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That's four minutes of my life I won't get back. Didn't really explain anything except bang on about a cult.


I suppose Disney are probably uber sensitive since they were founded by a fascist sympathiser😆


Context on my POV:

  1. I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I did enjoy The Mandalorian... and probably have a better than basic knowledge of Star Wars lore.
  2. I lean liberal.

Is what she said offensive? Sure. Do I necessarily care? Ehhhh... not really? There are plenty of actors out there that have viewpoints dissimilar to mine, and for me, unless you are actually actively doing terrible sh*t to the tune of harming people and animals for no good reason (I'm looking at you worthless pieces of garbage a la Jake Paul and Logan Paul), I generally say... whatever.


Look, we who are employed by others are endlessly told to keep your POVs to yourself and be mindful of your social media. I have signed something that had that wording in the last 5 places I was employed, especially in the position I hold. I'm pretty sure she had to sign that as well. It's DISNEY. They absolutely care about what their assets put out there.


In terms of the corporate world, she did this to herself... getting fired.


In terms of her POV, ehhhh. It's terrible, and I wouldn't want to know her as a human. But, I also liked that she was a woman whose body I could actually relate to... who wasn't fat but was considered strong. No one wins with her being gone. Not the story. Not women. Not her. Not Disney.

It’s hard to see this as anything other than another victim of the cancer that is cancel culture.


Calling her out as racist and saying she should be fired just because she didn’t make a BLM post.  Or calls for her to be fired because she supported Trump.  By that logic, 74 million other Americans should be getting fired too.


I don’t follow her, or anyone really, o social media but from the articles I read she hasn’t actually said or done anything wrong.  Sure I disagree with the things she said but I’ve yet to find anyone I agree with on everything.


I haven't really followed this but it's yet more double standards on something driven by a hate mob by the sounds of it. I've seen actors and other celebs endorse rioting, defunding police and literally wishing death on politicians and other people yet they've been branded 'stunning and brave'. There was a young black Disney actress last year who doxed random children only because they were apparently being 'racist' for questioning her extreme BLM stance for instance. 


We basically live in a world where a vocal minority uses platforms ran by like-minded owners to drive people down for literally no reason. Free speech and cenorship is the norm and if you say or do something wrong, some people with no lives online will aim to obliterate your career and life until they move onto the next person. 


I'm not sure if Disney are trying to right their wrongs or if they are just pandering to anyone who'd watch their shite these days but they should support their employees better and take action against the ones that legitimately do things wrong aka criminally. 

She's said a lot of things over the last year or two that have riled people up, including laughing at the use of face masks. She's had people complaining about her for all sorts of things.... but didn't get 'cancelled' until she compared her situation to the holocaust.


I think think the cancel culture thing is a bit reactionary and blown out of proportion personally.


Black balling in various industries is endemic and has been for a long time and I never see anything about that. Just these emotive social media wars letting people fight among themselves as usual.


Laughing at the use of facemasks oh jeez heinous crime😂 whatever next. 

Anyway this is the post, I believe it may have been someone else that made the original post.

She also got attacked by the trans community for not putting her pronouns in her bio🤔

I also read that Pedro Pascal compared 75 million Americans to being Nazis. Will await his award 😂


Eitherway this public lynching for wrong opinions is stupid, the fact people actually go trawling through others lives looking for offence is one of the dumbest things these days. 



36 minutes ago, Greboth said:

It’s hard to see this as anything other than another victim of the cancer that is cancel culture.


Calling her out as racist and saying she should be fired just because she didn’t make a BLM post.  Or calls for her to be fired because she supported Trump.  By that logic, 74 million other Americans should be getting fired too.


I don’t follow her, or anyone really, o social media but from the articles I read she hasn’t actually said or done anything wrong.  Sure I disagree with the things she said but I’ve yet to find anyone I agree with on everything.


Calls for her to be fired because she supported "45" - yeah.. see... as much as I despise the man and his whole goomba crew and the people pulling his strings, I think that's a bit much. People who have a knee-jerk reaction to want to get someone fired just because of certain political views don't necessarily try to understand what the actual cause is then.


That said, yeah, my friends and I have definitely lived in various levels of fear since November 9, 2016 because of "45" and everything he put out there. But, if you come to me saying you support/supported him because of real things and got your facts together, then you do you. If you come to me saying you support/supported him because you think people like me are a cancer to the US because I'm brown and Asian and COVID and other xenophobic BS, then you can go happily jump off a ledge that I will point you in the direction of it.


Basically, what I'm saying is that at the end of the day, I just want to be left alone, in peace, to play my games, go outside to get food and whatnot, and not worry about getting thrown into a van to be sent to camp or killed or whatever. If you are in your political views move to harm me and my friends, I have a problem with that. But, if your views are all just blustering nonsense and you forgot that you are owned by your employer and forget that freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences from private entities, then well... lolz.

36 minutes ago, techno said:

Laughing at the use of facemasks oh jeez heinous crime😂 whatever next. 

Anyway this is the post, I believe it may have been someone else that made the original post.

She also got attacked by the trans community for not putting her pronouns in her bio🤔

I also read that Pedro Pascal compared 75 million Americans to being Nazis. Will await his award 😂


Eitherway this public lynching for wrong opinions is stupid, the fact people actually go trawling through others lives looking for offence is one of the dumbest things these days. 




In a country where so many people refuse to wear face masks, not sure why you want to laugh at that but fair enough. But that wasn't the point, as you well know, just an example of what I understand people have been complaining about.


I think jumping on outrage bandwagons about cancel culture is possibly another side of the same coin. I've never heard of any of these people, Pedro who? Leave me out of all that bollocks lol.


Still, my my mate who can't get employed as a chippy because of past union activities can go spin, not glamorous enough I suppose.



57 minutes ago, RenFengge said:



Basically, what I'm saying is that at the end of the day, I just want to be left alone, in peace, to play my games, go outside to get food and whatnot, and not worry about getting thrown into a van to be sent to camp or killed or whatever. If you are in your political views move to harm me and my friends, I have a problem with that. But, if your views are all just blustering nonsense and you forgot that you are owned by your employer and forget that freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences from private entities, then well... lolz.

Very well put, I often find people confusing freedom of speech with freedom from consequences.


Quite the lively debate today🙂


49 minutes ago, phil bottle said:


In a country where so many people refuse to wear face masks, not sure why you want to laugh at that but fair enough. But that wasn't the point, as you well know, just an example of what I understand people have been complaining about.


I think jumping on outrage bandwagons about cancel culture is possibly another side of the same coin. I've never heard of any of these people, Pedro who? Leave me out of all that bollocks lol.


Still, my my mate who can't get employed as a chippy because of past union activities can go spin, not glamorous enough I suppose.


I picked on the facemask thing as in the grand scheme of things that's hardly a major thing, I mean look at this country. I think the other thing is these days there seems to be no middle ground with anything, like choices are purely binary. I think people would be ok if the reactions or consequences were dished out equally. People like to bash on about equality but that's ok as long as its the right type.

9 minutes ago, techno said:

I picked on the facemask thing as in the grand scheme of things that's hardly a major thing, I mean look at this country. I think the other thing is these days there seems to be no middle ground with anything, like choices are purely binary. I think people would be ok if the reactions or consequences were dished out equally. People like to bash on about equality but that's ok as long as its the right type.


I agree, in so much as there is an authoritarian tendency in a lot of people,  that I find disturbing and should always be confronted.


There's also plenty of folk on the likes of Twitter that seem to exist just to either act superior or outraged to another set of people. I just don't engage with it. 


I think what a lot of us forget as we consume social media and whatnot... is that the ones making noise about anything and everything and the ones that create content and get everyone else riled up... are the extreme minority of humanity.


The vast majority of us are middle ground, try to do the right thing, try not to harm others, try to understand that you can't paint one person or group of people with a giant stroke.


Yes, I live in a progressive area. Yes, I am progressive (to the point that I was "Yang Gang" long before anyone knew who Andrew Yang was). Yes, I have definitely dealt with my share of "COVIDiots" (I mean, I have a neighbor who is) and racists and sexists and generally terrible people. But, while my neighbor is a "red hat" who thinks masks are pointless (and for a while thought COVID was a hoax), he's not malicious and quite neighborly and understands that COVID is dangerous.


We, as people, generally forget that there is a middle ground. That just because one thing is chosen doesn't mean something else isn't. That because someone gets helps or a reward doesn't mean that something is taken away from someone else. That, let's just take for example, equal rights to all people does not mean taking away rights from others... or the super touchy subject here in the US about "the right to bear arms"... that just because I want some semblance of gun control doesn't mean no guns for anyone. Just it should be responsible ownership... Because I think people should have them as long as they know how to properly use and care for them. Or, non-hetero people getting married... like who cares if two guys or two ladies or two whatevers gets married? Last I checked their relationship has nothing to do with others?


It's not black or white. One or the other. Everything is a shade of grey.


Social media and the trolls that are on it to rile people up are a prime example of "a person is smart. People are dumb". Mob mentality happens super fast on social media.

4 hours ago, techno said:

She also got attacked by the trans community for not putting her pronouns in her bio🤔


The pronoun mafia are some of the most toxic of all the Twitter clowns - basically they go around celebrities profiles 18 hours a day asking them why they don't have their pronouns included in their bio and if they aren't willing to include it within 30 minutes, they are branded transphobic homophobes and nazi extremists. Almost as laughable of a situation as when a series of black celebs on social media were deemed right wing racists if they didn't include the BLM hashtag in their posts when the protests aka riots were going on. 


I am so happy I don't use the cesspool of social media. Whenever a story pops up like this, it's usually supposed anti-fascists fighting non-existent fascism they've created with their own brand of fascism or social justice warriors looking for anything to make them angry and then make a song and dance about it until someone buckles and they get their way.


Basically anyone with a blue checkmark on Twitter that you haven't heard of is usually a cunt. Anyone with pronouns has either been forced to do it to save their career or they are one of those toxic progressives.  

7 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I am so happy I don't use the cesspool of social media. 


I deleted FB about 3 - 4 years ago... Such a cloud lifted! My IG is pretty curated to show me only animal videos and a few other amusing things. Aside from a gym friend, the rest of the posts in my feed are pretty non-toxic.


Twitter, however, is just as toxic (if not more) as FB.


As for the "blue checkmark", relatively true on your statement. However, Stephen Amell, who I guess is considered a celebrity because of his role as the Green Arrow, just sends so much happiness when he tweets.

I had MySpace back in the day but never bothered with FBook, glad I avoided it judging by what I hear.


Meanwhile in Spain a hip hop artist is being sent to jail for lyrics about the Spanish monarchy. How's that for cancel culture, old school 😁


On 2/12/2021 at 4:04 AM, RenFengge said:

I deleted FB about 3 - 4 years ago


I only have FB because of the FG Account so we can keep in touch with those that end up as that being the only contact we have left with them. I agree with a lot of this debate. Seriously, this is how debates are supposed to go, you listen to each other and still can respectfully disagree with whatever is said. I do hold Twitter as one of the main root causes to our issues we have today that spun all of this stuff up. Its literally the best and worst place to go - its where we get the latest news right from the horses mouths - fortunately and unfortunately.

Forum Signature Test.png

On 2/12/2021 at 9:49 AM, phil bottle said:

I had MySpace back in the day but never bothered with FBook, glad I avoided it judging by what I hear.


Meanwhile in Spain a hip hop artist is being sent to jail for lyrics about the Spanish monarchy. How's that for cancel culture, old school 😁

😅The law being enforced must be from 1361

The support for Gina is insane right now and the amount of pronouns having meltdowns on social media is pretty epic!


Kathleen Kennedy got pooed on pretty bad yesterday too in this glorious dumpster fire


There is a disturbance in The Force. Again.


50 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:

😅The law being enforced must be from 1361

I remember when Princess Diana died and some geezer got arrested for writing 'class war' in her book of condolence. 

But yeah Spain is using anti terror to clampdown on freedom of speech, there were riots over it the past few days when the rapper got sent down.


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