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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Is there any games you like at all? James would you bitch about a blow job?
    4 points
  2. Today is the day, just getting some work stuff out the way and @phil bottle and myself shall be jumping about like nutters 🤙
    2 points
  3. Couldn't care less about cosmetics. But I'm starting to feel that games are money extraction devices first, game second, and it's starting to show. Swathes of game held back for DLC. No Pre-orders............
    2 points
  4. Assuming it's £1 per 100 shards then that's £20 for a skin. FUCK THAT! I'd pay a quid or 2. That's it.
    2 points
  5. Until people stop buying the shit it will never, ever go away.
    1 point
  6. I mostly agree with you,just busting your balls. I hate how how games are now built on micro transactions. If it’s purely cosmetic items I’m fine with it.
    1 point
  7. I mean, there's a part of Life though you have to accept that things change and evolve. The world of gaming isn't like it was years ago. That doesn't mean 'Just accept less'. In fact the world we live in now is more about better value for money and getting quality and quantity at the same time. These 2 games for me will give some seriously big content drops of 'stuff to do'. Rather than pre-judge these titles im going to give them a real good go as they both have potential to bring a group of gamers together, just how Destiny was and still is. I think Division 2 will still edge it out of both titles but let's see.
    1 point
  8. I'm not gonna lose my shit. Yet. I hear you Rob but on this one I feel like Angry Joe is right below. Cosmetic microtransactions are absolutely fine in my book....but not at $20. Not even at $10. It smells of Bioware testing out the reaction so when they bring it down to $10 it's somehow acceptable. Microtransactions should be built so you reinvest in a game you enjoy and they use that to invest further into improvements over time. Skins should only $3-4 max imo. Unless it's a super duper glorious shiny rainbow one that has emotes inbuilt and can interact with enemies in a funny way. That one is pay $£5-6 for
    1 point
  9. Gotta thank @technofor introducing me to this guy, epic video and some of the story is hilarious.
    1 point
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