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So, what's a good Christmas present this year? (For your family and yourself)


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I'll admit it, we're struggling what to get for our kids. I'm struggling for Hayley to if i'm honest. So can anyone lend me a hand if they've seen some decent fun things on the t'internet please? My kids have also got to the age where a lot of toys just don't cut it anymore (mine are 8 and 11) so any funky ideas wouldn't go a miss.


As for myself, I'm thinking of asking for some Blackburn Rovers stuff and some PS5 games like usual but i'm also interested in trying out the new Pulse 3D headset for the PS5 to see if there is an improvement in sound over astros as its specifically designed for it.


We'll also look at getting one or two of these for wider family members:




We did our very first one at Halloween and were surprised how good it was. They are a once only play unfortunately but just over a tenner they seem a great stocking filler!


Answers below please - come and help Uncle Santa out!!

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I am buying myself an Ekster wallet:


Love the design individuals cards click and cascade out that you want. Plus can buy a tracker if you want



Ultra-Slim Parliament RFID Wallets for Men. Easy card access and room for 10+ cards/cash. Maximum storage & security with this RFID Protection Wallet!



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I'm at the point where I've given up and just get people giftcards if they don't have specific wishes 😅

Personally I'll be ordering the FG hoodie as an xmas gift to myself. Also pre-ordered Cyberpunk the other day for an early xmas present 😉 

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I don't do presents, my kids have had their money, I found that letting them buy their own stuff once they got to a certain age was easy for me and better for them,  me and the wife don't really do all the usual birthday, anniversary Xmas stuff.

However I usually go thirds on my parents gift but this year they're getting an IOU.

Personally I'd settle for an end to this covid bullshit.

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On 11/23/2020 at 2:32 PM, LordBaguette said:

I am buying myself an Ekster wallet:


Love the design individuals cards click and cascade out that you want. Plus can buy a tracker if you want



Ultra-Slim Parliament RFID Wallets for Men. Easy card access and room for 10+ cards/cash. Maximum storage & security with this RFID Protection Wallet!




Nice find Tom, you getting the tracker with yours? Also, is there a lot of room for cash notes at all? I appreciate we don't really get cash out these days though. 


On 11/23/2020 at 4:13 PM, ChaosGladiator said:

I'm at the point where I've given up and just get people giftcards if they don't have specific wishes 😅

Personally I'll be ordering the FG hoodie as an xmas gift to myself. Also pre-ordered Cyberpunk the other day for an early xmas present 😉 


Ah, vouchers are pretty much the last resort element for me as i've got to give it a go to find something they might like. Although a voucher is hands down better than giving money. Oh, and the FG Hoodie? What a perfect idea!! 😍


On 11/23/2020 at 5:43 PM, techno said:

I don't do presents, my kids have had their money, I found that letting them buy their own stuff once they got to a certain age was easy for me and better for them,  me and the wife don't really do all the usual birthday, anniversary Xmas stuff.

However I usually go thirds on my parents gift but this year they're getting an IOU.

Personally I'd settle for an end to this covid bullshit.


Got to do something Gaz, otherwise there's nothing to look forward to! 🤣🤣 In all seriousness if no one buys anything for each other then i understand. I think if we got to the stage where we wanted nothing then, i'd just make a day of it and set something like a £20-30 budget to find as many ludicrous and wacky presents as i could find. I just like the fact its the one day in the year that everyone in the world stops for a moment and appreciates being with people so we might as well make the most of it whilst we're with them for those 24 lovely hours.

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We're thinking on settling on the PSVR for my son. The Iron Man game looks like a game where it be a dealbreaker for him...I hope. Although after this year I doubt there's many things he would absolutely go for - maybe a PS5 when hes been on the PS4 for another year perhaps.


I've just come across a few random bits and bobs personally. Give them a search and you might find something for your Aunt Tracey (You know, the one that's not really your Aunty but your mum told you to call her that and you never know why):


  • Cereal Cup - You can eat cereal in a cup on the go with milk! I'm easily pleased 😄
  • Gulag Light - For you guys that love dying and ending up in there too much you start making a camp in there



  • Mini Crazy Golf Set! - Secretly I hope I get to play this more than him!



  • Polaroid Lab - This thing seems abit better than the standard Polaroids. Rather than that one chance at a polaroid pic, you take pics on your phone and when you're happy with one, you place it on the top of it and it will change it into a Polaroid for you. Pretty smart idea, especially for youngsters growing up taking pictures of every single thing a thousand times. Saves me wasting a lot of money on Polaroid film!


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Lee get your other half I dunno some jewellery, Pandora Charms. Or maybe a really nice Cashmere Scarf.


The kids are what 8 & 11? Get them a Mr Frosty Snowman Ice Slushy Maker 😂


I dunno, just throwing a few random ideas out there. ☺️

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On 12/2/2020 at 9:34 AM, IRaMPaGe said:

Mr Frosty Snowman Ice Slushy Maker 😂


My daughter has had one for years and she loves it! 🤣🤣 


On 12/2/2020 at 9:34 AM, IRaMPaGe said:

Lee get your other half I dunno some jewellery, Pandora Charms. Or maybe a really nice Cashmere Scarf.


I'd love to mate as I think these are great shouts. Weirdly, my wife doesn't like bracelet or necklaces much...but you've reminded me she LOVES querky rings. I'll go and check some now! Thanks mate.



Outside of these stuff, I've also noticed a few more things:


  • Galaxy/Wave Projector - @jordie1892  reminded me of this the other night when playing FIFA. With my lad being autistic I think he'd like the movement of the lights in his room when playing or watching a film at night. I think they look fantastic for all ages really
  • Grumpy Cat Calendar - more just for @crispymorgan  if i'm honest 😄


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It's a shame your missus doesn't like hanging jewellery. 

Rings are a good idea, also other things like UGG boots or a nice bag.

Some expensive perfume. 


Some good ideas floating around, glad some random ideas have got your juices flowing for inspiration.

Your not alone Lee, this year is a struggle for everyone.

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What're peoples plans for the Christmas period? Usually my grandparents come over for Christmas Eve and stay over till Boxing Day. However as they're both late 70's and high risk due to medical conditions, it'll just be my family of 4 this year, so definitely going to feel strange.

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Staying at home, daughter is excited, I just laid out all the presents under the tree while she's asleep. I can't wait for her to wake up.  We might possibly be meeting my sister outdoors to provide my daughter with her present from her.


Although after presents are done, first things first and that's going for a run.

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My son is old enough now that Christmas isn't a big deal.  We got him a few little things, but his big present this year is money toward a car since he turns 16 next Summer.  My wife and I agreed no presents.  We're not traveling or doing anything special other then eating a bunch of carbs and sugar. 😄


But I'm off, so I'm home and that's nice. 

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Well this Christmas Day run was... interesting. This will be the first time, in my 3 years of running, where I've actually fallen over! I was running on a byway, around 3 miles in to the run and I somehow either tripped or lost my footing on a rock. It's very uneven ground but also a path I've run many times before.


Anyway, not to be defeated. I checked my foot over and felt like I could carry on.




So this actually was my present to myself. 

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