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Robocop Rogue City


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I was supposed to post this a while back as it got me giddy excited as Robocop was one of kind of fictional heroes (because of the original film and the Amstrad CPC 464 game). If they get his HUD working in the way like the movies, I'd like to think its a must buy for me. Its also based on the original movies 35 years ago which definitely helps as the newer version just didn't hit me the way the old one does. Anyway, trailer for starters with some concept art. Still a way to go to wait for this one as it states 2023.



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Gameplay trailer revealed yesterday




Looking at it, I couldn't get a huge feel for how it will look and play. We don't know how the gunplay will 100% feel until we see a more detailed gameplay and UI/HUD. The story parts is looking good so far, and the voiceover for Robocop is quality. Still probably a bit to go until we can see if we're looking forward to a must-buy me thinks.

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I'm really hoping this one is good.  The fact they have Peter Weller reprising his role is a good sign.  Let's hope the game lives up to the hype.  Fingers crossed.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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So a gameplay reveal has come out. Its not AAA so there is that to bear in mind. Part of me feels like it would work better as a PSVR2 game perhaps? I like the puzzle solving side, I just have a little worry over controls and shooting mechanics. The nostalgia of being Robocop though is still an overwhelmingly good feeling to have, even if the game isn't top notch. Thoughts?




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It looks shite to be honest, is it the same team that made that crappy on rails Rambo game?


Not trying to be a twat, but they could make a fantastic game with this IP, and what I see here does not inspire much hope.


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1 hour ago, phil bottle said:

It looks shite to be honest, is it the same team that made that crappy on rails Rambo game?


Not trying to be a twat, but they could make a fantastic game with this IP, and what I see here does not inspire much hope.


You're not being a twat, I think my post was trying to be hopeful but knowingly watched this and thought very similar. Abut gutted tbh, was expecting way more from it but that was naive to think that way.

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I don't know why all these blockbuster brands get given such lame developers with shite portfolios. I suppose as it's published in-house by the IP owners, they don't have to worry about any outlandish licencing fees so it turns into merely a cash grab opportunity using whatever dev they can get their hands on. Complete waste of time really. Definitely not as bad as some of these film-oriented games we've seen over the years but this looks so disappointing. 

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I’ve seen the latest gameplay footage and I must take back what I said previous - this game actually looks pretty decent and clearly some serious work has gone into it since it’s early reveals. Combat still looks a bit basic and clunky but the visuals, attention to detail and particle effects are seriously impressive as is the presentation. This honestly could be a surprise hit of the year if it plays as good as it looks. Even gives me F.E.A.R vibes 

a demo is also available which I can’t believe I didn’t realise. I’m gonna download that tomorrow on Steam

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I dunno, I watched a bit of footage last night and the combat, to me at least, looks kind of shite still tbh and that would make the game boring very quickly.

If the demo isn't too large I might install to check it out though.


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Ok, I tried it out.

I'm sure there are some that will love it, as its quite immersive and ppl like the shit that glitters (glisters I should say).

Shooting is terrible imo and very sluggish. Lame ADS. Very poorly optimised too.

I've already uninstall the demo 🤗



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I tried the demo and the ADS shooting just feels weird to the point it is absolutely dissatisfying. Also had a bad crash and uninstalled. Looks amazing and they nailed so much but it's one of those games that just doesn't quite work unless they radically overhauled the source material. 

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Looks more of a fun, whacky game than a proper FPS. Slightly gutted that its not a great shooter given your thoughts @phil bottle and @J4MES OX4D, although lets face it, we all probably thought it was gonna be pretty bad shooting.

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I was a huge fan of the first two movies as a young lad, so I had every intention of picking this up when it dropped. 


You can tell it isn't a "triple A" title by any means, but it definitely puts you in the era of the movies.  The combat has been decent so far, though I do find the targeting seems to be hit or miss.  There have been a few times where I know I've had the crosshair lined up right over an enemy head and somehow ended up missing.  The "investigation" stuff has been decent.  Not nearly as cool as the Arkham games' detective mode, but still cool.


I'd honestly wait for a sale if you're interested in grabbing it.  But, if you're a fan of the old flicks, you'll probably dig it.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Got to hear your review on your podcast too and I am still keeping it on my wishlist - as you say, it could be worth saving a few quid whilst we wait for the next sale, only because the amount of games to be played and coming out before Christmas. Nice one Chad 👍

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