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Ferociouslysteph and the Twitch "safety council"


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I don't really know where or how to start with this one so I'm just gonna scribble and hope it makes sense. Let me preface this by saying I'm not on Twitch, I can count on one hand the amount of times I've streamed and I really couldn't give a shit about what others do in their free time, I consider watching other people playing games to be a monumental waste of time.


Anyway, occasionally these weird stories leak out of their little petri dish of insane political correctness, attention seeking, mental illness & terminally offended people and this is one such occasion. This was brought to my attention on one of Angry Joe's vids and warranted a deeper look. 


Twitch has assigned some people to a new "safety council" initiative because having people do your shit for free means less money spent and Twitch is full of idiots who will happily carry out these duties under the assumption that this somehow elevates them above other people social media can be a cruel place so we need the internet police to deal with it.


None of the names mean anything to me, could be a bunch of hobos plucked off the street for all I know, yet one person stands out above the rest considerably. 


Now let me be clear: being unhappy in your own body must be a bitch, and if people wanna chop off their winkies and grow boobies to make this fucked up life more bearable for themselves then by all means do it, go nuts. I couldn't care less. However when this becomes a bit more than just seeking happiness and instead becomes a project to ensure that everyone who hasn't done the same is looked down upon, I will be the first to tell them to get fucked. 


Some people seem to think that by being different this is somehow a superpower which should be celebrated and anyone not agreeing with them makes you a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person. In this instance, I will also tell them to get fucked. 


Then there are people who go so far with their weird identity stuff that it legit confuses me and leaves me speechless. Twitch decided that one of these people is a good call for their Cyber Police Force. This person is Ferociouslysteph. 



Ferociouslysteph is a dude who identifies as a woman who identifies as a deer. I know. 


On top of this, this person seems to think that all gamers are white supremacists, and also seems to enjoy this weird power trip he/she/it's been given and also seems to enjoy just being a fucking weirdo. You can tell that this person has an entire deck of offended cards up his/her/its sleeve just waiting for you to tell him/her/it to shut the fuck up, and he/she/it knows that the Internet Police Department will be backing him/her/it so happily talks all sorts of shit in the belief that he/she/it is somehow untouchable. 


Personally, I'm of the opinion that this person has lived an extremely sheltered life, and has never faced real consequences for their actions. Where I come from, this shit was beaten out of you quickstyle. Archaic methods? Sure, but then I don't claim to "go outside in to my yard and prance around and eat grass" (yes, this person actually said this on stream).


And Twitch decided that this person should be an ambassador for their brand. I can't even.


Anyway. I'll stop there and leave you with a video. 


Be warned, this will make you uncomfortable. 




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I've followed this for a few days and it's pretty much sums up Twitch in a nutshell. They've now disavowed 'her' after monumental pressure from the community but she should be removed from the post for sexism, racism and causing  widespread offense along with bringing the company into disrepute. You can't have a person who hates gamers and white males representing any company. 


- She said most gamers were white supremacists

- Voice chat should be removed because she doesn't want to hear CIS white male voices

- That people should be afraid of her because she has moderation power and Twitch wont rid her


Thankfully Twitch has confirmed the Council has no powers and that everyone will continue to be bound to the sites already horrendous double standard practices. Hard to believe that just a few years ago if ANYONE brought such shame on a company, they would be removed from their position but it now seems that some people can make dreadful remarks to what are essentially customers and fellow creators and not be punished in any which way.  


Also her ‘Ambassador’ friend is a liar and a right piece of shit too 


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I'm not sure what I just watched there.


We live in a world where most things are to be embraced and accepted rather than frowned upon.


I'm not sure what to think or do tbh. I want to say that you should follow your feelings no matter what but at the same time my brain is confused as hell to understand what he/she/deer is.


This sums it up for me.


nathan fillion hd GIF

Forum Signature Test.png

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I fucking love you @Diddums 😄 


Thank fuck I stay the hell away from twitch as much as possible as I'd probably fire on all cylinders and intentionally trigger the living hell out of someone like that.

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24 minutes ago, Dr Diamond said:

You talking about OP ?


What? I managed some words as opposed to posting a child's picture? lol yeah I was talking about the prick (no pun intended) in the vid.


If you're insinuating I was calling Didds an attention seeking cunt, that boat sailed a long time ago, it's already in the FG constitution and laid in stone. 



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26 minutes ago, phil bottle said:




If you're insinuating I was calling Didds an attention seeking cunt, that boat sailed a long time ago, it's already in the FG constitution and laid in stone. 


Cant hurt to have a reaffirmation every once in a while.

Anyone who legitimately thinks they are a deer is mentally ill and i hope they get the help the need. Kind of ridiculous Twitch would even make this decision in the first place but nothing really shocks me any more lol.







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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