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    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2013 in all areas

  1. And thats exactly the problem They start off telling you how special you are, and how the prophet has seen all this shit for you in the future, and then BAM you are out of your prison cell in the middle of a few hundred other "special" people... There was never any sort of attachment to the character, there wasn't a single thing that made you feel unique and not just another unwashed basement dweller in Skyrim with hundreds of other people. The combat mechanics feel ripped directly from Neverwinter Nights (Free 2 play on Steam), and I am serious here, they are directly ripped from it. You could tell that they were going to port it, as they limit you to the number of attacks/ spells/ abilities you can have equipped. In other words they are dumbing it down so that players with Xbox/ PS Controllers are not left out. We all praised the 3 faction Race/ Class combo's at first, but unless they go through massive changes, then none of them matter, there will be no diversity across the factions. Every Race can be every class, and every faction. Every quest had spoken speech..... SWTOR had this, and it sounded amazing at first, until you realize that there is LITERALLY NO POINT to it other than to suck up space on my hard drive. Oh, and you can't skip it (at least not in BETA), so by about level 10, you are sitting there yelling "STFU!!! I know I need to collect 7 Bear Asses!" In 20 levels as a Templar, I was never once able to heal another player, even though the Templar is the healing/ tank class. The reason for this? There was no real range to the spells. The minute Joe the Plumber decides he spots a new shiny and runs out of your range, you end up healing yourself and not him. Best part about this: It was impossible to tell just who was healed, so it was a guess, and the vast majority of players won't communicate that you missed them when they are running the fuck away from you to pick up a shiny, or fight more mobs. So they die I could go on. Honestly, just wait for the next Elder Scrolls Single player game, and you will enjoy yourself far more. I was insanely excited about this game (Not sure my posts are still around covering the various trailers), but the Beta, as a preview was so woefully underwhelming, that I cancelled my pre-order. Also, Yes, I get it was a Beta. This isn't my first Beta in an MMO, I understand that we still have 5 months left before Launch, that doesn't change the fact that there isn't a single thing special about this game, there wasn't a single time when I was playing it that I was in Awe of what was happening to me, like I had been in Skyrim so often. Good thing though: The game looks fantastic, Graphically speaking. It was Skyrim with all the HD textures maxed out.
    3 points
  2. Just bought Dragon Age, I've been meaning to try it out since it was recommended in another thread. Cheers
    2 points
  3. Hope they add some smaller maps.
    2 points
  4. Spot on mate! I've been surprised with how well ghosts has played since it's released. I never, in a million years, did i think that BF4 would be the game with the major issues.
    2 points
  5. ooo a wee bit embarrassing for City http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11095/9067643/manuel-pellegrini-didnt-appear-to-know-4-2-win-for-manchester-city-would-have-secured-top-spot
    2 points
  6. Rumour http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/11/20/rumor-first-map-pack-for-ghosts-set-to-release-on-jan-28th/ DLC packs names http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/11/21/rumor-onslaught-devastation-invasion-nemesis-names-of-the-four-map-packs-for-ghosts/
    1 point
  7. Guest

    Godzilla (2014) Teaser Trailer

    If you haven't seen it...here it is! This is only a teaser trailer. I am excited.
    1 point
  8. Believe it or not FG peeps but our mascot (Dylanimo) is 18 today! Bought him some jager and I'm taking him to the pub later for a few, the weekend is where it's really at though! Happy Birthday Bro!
    1 point
  9. yeah its still pretty broken spawns are still fucking awful. even in TDM spawning into the sights of someone 3 times in a row is a fucking joke. Lag/hit detection/what you see on your screen matching what the game sees, whatever you want to call it, its still broken as well.im playing on a 40-50ms ping and for once, i spawn in behind someone who is running away from me. i put half the clip into his back , first 10 rounds no hit markers, he turns around and kills me.turned it off after that. seriously bad . to be honest, i cant be fucked much with online gaming at the moment.
    1 point
  10. Oh it's not a relief, the bang on the head was me (brotherly love and all) and we never once said he wasn't a special!
    1 point
  11. Have you ever seen the movie Over the Hedge? Remember Hammy? Here, have a look: That's Dylan. His posts looked like someone lobbed a can of Alphaghetti Spaghetti at the screen, so I told him that he has to introduce himself with every post, which forces him to concentrate a bit more. We can actually understand him now, but he does still have the occasional relapse.
    1 point
  12. Happy Birthday Dylan! Just out of interest; why do you introduce yourself in every post?
    1 point
  13. Hi, my name is Dylan call of duty is a 16 this year could play it anyway
    1 point
  14. Just seen that the Elder Scrolls online is coming out on April 4th 2014 on PC with the One and PS4 versions out later in the year. Cannot wait!
    1 point
  15. I hear they're bringing back Dome... Oh wait.
    1 point
  16. I'd like some smaller more old school maps with less levels for more intense gun fights. The big ones now suck on modes that have no objective.
    1 point
  17. tronic44

    Ghosts DLC 28th Jan

    I hear they're bringing back Nuketown..... ....or maybe i didn't
    1 point
  18. ^ Dragons Age Origins is an awesome game. I definitely recommend it!
    1 point
  19. Harrison


    Just played Jax jungle 3 games in a row, love ending up with 5k health, haha!
    1 point
  20. I've muddled through as best I can playing on the PS3. Some days are good, others not so which can be a pain. When it runs right this game is great. I think the quickmatch option doesn't do people any favours when you get an influx of people from out of region joining the game. In all honesty though, I think they should not really have released this game on what is the old gen consoles and simply stuck with PC, PS3 and Xbone. That way they could probably have nailed it. The problem is EA's out and out greed and their obsession with outdoing Activision offering with the release date. I'm sure that DICE deep down are feeling a bit cheated in a way by being forced to release a game they weren't truly comfortable with! Hopefully the next few patches will calm things down and make this game as good as everyone had hoped for. In the meantime I am seriously considering a dive back into BF3. I may get Ghosts, but CoD had beaten the crap out of me over recent releases and my experience with MW3 was far from enjoyable which tainted my expectations of IW's ability to produce the goods.
    1 point
  21. tronic44

    PS4 Capture Card

    On the PS4, the HDMI output is encrypted using HDCP (High-bandwith digital content protection), apparently this will change at some point soon and there'll be an update which will switch off the HDCP so that capture devices with HDMI will work. I hope this happens!! I'll have to buy a new capture device but i don't want to have to upload shiz to facebook every time!
    1 point
  22. Chookes

    PS4 Capture Card

    The quality is OK. What you can do is make the video public (I have a secondary Facebook for these videos) and you can use a program to rip them from Facebook and you can reupload them to YouTube. I've had 3 or 4 montage worth clips that I've lost so far, which sucks. I'm going to test a theory next time I'm on. Every clip I've lost always seems to be the first time in that session that I hit the Share button. If I try again later that night, it seems to record my last game/clip. So as soon as I go on next time, I'll record one clip and hopefully subsequent records will be there. I'll update if this works or helps. Probably not playing again until just before Christmas though.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Ive been very interested in BitCoins and the mining process for a while now but when thing ive heard is that if you run a dedicated couple of mining rigs solely to 'mine', your energy bills can go through the roof. Is that true?
    1 point
  25. I'll be on, been playing the heck out of this game recently My rank in S&R is embarrassing LOL.
    1 point
  26. yep, haven't played all day so I dont get mad and quit before meeting up. Haven't played in a couple days actually.
    1 point
  27. Glad I chose Ghosts!!
    1 point
  28. Confirmed now http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/12/09/official-call-of-duty-site-confirms-names-of-the-four-dlc-map-packs-for-ghosts/
    1 point
  29. tronic44

    Guard Dog Skin

    You should be able to choose your dog skin and you should be able to choose from all breeds. I'd have the Lindsay Lohan skin, could you imagine that crack whore jumping around a corner and biting your face off? I fuckin could!
    1 point
  30. Chookes

    Guard Dog Skin

    "I ordered the 'Mean Dog' camo and a picture of this came through the post that said "Thank you for purchase - Infinity Ward". This is unacceptable, I'd like a free camo please."
    1 point
  31. deterioration

    Guard Dog Skin

    Guard dog has a higher KD than I do.
    1 point
  32. J4MES OX4D

    Brian Griffin

    I wonder if all of this was just a publicity stunt anyway? I can see Mr Macfarlane trolliing the hell out of the diminishing fanbase! Well it's worked...
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. The guy deserves it for getting an Xbox One.
    1 point
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