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Bethesda have got them using Denuvo, which is annoying, but even still I'm tempted to get it. 

Gives me Bioshock and Dishonored vibes, which is fine by me. 

Will look see if I can find it cheaper than £50 😉



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8 minutes ago, phil bottle said:

Bethesda have got them using Denuvo, which is annoying, but even still I'm tempted to get it. 

Gives me Bioshock and Dishonored vibes, which is fine by me. 

Will look see if I can find it cheaper than £50 😉



£40 from Green Man Gaming if anyone fancies it on PC


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For me it reminds me of XIII tbh! Not like anything we've seen before and I don't think we expected that many high scores. I'll be waiting to hear what you both say. The MP is about more PvP which doesn't excite me, but if someone sees a co-op element that defo let me know.

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Had a bitcof a weird one with this last night. It went live just after midnight and I had it pre-installed. As always, pre-installed doesn't mean it's ready to go. It did a little update and my PC went nuts. The fans went hyper and all my cpu cores were in the 70s. My PC never goes above the 50s. GPU too was getting a work out. It was only a minute but totally freaked me out.


Anyway, I jumped on the game quickly to check the shooting, that's make or break with me for some games. Shooting is top notch I must say. As is the voice acting and humour. But I only played very briefly to sort out graphics settings. Happy to report I'm getting 90+ fps on ultra settings😉


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I'm really enjoying the game so far - it's a really well-executed concept and a very smart one at that too. There's not many developers that have the brains or balls to do something like this! I've played about 4 hours so far and completed one full loop/day, so I've seen parts of each location and gathered some useful intel. The game flows really well and you're under no time constraints to explore - you can take some risks by delving deeper into the locations but if you don't have the gear or powers, it's best to just get the key intel to progress the story and try and gather any other useful things before moving on. Exiting the level advances time as you move on to the next with 4 locations and 4 times of day. Anything you miss you can always get on the next loop so there's no concerns about that. 


The journal system is also excellent for keeping tabs on stuff and reminding you of things i.e info you've picked up previous which you may need to use at that specific time. I was worried I'd need a notepad or have to remember tones of stuff but it's all laid out really well. The game also reminds you of key narrative points and guides you so you never get lost or overwhelmed. The characters seem really intriguing and fun although the AI is a bit simple and stupid at times. Shooting is great and I can't wait to get my hands on the powers - I managed to get the teleport one from Dishonored for a bit from Juliana before the loop ended and that was a lot of fun and could prove useful but I have to work out how I can retain such things which will no doubt be embedded into the story somewhere down the line. 


Performance was a bit iffy at first and some are having a hard time with it but it's not too bad for me thankfully. Could be better tho and screw Denuvo! 

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On 9/14/2021 at 8:14 PM, J4MES OX4D said:

I'm really enjoying the game so far - it's a really well-executed concept and a very smart one at that too. There's not many developers that have the brains or balls to do something like this! I've played about 4 hours so far and completed one full loop/day, so I've seen parts of each location and gathered some useful intel. The game flows really well and you're under no time constraints to explore - you can take some risks by delving deeper into the locations but if you don't have the gear or powers, it's best to just get the key intel to progress the story and try and gather any other useful things before moving on. Exiting the level advances time as you move on to the next with 4 locations and 4 times of day. Anything you miss you can always get on the next loop so there's no concerns about that. 


The journal system is also excellent for keeping tabs on stuff and reminding you of things i.e info you've picked up previous which you may need to use at that specific time. I was worried I'd need a notepad or have to remember tones of stuff but it's all laid out really well. The game also reminds you of key narrative points and guides you so you never get lost or overwhelmed. The characters seem really intriguing and fun although the AI is a bit simple and stupid at times. Shooting is great and I can't wait to get my hands on the powers - I managed to get the teleport one from Dishonored for a bit from Juliana before the loop ended and that was a lot of fun and could prove useful but I have to work out how I can retain such things which will no doubt be embedded into the story somewhere down the line. 


Performance was a bit iffy at first and some are having a hard time with it but it's not too bad for me thankfully. Could be better tho and screw Denuvo! 


I wasn't sure about this game at first, but having read that and seeing some more of the gameplay it seems like it will be a lot more fun to play than i first thought so will (eventually) have to give it a go

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Deathloop down by 34% in the Steam Halloween sale. 


I never finished this game in the end because it got old fast sadly. I really enjoyed the first few hours but it soon became repetitive and tedious. The biggest culprit is the AI which is probably the worst I have ever encountered in a game and without a doubt, the most dissatisfying to go up against. It plays such a big part in the experience but the enemies are just so stupid, it's like playing a COD campaign mission on recruit over and over. They pose no threat, are easy to cheese and the game itself is very generous with 2 reprise (2 lives) per location which makes the game pathetically easy. You could in theory die 8 times in one loop and still finish the game. By nature of its design whereby you can infuse (retain) powers, weapons, perks and other boosts, Colt only gets stronger as the game progresses yet it's too easy even barebones. There are no difficulty settings either and the stealth elements are very weak because bodies disappear into Residuum so they don't need to be hidden. 


There are some good ideas in this game and I think the framework is there but the execution is way off in a few regards. Game is too easy and only gets easier by design and the AI is beyond horrendous. I think they probably could've done with twice as many locations too and a couple that are in the game aren't big or varied enough as it is. I don't care how much someone enjoyed the game or how lenient their review score threshold is, there is just no way this game deserves 10/10 under any credible circumstances. 

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So i've spent 16 hours on this game, and I'm on the verge of calling it a day. It statrted out well and I was really enjoying it. Exploring each of the 4 areas was fun and I managed tobget 5 of the slabs by killing the visionaries, and the day cycle was a good way to progress the game. Fast forward to 16 hours later and im constantly exploring all the same areas at different times of day to try to find the clues for the "perfect loop" and its getting really tedious and i feel like im forcing myself to play it for the sake of completing it and getting more frustration than enjoyment out of it. Maybe it's just me but I think this might be one of those games i put down and don't come back to 😔

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7 hours ago, Antpool84 said:

So i've spent 16 hours on this game, and I'm on the verge of calling it a day. It statrted out well and I was really enjoying it. Exploring each of the 4 areas was fun and I managed tobget 5 of the slabs by killing the visionaries, and the day cycle was a good way to progress the game. Fast forward to 16 hours later and im constantly exploring all the same areas at different times of day to try to find the clues for the "perfect loop" and its getting really tedious and i feel like im forcing myself to play it for the sake of completing it and getting more frustration than enjoyment out of it. Maybe it's just me but I think this might be one of those games i put down and don't come back to 😔

The game just gets easier and worse the more you play. The best bit is actually the tutorial but from then on, you just repeat the same areas with the same brain-dead AI doing the same things and getting more OP as the game progresses despite the dynamics not getting any harder. Interesting idea on paper but it just doesn't work especially with just 4 areas to explore. I think I ducked out after about 10 and if I played on another 15 to complete it, it would've been the same thing just repeating each level 10 times. The tutorial is actually the best part. 

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11 hours ago, phil bottle said:

Yeah, I'm wondering I'd Redfall is going to be similar.

Totally agree about this game, starts great but just couldn't be bothered with it after a bit.

I think Redfall will be DOA. £60 is an absolute joke for a game that is unlicensed and if you and your buddies wanted to buy this for co-op, it works out at spending £240! It's on the game pass but all that does is suggest that to mitigate the lost direct sales through users playing this way, they've bumped up the unit price which means real players who want to own the game get ripped off by paying an inflated premium and the game pass users who will try it out for 10 minutes or for a couple of weeks will get a free ride that brings in little revenue or success for the developers.  Microsoft may have threw it on the pass because they know it would probably do worse than B4B even if they dropped it to £40. 


Arkane's demise is quite sad really. 

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57 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:



Arkane's demise is quite sad really. 


Yeah, it's a puzzling one, they have lots of good elements in their games, they look good, they have their own unique style, and the combat is good but they can't seem to tie it all together. I really enjoyed Dishonored, I completed it and all the dlc but I've started up Dishonored 2 several times and just can't get into it.


Redfall on gamepass means I'll at least give it a try, so we'll see....


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IGN put of a gameplay video which does the game a further disservice in many ways. This is probably the worst video they have ever put out and that's saying something. This is part of their First campaign which promotes the latest releases but I haven't seen anything this bad and it's actually a brutally unfair reflection of the game by the way they've played it and how the video has been crafted. Painful


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3 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:

This could be the final nail in the coffin for Redfall before it's even released. 



Seriously, what were they thinking? 🙈😅

The game is already delayed, why not wait a little longer. Imagine all the work that people put into these games only for the marketing or finance folk to fuck it all up.


Starfield will take a hit on this if similar. 


Glad I'm getting it on PC 😁


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