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Gatwick 'Drones'


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What a bloody embarrassment this whole thing is turning out to be. Here's a quick recap of the events in order:-


- Drone sighted near Gatwick airport

- Entire Airport shuts down whilst police investigate

- 144,000 passengers affected globally included many stranded at the airport itself

- Police arrest two suspects 5 miles away and raid property

- Suspects arrested on 'intelligence' linked to the hobby of model airplanes

- Police bring in snipers and Israeli drone catching technology along with the military

- Suspects interviewed and deny any knowledge of events

- Police release scapegoated suspects after alibi's proving they were at work miles away

- Police admit there may be no drone at all

- Police recover crashed drone

- Police deny finding crashed drone

- Police say due to miscommunication; there were actually 67 reports of drones sighted. One, none and 67 afterall are very easy to get mixed up...

- Police will investigate each 'sighting' from new 'witnesses' with door to door inquiries despite no recorded evidence of a drone in the first place


This doesn't exactly ooze much confidence in our national security especially when we leave the EU if an entire continent is affected by probably what was a plastic bag spotted blowing in the wind and then needing the army to protect us from it. I hope the poor couple take legal action for this horrible violation particularly with it being Christmas. Whoever is in charge of this investigation has a lot to answer for. 

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You make a number of fair points there James. If this does nothing else it may lead to the correct procedures being put into place with standard responses, etc because a 2+kg drone/battery going into a turbine engine doesn’t bear thinking about 


Also this doesn’t help (can’t link whole article as it’s behind The Times paywall)....


“Grayling put drone law on hold before Gatwick chaos

Transport secretary under fire as police detain middle‑aged man and woman” 🙄


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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BBC news had a video taken from The Mail Online on a News at 6 bulletin which shows a drone (or a UFO) so I don’t understand the confusion 


What they needed was a Gjallahorn !!


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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It's a pretty big shambles to bring down a whole airport and the fact it might not have been anything at all is as Gary said, a total embarrassment.

Customers must be covered by this right?

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