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Overwatch 2


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I know I'm the resident OW fanboi but I think this looks amazing. The amount of times we've said that they need to do more PvE stuff and expand on the lore. It actually seems like they were building he sequel well before any of us were even thinking about it. Thankfully it looks like a standalone expansion rather than a DLC. This fits the original model they were going for and will make sure that the player base is as high as possible. 


Will wait to see what the score is more but this is an absolute must have for me. A most welcome sequel that can hopefully fill the boots of PvE and PvP players alike



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It should be a must have for all of us @Stretch616, as you say we've all been waiting for more PvE stuff and lore background just needed to be there as the characters are so memorable.


All I've seen so far is that you will keep all of your skins and gear you have earned from Overwatch 1 so it definitely feels like an expansion and thats totally fine with me.


I always feel story and videos like that can make you want to try out certain heroes to see more about them.



Also, did anyone see in the launch video how Reinhardt and Brigitte say 'interlock shields'?! That would be awesome if that type of interactive actions can happen.

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Lovely that the people who focus on the esports side do not need to pay money for a DLC just for PvE. I'll pass on this one since OW will have all of the maps and characters for PVP.


Odd choice to make a second title rather than DLC.


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Definitely looks more like an expansion than a sequel. I’m guessing Blizzard have milked the original as much as they can  - there’s only so many characters they can turn gay when player counts are drying up and the game losing popularity, or the money isn’t being made via in-game purchases. It all got a bit predictable and tiresome. They’ll bait a lot people into spending £40-$50 just by having a ‘2’ in the name even if the content itself is not a revolutionary step forward. 



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On 11/4/2019 at 7:39 AM, J4MES OX4D said:

Definitely looks more like an expansion than a sequel. I’m guessing Blizzard have milked the original as much as they can  - there’s only so many characters they can turn gay when player counts are drying up and the game losing popularity, or the money isn’t being made via in-game purchases. It all got a bit predictable and tiresome. They’ll bait a lot people into spending £40-$50 just by having a ‘2’ in the name even if the content itself is not a revolutionary step forward. 



I'll agree that it's kinda near the end of the line for OW1 because they've been lucky to keep the player base when they dont really update the game pretty much at all.


Having said that, OW 1 was primarily a PvP game with PvE simple add ons that were never really updated across 3 years.


People clearly want more PvE and I guess its make sense to bring over PvP in one whole game.


It's too early to know if the added and new content is worth 50 quid but they also realise the value of this game usually drops pretty quickly to 25-30 within a few months which shouldnt be too far off the mark.



Let's hope that in game rewards are all obtainable via completing PvE activities as well as PvP.


Be also interesting to see if loot boxes are kept in the game moving forward.


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Some more info on this game, sounds like this could be another winner from them.



All the details on Overwatch 2's new story and heroes, co-op modes, shared multiplayer, and more.




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I had OW and enjoyed it but once people moved on, I traded it in. Enjoyed the game and characters but seems you needed a squad to truly enjoy it. I like the idea of a story mode. Sounds good to me!

Via the FG App




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18 hours ago, BO7H B4RRELS said:

I had OW and enjoyed it but once people moved on, I traded it in. Enjoyed the game and characters but seems you needed a squad to truly enjoy it. I like the idea of a story mode. Sounds good to me!

I can't see Overwatch 2 being anywhere near as popular or successful as the original. Its market presence has really faded in the last couple of years and player interest has declined massively. I think the sequel will be used more to integrate lore into the game, told through generic missions. New maps, modes, heroes too but probably nothing to justify paying another £50/$60 for.


I think they would have been better making old-school expansions to bulk up the original as the games and brand are going to be detached. I really hope the story mode is fully fleshed out as that really is the seller here but if it's just generic walk-through missions on multiplayer maps with survival/horde style gameplay then it'll begin to feel like a cash grab. 

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What did you not like about it? 
I think I compare it a lot with Team Fotress 2 but for me TF2 had better map design and character abilities, at least for me. Couldn't find a character in Overwatch I could settle down with.

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Overwatch 2's lead writer has just left Blizzard. Probably got fed up of having to make all his characters gay just to sell a few extra copies when sales started stalling. Could be a bit of a blow to the fiction-side of the game as that's a huge part of the brand. He had 20 years with the company too. 

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27 minutes ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Overwatch 2's lead writer has just left Blizzard. Probably got fed up of having to make all his characters gay just to sell a few extra copies when sales started stalling. Could be a bit of a blow to the fiction-side of the game as that's a huge part of the brand. He had 20 years with the company too. 

Certainly a bit of a blow to the lore but not entirely sure what the gay thing has to do with anything?!


As far as OW2 is concerned, I'll be picking it up for sure. For the amount of playtime I got for my original purchase price the game doesn't owe me anything and I'll quite happily pay for a new game with free updates as well.


I get the game went stale with updates and the like quite some time ago but it's clear that this is directly because of them working on the sequel. I'd like to think they took on the feedback from the PvE events in OW1 and used that as a framework for building OW2.


I still love watching the OWL and keeping up to speed with patch notes and the new experimental mode. Obviously I'm not online as much at the moment but I'd love to get back with a squad on this. I think it's fair to say that for the amount of frustrating losses we had,  there were also some pretty epic wins. Plus the new 2/2/2 format really helps to make sure you dont keep getting a Genji and Widow pro on your team every.god.damn.time!!

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11 minutes ago, Stretch616 said:

Certainly a bit of a blow to the lore but not entirely sure what the gay thing has to do with anything?!

A lot of Overwatch fans were becoming tired of the lore being manufactured in the way it was especially when Blizzard were catering more to the PR side and people that didn't even own the game. Many users were even predicting the direction things would take and it was clear a lot of it was forced by the top. Whenever sales began to stall, the game would have a free weekend, Activision would remind everyone that they have '45m+ players worldwide' and the lore side would have some weird sexuality-focused twist for maximum media effect. Flexibility in the writing was diminished and instead of having a flourishing varied narrative over the years, the brand then became reliant on occasional samey plot events to grab publicity. 


I'm just wondering if the writer has left suddenly because his creative work has been once again diminished. I can't fault their production quality but it's clear the longer this game has existed, the more it's tried to stay relevant and that has impacted the quality and consistency of the writing side.  

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5 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Overwatch 2's lead writer has just left Blizzard. Probably got fed up of having to make all his characters gay just to sell a few extra copies when sales started stalling. Could be a bit of a blow to the fiction-side of the game as that's a huge part of the brand. He had 20 years with the company too. 


This will have nothing to do with that. Most of the OG blizzard crew have left, they want to start another company because ever since Blizz became a sellout to Activi$ion their creativity and visions have been flung in the bin for nothing other than greed, just look at the WC3 fiasco. They've let slip a few times what their intentions are, I fully expect another Infinity Ward / Respawn thing all over again. 


As for the gay thing? He could've at least done a fucking unicorn which shoots rainbows out its ass before leaving, I've always wanted to be that in a game. 




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