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World War Z (PS4)


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I’ve played plenty of zombies games in my time but the movement of the zombies in this game is the best so far. When they say horde mode, they mean horde mode! Thousands of zombies everywhere, coming at you from all angles. 


So far, myself, @Nutcuttlit , @phil bottle, @GazzaGarratt, @J&B  have the game. The 4 player coop campaign and horde mode is the best part of this game, I haven’t heard great things about the multiplayer part of it but I’ve plenty of games for that so that no problem. 

It’s currently on sale at around £12, which is pretty decent baring in mind I’ve already sunk about 7 hours into it in 3 days.




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Here I am! 

Couldn’t agree more. 

The game is a great pick up and go for the casual player or a challenge if you want to test your own skills. 

I still need to complete the campaign myself, but it has been a lot of fun so far with a great story. It will also be great with all for of us on higher difficulties as well 🤣

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I was a little worried to start with, can't lie because I thought it wouldn't grip me in and it was just another shoot zombie game that i wasnt that bothered about. But it really isnt.


It's actually more intense than anticipated and working as a group is really fun, the hordes come in as actual hordes and take your breath away. For a £12 game now, it's been well worth it so far.


Need to try out MP soon but I'm just enjoying co-op campaign missions atm and theres scope to enjoy them more with 5 grades of difficulty.

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I've also picked this up after the recommendations and it's a really solid shooter. As the others have said, the hordes are just that and there are hundreds of zombies on screen at times.

Decent class and gun progression too which adds to the replayability on top of alternative difficulties. 


Well worth the £12 👍🏻

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Glad everyone’s enjoying this so far, I know a few people were hesitant at first as we’ve all played a million and one zombie games and they’re mostly very similar. This one definitely ticks a lot of boxes for me, it’s making me want to get back home and play it.


Saying that I’ve recorded about 7 hours of footage so far, campaign and horde. I should probably make a start on videos before it becomes too insane.



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