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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2014 in all areas

  1. Dry Firing as a training technique: Dry firing is one of the most important things you can do if you want to be truly proficient with a handgun. Almost no one can go to the range every day and fire live rounds. How do you keep muscle memory in place between range trips? Dry fire. Dry fire can be done with almost any modern firearm. The exceptions are rimfire, where some firearms will damage the firing pin and chamber with repeated dry firing. Check your owner's manual, but I'm unaware of any modern centerfire that can't take dry firing. Using a snap cap, which is an inert rubber and aluminum cartridge, can provide piece of mind and prevent damage to those that can't be dry fired. How to get the most out of your practice: 1) Make DAMN SURE the handgun has no live ammo. Do not have live ammo nearby. Make sure your magazine is empty, make sure the chamber is empty both visually (look) and physically (stick your finger in the chamber). Point the weapon in a safe direction and pull the trigger. NOW you are sure its empty and can continue with the drill. 2) Tell yourself what proper form looks like. This is not about just pulling the trigger and ingraining bad habits. This is about reinforcing good habits. You are not in a hurry. Are you getting a good sight picture? Is your support hand holding tighter than your dominant hand? Is your grip allowing the pistol to naturally point straight? Now press the trigger. Did the front sight move? Did you shove the gun in any way? Without recoil, you'll be able to see exactly how you are muscling the gun around if you are. 3) Balance an empty case on the slide of the gun. Repeat dry firing. Did the case fall off? If so, you're shoving the gun at some point. If no, you're doing it smooth, continue on. Once you get your trigger and grip control down, you can start doing draw drills and the like, but that's another topic. Right now you are diagnosing and correcting mistakes in your form. This will pay off on the range and in real life, because every bullet goes where the barrel is pointing as the bullet exits. The most common cause for misses is muscling the gun around and shoving it off target as you fire. The most common mistakes are: Milking: This will result in misses low and left for a right handed shooter. Milking is squeezing all of your fingers on your dominant hand as you pull the trigger. This is why you want to hold lightly with your strong hand and isolate your trigger finger. Shoving: This will result in misses low. Shoving is anticipating the recoil and pushing the gun down and forward to fight the recoil affect too early. This will be easy to see in dry fire, because you'll lose sight of the front sight as you shove. That's what causes most misses. Many people blame sight alignment or believe the sights on their gun are off, when in fact its these grip mistakes causing them to shoot consistently but inaccurately.
    2 points
  2. ..absolutely fucking intolerable. I hate it now. A few years ago it was unique particularly in the early Modern Warfare era. Now there seems to be so much potential in making easy money; people with large sub bases are just whoring out lots of shit for easy likes from dedicated followers to make a quick buck. I'm not just talking about the gaming arena either. Equipment and uploading is too easy now and any old shit is being promoted. It's also full of ignorant, arrogant twats with stupid haircuts making useless Vlogs of trips to buy a new designer cardigan from their online earnings and have lunch at Burger King. Why does 1.8m people give a fuck by watching and how can 500,000 people 'like' this kind of rubbish? Many of the old-skool uploaders have either taken their foot off the gas or have quit the whole thing after being swarmed by carbon-copy channels who have succumbed to a single video hit or have been lavishly marketed. I used to love the likes of KYR Sp33dy but now he's uploading about 18 videos a week; all of them unfunny and not hilarious in the slightest. Still, that'll earn him over a million likes and a tasty wage packet for shoddy, lazy content. There is so much unbearable and unoriginal commercial garbage on there too along with shitty music videos and crappy products. It's just a mess now. Also how the fuck does the likes of PewDiePie get 25m subscribers? His videos are fucking boring. Oh yeah; he got his girlfriend to play Slender once which pretty much gave him a further 14m subs overnight. I'd rather have a zillion COD montages than half the crap I see on there today.
    1 point
  3. Here: http://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/oc4yt/running_on_an_ssd_for_about_6_months_any/ A lot of that advice is specific for that SSD though, so post up what you have, as the advice might change slightly.
    1 point
  4. I've played about 30 minutes so far, I'm liking it
    1 point
  5. Playertd

    Doc's firearms thread

    Nice post, I was practicing dry firing all winter, it paid off for me. First trip to the range this spring I was shooting much better than last fall. I never put a case on top of the slide, that makes sense though, will have to try it!
    1 point
  6. Crack on with that one first! It'll make the other 49 seem really shit but Deus Ex is defo the one to get round to playing.
    1 point
  7. Sad bastard that I am I went and purchased it....as if I already don't have about 50 games not yet played Cheers!
    1 point
  8. Rich - you the man (especially after saying nice things about the pc...) x edit: lol just realised I quoted myself, daft bastard
    1 point
  9. My PC is better.
    1 point
  10. Things are going very well lately. Since I have been trying to get back in shape I have also been trying to do other things to help my health which includes getting back to a "normal' sleep schedule. As you guys know I have mentioned before that I have had a really bad problem with insomnia and keeping really weird hours for the past 10 yrs or so. Usually staying up till 4 or 5am and then sleeping till 11am-noon. Stuff like that not only is a poor schedule but it also messes with your body chemistry and is simply not healthy. Now that I am eating better, working out and getting good exercise I find myself completely amazed at the change in my sleeping habits. The past 10-14 days I have been getting to sleep by 12:30-1am at the very latest and now get up at 7:30am just bursting with energy. I honestly thought I would never be able to get back on a normal schedule again but after years and years of really bad insomnia I've finally got back to a good routine at last. Also happy as hell that some warmer weather is finally starting to show up because I've been able to get back out and do my 1 mile morning walks again finally after being shut in all winter.
    1 point
  11. You've got a sick PC! I love your case! The software i have can do all you want, you can even create your own 3d films....if ya wanted. You can get version 12 for under £30 now off amazon! That shiz cost me £70 a year ago.....well i say £70. Actually the package never turned up but it was saying that it had been delivered but there was no delivery notice through the door or anything, so i got in contact with them and after 2 days they refunded me. Later that afternoon i got a knock on the door from a neighbour who gave me my package and said sorry, he'd forgotten that it had been delivered to him. I used up all my luck that day but hey, got some free software Actually dude, i'm trying to find out how many pc's i can install the software on. If it's 3 or more, you can have it for free my man
    1 point
  12. Put the pipe down crack head! Since he can't say "fuck fuck fucking fuck fuckidy fuck fuck fuck" like in the comics they'll replace it with "Up your nose with a rubber hose Rick!" O and:
    1 point
  13. J4MES OX4D

    Goat Simulator

    Best box art evaar
    1 point
    1 point
  15. You should get the original on PC Phil. Deus Ex GOTY edition is £4.99 on Steam and it's probably the best game I've ever played.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. The main thing for me is to be able edit PC game footage and then to be able to put on youtube in 1080p. I want to be a bit imaginative and have the ability to overlay music or voice tracks ontop of the recording. I also want to be able to add text e.g I bring up a map in-game. On the video I want to be able to draw on that map a path or write some information. I want to use decent software that isn't overly laborious that isn't too expensive and does what I want simply and without fuss. I'll try and catch up with you over the weekend Rich. I bought a decent PC end of August and making vids was one of the reasons my better half allowed me it in the first place so it's about time I got my arse in gear.
    1 point
  18. Good point on what can be shown. My question is, if Breaking Bad can say fuck once per season, why couldn't they use it? I'm guessing there is a difference between 'fuck' and 'fucking' Did you see that guy that got ate who they couldn't save was from the comic too? I'm really happy that Scott Gimple is running the show because he puts as much as he can in from the comics while at the same time really developing further. For example the Marauders were developed a lot better than in the comic. It would have been even more dense if when Daryl met up with them, it was in the house with Rick and that Len dude that got the arrow to the eye, was the one getting beat when they woke up Rick. They already were playing the out of time sequence during the first part of the back half. I really encourage everyone that enjoys the show to marathon the whole season because there are so many easter eggs planted along the way. "Look at the flowers, Lizzy" was said in episode 2 when Carol killed their Dad off cause he was bitten. Also, you can really see the whole grand story/journey of Rick which was what the theme of the season was. Can the survivors come back to their humanity after the things they are forced to do to stay alive. And now we know the answer. Nope, no they can't. It was a big turn in the comics for Rick and its a big turn in the show. We were getting frustrated with Farmer Rick, even Carol said so in episode 4 "You can be a farmer, you can't be JUST a farmer." So Carol was forced to take up the slack for Rick, and of course she made poor decisions because of doing so and not having any experience; killing Karen and David for example. Then Rick gets his ass handed to him by the Governor because he wasn't in the right frame of mind. He runs off with tail tucked between his legs to heal and new Savage Rick emerges from the cocoon. Even though Carl was getting on our nerves, we now know he has Rick's back and he's also second guessing himself as being a monster and enjoying the killing. That was a good piece of development. They ended the season on a high note, even though the situation is bleak. That smirk on Rick's face directly from the Flashback to the same smile when he says "They're gonna feel pretty stupid once they find out..." was priceless. Lastly, when it did that flashback before he said that, Carl's hat fell off and Rick put it on Beth's head saying "There's a new sheriff in town." This is obviously foreshadowing that Beth will become something more perhaps even helping them get rescued. I have a feeling they are steering Beth onto Comic Book Andreas path. That would be awesome. Good stuff. Here is the rest of the Panel to Screen comparisons
    1 point
  19. Dattebayo

    YouTube these days..

    The only gamer I watch is Bro Team Pill (highly recommended if it's your taste). I remember he satirically made a Minecraft and LoL gameplays series just to prove that any idiot with a capture card and a handful of mediocre gameplays can make a ton of money. They were called "Moneycraft" and "Leauge of Ledgers", respectively, and he constantly berated the viewers for watching it and expecting the gameplays to get better. the goddamned genius. x) The whole "watch people talk over video games" thing made my teeth itch from even before the Mw2 days, so that technically means I was hating on them before it was cool. /swag.
    1 point
  20. our civilisation has become complacent with everything. we put up with shit government, shit food, shit rules, bad decisions, shit music, shit films, shit tv look at the shit we are in now. its either complacency or ignorance that we have let the bar drop so low....i mean for christ sake.....this pile of steaming shit is television now. get me off this planet
    1 point
  21. You got this Steve. I love how you set your mind to something and do it. I wish I had that kind of motivation. Something I've always enjoyed when working out is focusing on the negative portion of the rep as opposed to the positive. Go down really slow and then fire back up. It works!
    1 point
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