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  1. deterioration

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  2. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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    phil bottle


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2014 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. deterioration

    Random Pictures

    I'm horrified. No Oroku Saki? O, the rage
    2 points
  5. A few years ago we'd saved up the money to go to Spain...then our furnace went out. So, the Spain fund became the "new HVAC fund", and we started over. Well, we have the money again and were going to go this October but learned that its the rainy season in Barcelona, so we're thinking of putting it off until next July. Anyone here been to Spain? The Barcelona area in particular? Any input?
    1 point
  6. Now you can choose 2 custom loadouts (4 for premium) for each class. Also the layout will be tweaked to look like this:
    1 point
  7. Dattebayo

    Metal! \m/,

    I'm a strictly-70/80's's sort of guy when it comes to metal... x)
    1 point

    Metal! \m/,

    Folk Metal kicks ass! Edit: Seriously. How have I never heard anything like this before? I love it! It makes me want to grab a sword, run through a field, and cut the head off of something!
    1 point
  9. Palle

    Metal! \m/,

    The first song I posted is folk metal Here are some more
    1 point
  10. NCA-Paendrag

    Proud Moments

    I don`t play that much Conquest but think the highest killgame I`ve seen is around 40 kills. So good job
    1 point
  11. J4MES OX4D

    Proud Moments

    I got my first 100+ kills game today on Metro going for 105-82. I don't want to toot my own horn but after this, I believe I am quite possibly the greatest Battlefield player of all time. 17% accuracy proves this Nah seriously this game was horrendous. So many bad players, so much iffy technical problems and carnage. Quite disappointed that this was the game to break the hundred barrier particularly as we lost but I went positive and nailed some sexy kills in the process. I was the only one to get triple figures although some guy in the game before went 161-97. Fucking hacker
    1 point
  12. Dattebayo


    1 point
  13. Madjonny

    Game of Thrones

    Nice jordie, this is exactly what I have just been looking for before s4 starts tonight...
    1 point
  14. Playertd


    I've been lagging like crazy on LoL, so haven't been playing recently. All my other games work fine so I'm not quite sure what is up. ARAM is a fun mode, a lot more laid back than the three lane map. Also goes a lot faster, in case ya don't have time for an hour long game, which is nice. Nice list of tips by the way.
    1 point
  15. jordie1892

    Game of Thrones

    Also, if anyone wants a really quick catch up:
    1 point
  16. Being Tottenham I obviously despise the ARSEnal but funnily enough I hope they get 4th and not Everton. That's how low my season has sunk too
    1 point
  17. McDonalds? In one of the world's most gastronomic locations. You should be shot. And then fed to McDonald's customers to complete the chain. Mind you. I've been to McD's in Paris. Just wanted to know if the scene from Pulp Fiction was right. Not because I think Paris is over-rated and expensive, no not at all.
    1 point
  18. It's crazy how much money some of them are making though. Apparently Pewdiepie is making $825,000-$8.47 million a year. If someone is making that much money by just recording themselves playing video games then there's going to be millions of others who will try to do the same, which kinda kills the community as everyone is in it for money.
    1 point
  19. Finally DICE are doing something about their ropey game! Sadly this comes at the price of 6 weeks of game time. This could cause no end of rage but if they actually fix it; it'll be worth it in my opinion. Just have to find something else to play in the meantime I suppose.
    1 point
  20. Personally I don't pay much attention to any reviews from major commercial sites anymore. I always keep an eye out on what players in the field are giving games but I don't take too much notice of the overall scores. Some people get so enraged by a game beating another game by 0.1 and suddenly they hit Metacritic to downgrade the game they dislike just to make them feel better. PC Gamer is probably the only site/magazine that I have found fairly spot-on in recent years although they seem to have a hatred towards anything that comes from or is a part of the console community. They are pig-ignorant, arrogant elitists now but some of their reviews hit the nail on the head. With all this money floating about and review embargoes in place; I dunno if I trust the mainstream now. I can easily see the likes of Activision bunging a few quid just to edge that score up a bit. I also cast suspicions on some sites that promote certain games on a ridiculous level despite it being clearly shit and then awarding it a comical score. There's a game on PC called Gone Home which was raved upon by critics in a suspicious way and in the previews; they were all saying the same seemingly scripted shit. It was like a copy and paste from rival site to site. The game scored incredibly well despite costing £14.99 and lasting 56 minutes and NOT actually being a game in its own right. Everyone gave it ludicrous plaudits and high scores. Blatantly there was a bit of dime being pushed and people were reading from lines instead of giving an opinion. Too many sites have gamers by the balls now and IGN love shit-stirring the trolls as they make a hell of a cash for all the fanboy squabbling. I'd look to a few people on YouTube for half decent gameplay opinions. TotalBuscuit and Frankie are good but they're primarily PC tho.
    1 point
  21. Sad bastard that I am I went and purchased it....as if I already don't have about 50 games not yet played Cheers!
    1 point
  22. deterioration

    Random Pictures

    Sign I made because I have to teach people older than me simple tasks. The reality of my life.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. deterioration

    Random Pictures

    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. deterioration

    Random Pictures

    ^Is that India on top of the train?
    1 point
  28. deterioration

    Random Pictures

    It reminded me of my friends and I too! Great memories. O man having to unscrew A/B switches and uhf/vhf transformers to hook up different systems; I still have a tools of the trade bag at my moms with all my old switches, lengths of cable, etc... Then when VCR's caught up and had RCA connections so I could have my Atari 2600, NES AND Genesis hooked up at the same time I was king of the world! My friends parents would ask who taught me how to install entertainment system things when my friends got new consoles because I'd be running wires and have their TV sideways hooking it up. Adults aren't keen on 10 year olds messing with their electronics You're so right kid's don't even know with their 1080p one cable connection BS. We had to learn and suffer for pleasure!
    1 point
  29. Drifter

    Random Pictures

    That's awesome. And yes it does very much so! Kids these days don't know what it's like to sit in front of a 13" TV and have to flip the "A/B switch" to play a video game. Man that brings back memories
    1 point
  30. deterioration

    Random Pictures

    I've seen it before He's obviously heard that from someone else if its real at all. And whats an 11yo girl doing posting booty poppin' videos in her underwear on facebook for? It's fucked up at any angle you try to figure it out. I have issues with spelling and punctuation but I did spend a lot of time in the hall during second grade. Also there was more of an emphasis on writing and speaking English correctly in the past. We've got the No Child Left Behind Act that protects people from learning English, and if kids come from an English as a second language family or if their family talks in Ebonics teachers can't berate them like in the past. If a teacher threatened kids with a dunce cap, or suggested they stop speaking like they have severe head trauma, news choppers would be circling the school like vultures as whole communities of incorrect English speaking people flooded the streets like ants in protest. So if you have gripes with people not speaking or typing English correctly place the blame on political correctness where it belongs and not the victims of it. (I'm not being a jerk BTW <- figured I'd throw that out there)
    1 point
  31. Forgot how much I love Pink Floyd. They just have something in their music that no other band has, fits my mood and feelings so perfectly... And that guitar sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWAg5biTNgM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
    1 point
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