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This kinda came out of nowhere and has just launched in early access. Supposed to be a bridge between Arma 3 and the upcoming Arma 4 whenever that is available


Experience authentic Cold War combat and join friends in the struggle for a sprawling, 51 km² mid-Atlantic island — or take on the role of Game Master and create your very own scenarios for others to enjoy.

Gonna do some research on it because Bohemia + early access = scares me. 

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But yeah, got a notification about it last week, we've been waiting for Arma 4 and this seems like a staggered approach. Servers will be fucked tonight I'm sure but I'll give it a go👍


4 hours ago, TurboR56Mini said:

thoughts @phil bottle?

Still being gathered 🙂 I had  a quick go yesterday.

It's a massive improvement on Arma 3 in many aspects but I'm a little worried it will be watered down due to it also being released on console. There has always been a very strong, almost symbiotic, relationship between BI and the modding community. Its the mods that make Arma what it is, it spawned the whole Battle Royale genre via one of its mods...and console worries me a little on that front.


But yeah: looks better, sounds better, plays better, driving is much much better...its still Bohemia Interactive and so has a few bugs... and what's available in terms of game modes is limited, at least for now.


It's not really a purchase for non Arma fans but worth a punt if you find it interesting.


17 hours ago, phil bottle said:

Still being gathered 🙂 I had  a quick go yesterday.

It's a massive improvement on Arma 3 in many aspects but I'm a little worried it will be watered down due to it also being released on console. There has always been a very strong, almost symbiotic, relationship between BI and the modding community. Its the mods that make Arma what it is, it spawned the whole Battle Royale genre via one of its mods...and console worries me a little on that front.


But yeah: looks better, sounds better, plays better, driving is much much better...its still Bohemia Interactive and so has a few bugs... and what's available in terms of game modes is limited, at least for now.


It's not really a purchase for non Arma fans but worth a punt if you find it interesting.


What do you think is so hard for Arma Reforger or any other developer to get people to make mods for these games and make them available on their own universal launcher so console games can receive mods? Similar to how Minecraft works I suppose?

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Progress has been slow but the king of military sims have been working with the community and the new Arma Reforger is starting to look pretty good 🙂




So I have picked this up, having only done the tutorial so far I can tell you it seem's great but glitchy as hell 😄 


A few of the guys I used to play battlefield with have picked this up so once I squad up with them and give it a real go I will put some thoughts in here 🙂 




22 hours ago, Luseth said:

So I have picked this up, having only done the tutorial so far I can tell you it seem's great but glitchy as hell 😄 


A few of the guys I used to play battlefield with have picked this up so once I squad up with them and give it a real go I will put some thoughts in here 🙂 


Ah that's cool, and the fact that Sony have agreed to allow mods for this game on PS5 will make it even better for you when that happens.


On 1/27/2025 at 2:54 PM, phil bottle said:


Ah that's cool, and the fact that Sony have agreed to allow mods for this game on PS5 will make it even better for you when that happens.


Had a couple of sessions now, now that I sort of know what I'm doing it's actually become quite good fun. You can tell there are a lot of new players, people don't understand the supplies in a match and such.


There are a few as mentioned before from my battlefield group up for giving it a go and they joined me Saturday just gone and we had good fun with it. I am very skeptical about letting others drive now though as I have died a few times just because people can't stay on the road! There are also some wingebags in some of the lobbies, I drove some supplies to a forward base the other day and because I did not stop to pick someone up (the truck was full mind) he tried to vote to kick me, he also began a vote to kick someone only minutes later in the same base I was gathering supplies for de spawning vehicles then proceeded to try and run to the forward bases 😄


I had some great gun fights, fighting in the streets at the port was great and people could really hole up in some of the buildings, where some games you would just drive a vehicle in i.e. battlefield and knock it all down or it would be a run and slide into a building. Here it just felt like a warzone, well calculated attacks and making the most of cover and such.


Playing it on your own strikes me as less fun unless you are in a decent lobby, but working as a squad, moving up and flanking enemies and such together it can be great when it works. We snuck up on a sniper on a cliff the other evening after he picked 1 or 2 of our guys off and my friend bayonetted him which was quite entertaining.


It will definately get more game time from us I think.




There's an update in the works for a single player campaign but yep that's totally true @Luseth it's a lot of fun but much better with a team!


We only really get on once a week at the moment but I am thoroughly enjoying this. It is filling the void that battlefield has left since BFV which is great. Obviously less destruction but that is sort of mitigated by the base building.


You can see how many players still do not understand the logistical side of things around the supplies and such, it can be a bit frustrating when someone spawn's in and nicks off with all the supplies by bringing in vehicles, loadouts and such while you are trying to build up a base.


We did take a beating last time we were on, similarly I don't think the group I play with fully appreciates a well built up base. A group joined the Soviet side and came in and took half the map rather quickly as they took out the radio beacons to prevent spawns and the bases had no ai and such to defend them.


For the first time in a shooter sniping is incredibly satisfying too, but the ai leave room for improvement. Getting one shotted at sniper range by someone holding an AK is absurd.


I have had one go in the chopper and for some reason it locked my camera once I took off and I could not turn it round at all which made it particularly difficult, still somehow managed to land it with only 1 guy in my squad dying (but he did jump out before I had landed so his own fault!)




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