we just have to accept that we'll be on par with Scotland soon in terms of player calibre! I definitely agree that youth football needs a major overhaul on how it is run and the general attitudes this country has. After all the Olympics baloney from two years ago and how they wanted to change people's thinking about Sport as a whole and how it should be invested in as part of education; all that has fallen flat just like the hype. The UK needs to get a grip along with the FA and try and sell football as not just a means of a career but a fun and rewarding past time. I used to play youth football for years and if it wasn't for booze, fags and birds; I'd be still doing it 3 times a week. I'm past it now but the way football and sport has fallen short and the internet is the way forward is a bit depressing to comprehend.
    2 points
  8. I agree that major changes need to be made in top-flight football, however in youth football our players are still miles behind those elsewhere. It's our attitude as a country. Kids would rather play FIFA than real football and parents often can't be arsed to bring their kids to football, let alone stay and support them. If you look at some of the top footballing countries in the world like Spain, school finishes around 2:00pm then the rest of the day many kids will not just play football, but train with their club, 5 days a week. We're lucky to get our kids doing an hour a week's exercise. It's laughable really.
    2 points
  9. Just Cal

    Game of Thrones

    Started watching this last night. Took a while but I'm here haha Only on episode 6 though and I love it.
    2 points
  10. Dr Diamond

    The Blues

    Loving the blues nowadays...rarely listen to much else http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEJh2FFUUoU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqvU5CVHHmk
    1 point
  11. techno

    snoop dog dlc

    For the kids still playing ghosts :
    1 point
  12. Sennex

    *Site Maintenance*

    oh shit, thats glorious
    1 point
  13. J4MES OX4D

    snoop dog dlc

    They'll probably have a Miley Cyrus DLC pack out next! Call of Duty Ghosts is a fucking joke now. It's not the best of games and the worst in the series for me but now IW are just oozing desperation and sheer stupidity. Christ just think how COD used to be and what it has become now.
    1 point
  14. Dattebayo

    snoop dog dlc

    Awwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee In all seriosuness, stupid for obvious reasons. Atleast Infinity Ward knows it's target audience. But that Gunny voice? Yes. For all CoDs, from now on.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Plumbers Crack

    Die Hard 6

    You mean like BF4 and CoD6
    1 point
  17. Plumbers Crack

    Die Hard 6

    Yeeessss!!! Love Die Hard - even the cheesy 5 was bearable. Can't wait to see Bruce nail 5 armed bad guys with just his zimmer frame! Brruuccciiieee!!
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. tronic44


    I apologise AGAIN for being such a spice hating, long haired, junkie ass, hippy looking twat.
    1 point
  20. Sennex

    Heartbleed bug

    Not really sure what to say here to be honest. -------------- Does this mean you need to worry about your banking passwords and online bill payment crap? Truthfully, yes you do. Does this mean you need to run out and change all your passwords right now? No it doesn't, and here is why. This is NOT a quick fix, this is a huge endeavor, this is a huge amount of work, and most websites are not being open about how and when they are dealing with this issue. Your best course of action here is to monitor all of your various accounts very closely for the next month. Take action as needed to keep yourself safe. ------------- I keep falling back to that as my stance. Most websites are not being really forthcoming on if they are affected or not. There have been two posted lists so far for websites that are being proactive in all this crap. IF you have anything with any of them, then yes change your passwords. If not, then fall back to my post above: Monitor and change in about 2-3 weeks or so. The big take away here (and honestly after the way a few other companies have been hacked in the last few months, this should be your permanent stance), is to NOT trust any of these companies to protect you or give you information on whats what.
    1 point
  21. Hang on...... there, fixed that for ya!!
    1 point
  22. Chookes


    Yessss, 10528. How do I screen Shot with a Samsung? I don't know why I'm celebrating, almost cried when that game ended.
    1 point
  23. Palle

    Metal! \m/,

    Haha, I know what you're saying... I'm not entirely really into that style either. I like songs where you can fall into a groove for at least a minute (or more) with added layers and rythmic variations rather than switching every fifth second like some ADHD metal songs *chugga-chugga-chu-SQUEAL-blastbeat-chug-blast-chugga-beat-solo-GROWL* Then label it something like pre-coremetalliumpost-grindoverchuggadjentzorwin
    1 point
  24. deterioration

    Metal! \m/,

    So many sounds in those 2 songs remind me of I like ^ better I can't stand the start playing something cool then stop style. It's like HEY! where'd, what the fuck!?
    1 point
  25. tronic44


    I apologise for being such a spice hating, long haired, junkie ass, hippy looking twat.
    1 point
  26. Holy shit something's actually being done about the financial fair play shiz! Although if it's just a fine then it's pointless, pretty sure any team found guilty of this wasn't allowed to play European football? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/news/10766475/Manchester-City-to-be-made-to-pay-a-high-price-for-spending-spree-under-Uefa-Financial-Fair-Play-rules.html and in other news, if you stop a goal from going in, even when you shouldn't be on the pitch, it's a yellow card (wtf??)
    1 point
  27. deterioration

    Random Pictures

    Love this one:
    1 point
  28. lepercolony

    The Blues

    one word: Crossroads. also i've seen the Tedeschi Trucks band twice. both times were borderline spiritual experiences.
    1 point
  29. Sennex

    Random Pictures

    the definition of pissed off
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. jordie1892

    like this

    1 point
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