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The Day Before [SCAM]


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10 minute 'gameplay' coming today apparently after another bizarre u-turn. Will probably be another scripted video with more bought assets from Unreal but it'll be interesting to see what they've concocted. So much for the trademark dispute too! Even if this is somehow genuine gameplay irrespective of quality, the way the developers have handled this entire charade has been the worst I have ever seen in entertainment media history. 



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Everything I have seen suggests there is a game and it's a game I would quite enjoy. It has however been managed and promoted by amateurs (which tbf they are new to this).


I think a lot of the issues have been around a small studio trying to do something far grander than their size or budget will allow, if they are managing it and creating the game there are going to be a lot of mess ups and I think that is showing.


I do think we will see something at some point but definately would recommend no one pre-orders just in case 😄





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I dunno, for a game that was due for imminent release, delayed only by a 'trademark dispute' they are showing and providing sweet FA about this game. 9 minutes of walking through an area? For a finished game that seems a bit weird to me that they didnt have more to show.

Too long in the tooth and seen too many games flatter only to deceive.

I'm happy to be pleasantly surprised but here's my predictions, if it isn't delayed again....


1. It will have massive network issues at launch and beyond.

2. It will have microtransactions and monetization will feature heavily.


I do hope I'm wrong but World War 3, Dead Matter and a whole host of promising games that looked great but ultimately failed to deliver..

help temper any enthusiasm I might have 🙂






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4 hours ago, phil bottle said:

I dunno, for a game that was due for imminent release, delayed only by a 'trademark dispute' they are showing and providing sweet FA about this game. 9 minutes of walking through an area? For a finished game that seems a bit weird to me that they didnt have more to show.

Too long in the tooth and seen too many games flatter only to deceive.

I'm happy to be pleasantly surprised but here's my predictions, if it isn't delayed again....


1. It will have massive network issues at launch and beyond.

2. It will have microtransactions and monetization will feature heavily.


I do hope I'm wrong but World War 3, Dead Matter and a whole host of promising games that looked great but ultimately failed to deliver..

help temper any enthusiasm I might have 🙂


A huge missed opportunity once again from the devs seems to be the wider consensus and even more doubts arising as to whether they actually have a 'game' - we've already seen these environments for a good two years now and most of the assets seem to have been purchased from Unreal and have been available since 2014. 


They barely showed off the combat or the mechanics as a whole - what about cover, mantling and what is the actual purpose of the game? Is it like The Division or DayZ? Simple questions and nearly 4 years on we still don't have answers. All we've really seen is a stock character parading through an environment. Didn't look all that scripted but footage seemed very safe and lacking depth. No driving gameplay either which is a huge selling point for this game. 


Any credible dev would have provided several independent gameplay videos showcasing many scenarios and mechanics. Shouldn't be too hard for them to fire up the latest build and do a step by step walkthrough. It's taken 14 months of persistent badgering just to get them to release this 10 minute video and even then it seemed to be asking too much of them. 


5 hours ago, Luseth said:

It has however been managed and promoted by amateurs (which tbf they are new to this)

They've had a couple of significant titles and have been around for many years. What hasn't helped is their backseat approach plus their shady nature. They originated in Russia but then backdoor-relocated to Singapore not so long ago. Nobody can identify the dev team apart from a couple of local faces fronting them and most of their funding comes from a 3rd party company with a large pot to burn. They've certainly bitten off more than then can chew with this game and their approach to the community leaves a lot to be desired but they certainly aren't the little unknown developer with a big potential hit that they want people to believe. 


If they put together a more constructive promotion of the game then it would really put a lot of concerns to bed for the time being. 

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Saw this today. I mean, its not the end of the world (no pun intended) that they took ideas from other trailers and games but it just adds another thing that always feels like a downward spiral for this game.



There was a lso this as a reminder that it wasn't just the trailer they took some ideas from. I would always some crossover somewhere, thats just life, but very strange to see so many references. Its abit like the Marketing person has a bit of Imposter syndrome so the only thing they can think of is look at other stuff and then copy it identically.

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2 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:


Saw this today. I mean, its not the end of the world (no pun intended) that they took ideas from other trailers and games but it just adds another thing that always feels like a downward spiral for this game.



There was a lso this as a reminder that it wasn't just the trailer they took some ideas from. I would always some crossover somewhere, thats just life, but very strange to see so many references. Its abit like the Marketing person has a bit of Imposter syndrome so the only thing they can think of is look at other stuff and then copy it identically.

There's taking ideas and references and then there is straight up ripping everything. All the stuff in the trailer(s) can be bought off the shelf from Unreal as it is so from what's been showcased then and up to their 'gameplay extravaganza' is nothing original or of their own creation which is absolutely damning. The good news is that people aren't falling for it like they would've 5+ years ago and be blinded by hype. 

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This has now been picked up by the mainstream which wont bode well for the game here


"The Day Before is the epitome of 'Can I copy your homework?'"


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Fntastic says the copyright holder has been in touch, but the studio seems suspicious of his intentions.


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They released another trailer the other day and this has to be the worst yet - I honestly don't know what they were thinking or what the point of this was. All it shows is a city and a stock asset sports car being driven around Need for Speed style in a post apocalyptic city. It's probably ripped scene for scene off some racing game like how they copied the Black Ops Zombies trailer. It has to be a troll because it's beyond dumb how silly this looks


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Looks like this game is getting a new name - 'Dayworld' LMAO! 


The developer behind upcoming zombie MMO The Day Before has filed a new trademark for something known as Dayworld, sugg…


This game just keeps on clowning itself I honestly think it's just a prank as well as being a scam.

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6 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Looks like this game is getting a new name - 'Dayworld' LMAO! 


The developer behind upcoming zombie MMO The Day Before has filed a new trademark for something known as Dayworld, sugg…


This game just keeps on clowning itself I honestly think it's just a prank as well as being a scam.




I'm lucky I don't eat popcorn, otherwise watching the story of this game progress would be very unhealthy 🤣


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Game releasing in early access on December 7th. Cannot believe they've finally got into a position where the game is real and it's releasing. Still looks miles off what was originally planned and really lacking polish but at least it exists and they got the IP rights sorted. Does not take away the shambolic behaviour from the developers and publisher previous though, so I'm taking it with a pinch of salt.


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2 hours ago, phil bottle said:

I get massive War Z vibes from this whole set up, anyone remember that shitshow? 

Launch night will be fun I'm sure, whenever it happens 🤗😅

A minority seem to be 'hyped' once again but their judgement seems to be clouded by the fact the game exists rather than how it looks. It is way off how it was originally showcased and doesn't look anywhere near a current gen title - looks like The Division 2015 from Wish. The PR over the years and all the shadiness has completely put me off regardless and I still don't trust anything about the devs or the product. Seems the majority of users are not happy with what they've seen and it's defies belief that this was once the most wish listed Steam product! 


It's PVPvE online only too and these servers ain't gonna be cheap to maintain so it'll be very interesting to see how this game will survive long-term. After all this time, we still haven't seen true raw gameplay of the final build and the trailer we did see a few months back looked utter wank. 

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Today is the day! After almost 3 years of lies, deceit, plagiarism, asset flips, fake gameplay, amateur mistakes and a multitude of embarrassments, the game is finally out in early access for £33.50/$40. I am not expecting much and will have to catch some gameplay later. A surprise choice to also launch in Unreal 5 instead of the far more stable UE4. Unless the game has some significant features out the gate then this could be a poor move right from the off that causes unnecessary strain on optimisation for nothing in return. 

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Game is currently sitting at 21% positive on Steam and most of those are meme reviews. Watched 30 minutes of gameplay so far and it's just an extraction shooter in the most empty world imaginable. 2 zombies and one person killed in the stream I saw and a whole lotta looting nothing. They are also using misleading fake gunshots to add ambience. No vehicles, no melee and barely any features that were showcased 3 years ago. Bigfry described it as WarZ but worse which says it all. 

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I'd say it blows my mind how many morons actually bought it but then again 🤔😅


Barebones game, 3 zombies max, bullet sponge zombies at that. Not an MMO at all. Fucked up servers. Lies upon lies.


If they'd released it as an early access game without all the lying marketing for £14.99 I'd be ok with that but now I'll never touch this disgrace of a product 🤣


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