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Do any of you have anything you are reading? Books? Comics? Magazines?


I'm currently reading SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome by Mary Beard.  I recently watched her BBC documentary called Meet the Romans, so thought I'd continue my reading with her book.  I find the whole Roman Empire pretty fascinating.

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I’m reading the Mistborn trilogy again.  Just started getting back into reading.  I’ve never re-read a book(s) before, but I’ve been recommending this series for years and on a whim decided to pick it up again.  Such a good story.  Not sure what I’ll do next but I’ll probably try out some nonfiction stuff.  I’m a huge history fan and have always wanted to study European history in more detail.  I’ve actually been looking at AP European History textbooks which may sound strange but I like getting right to the facts of stuff without all the fluff

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Currently started to re-read 'Life and Fate' by Vasily Grossman. It was banned in Russia and would possibly be one of the most important books of the 20th century but for the fact that it took a long, long time to publish.


When Grossman submitted his manuscript in Russian in 1960 he was told it could not be published for 200 years. Two years later he was dead of stomach cancer, his novel confiscated, “arrested” as he said, for he had assaulted Soviet totalitarianism.


Also I just started a collection of Asimov's robot short stories.


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I've finally got my arse together and bought the Destiny Grimoire Anthology Volume 1 off Amazon. I wanted to have some light reading in bed one or two nights so why not start with Destiny? 😜

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I started the Wheel of Time series again. (6th time 😲

This time I got to start with the prequal, New Spring. Book 1 and now 2 makes more sense now.

Still captivates me even when I know the story well, not to say how it ends. 

15 books including the prequal. 




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I started the Wheel of Time series again. (6th time [emoji44]) 
This time I got to start with the prequal, New Spring. Book 1 and now 2 makes more sense now.
Still captivates me even when I know the story well, not to say how it ends. 
15 books including the prequal. 
Awesome, I made it to book 6 back in the 90s, you made me want to go back to it.

I'm halfway through my re-read of Neuromancer. So far I remember nothing from the first time I read it. It's like a new book. Great story, not so sure about the writing style.

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5 hours ago, phil bottle said:

Awesome, I made it to book 6 back in the 90s, you made me want to go back to it.

I'm halfway through my re-read of Neuromancer. So far I remember nothing from the first time I read it. It's like a new book. Great story, not so sure about the writing style.

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It gets a bit boring around book 5-7. But picks up again after that. 

What genre is Neuromancer? 




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It gets a bit boring around book 5-7. But picks up again after that. 
What genre is Neuromancer? 
Its science fiction, credited as one of the founding works of cyberpunk genre.

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11 hours ago, phil bottle said:

Its science fiction, credited as one of the founding works of cyberpunk genre.

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Might check it out but cyberpunk is generally not my cup of tea. 




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Currently reading the fifth book in the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown. It was originally only supposed to be a trilogy, but he wanted to explore what happens to a society after a major revolution. I loved the first three books. I think it was brave to not sugarcoat various parts about human nature. I found it super interesting that he weaved in mythology into the political science of his stories. Not that it was actual mythological gods in the books, but more of putting that culture into the society built.


I have truly been taking my time with this book. Between work and life, I just haven't been able to really dedicate time to this book. I also cannot bear the emotional disaster that Pierce Brown creates for his characters. His writing is amazing.. and I'm glad to be taking my time since the final book isn't published yet.

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Just finished the Young Bucks book Killing the Business and have to say it's the best wrestling autoboigraphy - and one of the best autobiographies period - that I have read. It was so interesting to read about their journey to creating AEW and what life as a wrestler is like outside off WWE having read the Edge, Shawn Michaels, Hardy Boys and The Rock's autobiographies. If you are a fan of wrestling it is definitely worth a read.


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I've been mostly reading D&D source  and campaign books.  I'm about half way through Dungeon of The Mad Mage (Which @Rumelylady streams on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm EST) Adventure book and I just bought the Sword Coast guide.  I'll probably tackle that or get back on my novel fix.  I really want to start the next John Gwynne series "Of Blood & Bone" soon.  Really loved the first series and this picks up long after that.


*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Harry Potter Collection.  Only just started book 1, and I've already discovered names that aren't talked about in the movies.


Even though we've watched the movies countless times over the years, and currently watching them every day at the moment.  Yes, there's just some things you don't get bored off 😅.  I've never read the books before and having an ereaders makes getting them now much more accessible when you don't have the room for physical copies.

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On 9/26/2021 at 3:36 PM, Spacedeck said:

Harry Potter Collection.  Only just started book 1, and I've already discovered names that aren't talked about in the movies.


Even though we've watched the movies countless times over the years, and currently watching them every day at the moment.  Yes, there's just some things you don't get bored off 😅.  I've never read the books before and having an ereaders makes getting them now much more accessible when you don't have the room for physical copies.


We love the films and one day it would be amazing to read the books, just not sure i'll have the stamina for all of them! Some fascinating detail in them, I hear. Hayley told me about them ahead of the films so it definitely did add extra interest into seeing what the franchise was all about.

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I'm currently about 30% of the way through book four of The Expanse series. I enjoy the books focus on political maneuvering and social politics the further in the series you go along. Plus the authors have been great at catching me off guard with some things that have made me involuntarily gasp out loud. It doesn't happen too often. 

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Got a book for xmas too, I'm not a massive reader some books either grab me or they don't but what I got for xmas has taken my interest.

It's Adrian Neweys "How to build a car", I find it interesting how people approach different problems with outside the box solutions. I'm not that far in but I am enjoying it at the moment 🙂

Twitch :  gdub_5252 follow to help me on my road to 50 followers 🙂

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Still slowly working through Harry Potter books on the Kobo. Also, picked up Guinness World Records 2022 book from an trip to Aldi



I finally got around to ordering this which may not be the best in the series but I look forward to reading up on some lore history I may have missed.



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I'm finally getting to the end of The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher which has been a great read. It's a very unusual horror story that has had some really creepy moments. I would recommend it to any horror fan, deffo a good read. 


My plan for this year is to read at least 6 books (probably doesn't sound like a lot but at my current reading pace its a good target lol).


Currently got these on the to read list:

Dave Grohl: The Storyteller

The Bazaar of Bad Dreams - Stephen King

Disappearance at Devils Rock - Paul Tremblay

The Year of the Witching - Alexis Henderson

Ayoade on Ayoade - Richard Ayoade


I use the Goodreads app to keep track of my reading and would recommend it as you can create a to read list and update your progress on your current read 😁


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Steve, I've let it to go on for a few messages but the derail of this thread stops here. I'll also hide the messages in a few days because contrary to what you said above, this place has changed for the better, very much so, in all departments. We make a real difference to people's lives now, not just in gaming terms. Years ago maybe less so, but there's unequivocal evidence (and a bucket load of it) now that backs that statement up. 


The fantastic and really valuable posts in this thread alone should be the ones having more airtime than a direct response/attack to a person after they replied with a critique to the book you were talking about, not yourself.

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5 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Steve, I've let it to go on for a few messages but the derail of this thread stops here. I'll also hide the messages in a few days because contrary to what you said above, this place has changed for the better, very much so, in all departments. We make a real difference to people's lives now, not just in gaming terms. Years ago maybe less so, but there's unequivocal evidence (and a bucket load of it) now that backs that statement up. 


The fantastic and really valuable posts in this thread alone should be the ones having more airtime than a direct response/attack to a person after they replied with a critique to the book you were talking about, not yourself.


I've hidden them all, firstly I'll apologise as I was cranky as hell last night and my response was in no way indicative of how I like FG to be perceived, so let me be the first to apologise.


Secondly this place is a home for some, a family for others and an amazing circle of friends for everyone and posts like the ones I've hidden aren't in any way indicative of the ethos of FG so as I always like to say: Fuck all that shit, let's crack on. 


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On 1/4/2022 at 11:42 AM, Spacedeck said:

I finally got around to ordering this which may not be the best in the series but I look forward to reading up on some lore history I may have missed.




Chad has been grabbing these whenever they come out and devours them. Such a nerd.


Our Christmas book exchange this year was Nevernight by Jay Kristoff for me and Chad got Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey (first book in The Expance series). I guess I picked well because he read it in four days and I had to pick up the second book for him from the book store around the corner from work. I've been enjoying Nevernight as well, but had to put it aside for a couple weeks because I had four library holds come available at the same time.


So far this year I’ve finished Girly Drinks by Mallory O'Meara (world history of alcohol and the women involved in it), Unraveling Canada by Sylvia Olsen (knitting tour across Canada memoir), and You Feel it Just Below the Ribs by Jeffery Crannor (audiobook), Ararat by Christopher Golden, and on Friday I finished Nevernight. Now on to book two of the trilogy.

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