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Scump dumps on MW


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52 minutes ago, Middle Class Caveman said:

I've not watched it yet but is he trashing the Multiplayer or wazone as well?


I'm gonna watch it too! I saw a YT title "Warzone saved it" from Scump.

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Honestly his complaints can be said for any CoD game. Spawns are fucked? Been thay way since CoD4 lad, get over it. Map are bad? Sorry they aren't the 3 straight lines you are used to that they use in competitive play, this really comes down to preference in my opinion. There's nothing in there that are legit arguments, he could have brought up the cheaters in Warzone, but he doesn't. He's entitled to have his opinion though. Personally aside from the campers being more common in this cod than any other I quite enjoy it.

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I don't think Modern Warfare was a bad Call of Duty but it's one that was riddled with some surprise old flaws and generally poor game design I found. Infinity Ward's initial bad relationship with the community really soured the long-term experience for some big name players and the format pretty much killed off any eSport aspirations - not that I give a fuck about that like most people but it did leave a bit of a hole. 


My two biggest gripes with the game was the amount of needless bugs that persisted and how the file architecture was designed where we would get small playlist and bug fixes yet the update would take around 8-12gb because we had to download and overwrite files we already had. For a game that was over 100gb to start with, I must have had about 200gb of updates on top and I quit playing before Christmas and when Warzone dropped. Why wouldn't they just have internal server side updates instead is beyond me and leave players with just the core files. Treyarch games don't need 50gb of updates a month but IW are bloody amateur developers at times. I uninstalled the game when I had to complete 57gb update and that's not including the reinstallation of shaders. 


I still think the last good Call of Duty was probably Black Ops 2. MW is definitely better than BO4, WW2, IW and every other iteration we've had on this gen but it's still nowhere near the quality we should be getting from such an experienced franchise.  

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I’ve not watched the video (and probably won’t as I don’t like scump) but I assume his gripes are probably the same as mine:


1. too casual friendly. Too easy to camp and no reward for aggressive game play and mastering gun skill


2. Skill based match making, I’m always in try hard sweat lobbies so getting a decent gameplay means I have to sweat even harder


3. The gun meta is so linear. I suppose this is true of some other CODs but you’d think by now they would have worked this out?

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41 minutes ago, Middle Class Caveman said:

I’ve not watched the video (and probably won’t as I don’t like scump) but I assume his gripes are probably the same as mine:


1. too casual friendly. Too easy to camp and no reward for aggressive game play and mastering gun skill


2. Skill based match making, I’m always in try hard sweat lobbies so getting a decent gameplay means I have to sweat even harder


3. The gun meta is so linear. I suppose this is true of some other CODs but you’d think by now they would have worked this out?



He doesn't adress any of these things. He says it's trash, says the spawns are counter-intuitive and that the maps suck. Pretty much it.

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1 hour ago, ChaosGladiator said:

He doesn't adress any of these things. He says it's trash, says the spawns are counter-intuitive and that the maps suck. Pretty much it.

There is definitely are a lot of poor maps in the game and the spawns very problematic on some - players can get relentlessly spawned in the same places so most of the time they are just going over their footsteps to get back into the action. Picadilly was a prime example of this tragic loop. The other factor about spawns is that as they were largely hard-locked, spawn trapping was rife on some key maps like the bridge one and there was no hope of flipping or changing the flow of matches. 


Treyarch have had their problems but they work very hard on their spawn systems and have been pretty successful especially considering their maps are far smaller but IW never managed to get a hold of this or even understand the issues so they just picked some fixed locations and hoped for the best. I didn't like BO4 and the spawns weren't perfect but the game dictated them based on the live player mapping whereas on MW I could spawn camp and even trap like it was a decade ago. 


I do think people like Scump in a position of influence need to elaborate in detail to assist the developers because too many of these experienced players had a tantrum and stopped playing the game without really conveying their issues. IW aren't great at accepting or handling feedback especially from regular players but some of the core issues could've been addressed quite comfortably to benefit everyone had people spoken up. 

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On 5/15/2020 at 12:26 PM, ChaosGladiator said:

Honestly his complaints can be said for any CoD game. Spawns are fucked? Been thay way since CoD4 lad, get over it. Map are bad? Sorry they aren't the 3 straight lines you are used to that they use in competitive play, this really comes down to preference in my opinion. There's nothing in there that are legit arguments, he could have brought up the cheaters in Warzone, but he doesn't. He's entitled to have his opinion though. Personally aside from the campers being more common in this cod than any other I quite enjoy it.



This in a nutshell. Just said it in your PPR that people wanted something different for years but still felt CoD and this is it. Sure, theres a few bad maps that invoke some boring play but I don't think theres that many bad maps at all.


The only thing hugely negative I feel about this game is the word Piccadilly. Even if @Diddums did work in that building.

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30 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:



This in a nutshell. Just said it in your PPR that people wanted something different for years but still felt CoD and this is it. Sure, theres a few bad maps that invoke some boring play but I don't think theres that many bad maps at all.


The only thing hugely negative I feel about this game is the word Piccadilly. Even if @Diddums did work in that building.

I don’t think Piccadilly is actually that bad of a map. I think the worst map is Arklov Peak, it shouldn’t be in the 6man rotation it’s too big

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