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Destiny 2 - Year 2 and Season Pass


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They've made a smart move making the Power Level open to everyone that has Forsaken. Probably has gone somewhat under the radar but it means that everyone can still grind up to 650 and make a difference in things like Iron Banner and it will help give an extra but to inexperienced people on the Last Wish Raid.

Also, really want to know about the 6 player activity in Season 7. We've needed this since it launched imo. More reasons needed to keep the fireteam together.

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12 minutes ago, Diddums said:

I this locks down parts of the game then it's RIP Destiny for me. Spent enough on this game.


2 minutes ago, crispymorgan said:

I think this might be where I get off the destiny train......

Shame if you both do but I totally understand. Without defending it, they have made strides to make content available for the player that doesn't want to spend any more money.


At the same time, we all know the Destiny business model so we all knew there's a cost at some point which most are okay about. They just can't burn people any longer with sub standard new content. They have to build on Forsaken. End of Story.

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£30 gets me a new game with a whole different experience.  Or more of the same......  I feel no connection to any of the story, I couldn't give a hoot what happens to any of them now that I've avenged cayde.  In fact Vuvuzala and the clan woman are irritating as fuck and also need to die.  Maybe its me, but the story went off in a million directions, tried to do too much and spread itself way too thin.  


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I don't give two fucks about the story, or characters on this game. But I like the game and have no problem spending money on it if it's worth it. I have no other games that interests me so might as well spend it on Destiny for new content. 




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2 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:


Shame if you both do but I totally understand. Without defending it, they have made strides to make content available for the player that doesn't want to spend any more money.


At the same time, we all know the Destiny business model so we all knew there's a cost at some point which most are okay about. They just can't burn people any longer with sub standard new content. They have to build on Forsaken. End of Story.


Stop being so fucking objective.


Bungie are very lucky that Nutty is my new girlfriend. 


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2 hours ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

I don't give two fucks about the story, or characters on this game. But I like the game and have no problem spending money on it if it's worth it. I have no other games that interests me so might as well spend it on Destiny for new content. 

Similar for me, the story is just a few missions I have to put up with to get to the stuff I want to do, I do hate how you have to do it on all characters. Destiny fills the spot at the moment left by cod and bfv being garbage, it's the game I can hop in and out of easily and still the most value for money game regarding time spent I've owned.

It's also probably lucky Im only interested in a very few types of games.


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13 minutes ago, techno said:

Similar for me, the story is just a few missions I have to put up with to get to the stuff I want to do, I do hate how you have to do it on all characters. Destiny fills the spot at the moment left by cod and bfv being garbage, it's the game I can hop in and out of easily and still the most value for money game regarding time spent I've owned.

It's also probably lucky Im only interested in a very few types of games.


We are very much alike, you and me 🙂




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I think the annual pass is too much for stuff that I don't get too much enjoyment from. Im a strike grinding kind of guy. Without any new strikes, there's not really much to get me to buy the dlc. If they dropped a couple of strikes than I would have considered it. 


If you like raids and pvp than this would have made sense to get. 

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17 minutes ago, DarkArch3typ3 said:

I think the annual pass is too much for stuff that I don't get too much enjoyment from. Im a strike grinding kind of guy. Without any new strikes, there's not really much to get me to buy the dlc. If they dropped a couple of strikes than I would have considered it. 


If you like raids and pvp than this would have made sense to get. 

This really isn't for PvP people. This is way more for PvE players. Interesting though why we haven't heard much of strikes lately.

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After a huge amount of whinging on their forum about the power level requirement for the first forge Bungie have scaled it back a bit so more people can do the forge this week. Personally having to grind power level a bit didn’t bother me at all but well done to Bungie for listening and fixing so quickly. 

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 Had a little go at the forge at 607, could clear the first round but need a bit more power to do second round. Back to grinding for light, although that does mean I can abandon my lame Titan and even lamer warlock and get back to life in the Hunter master race, happy days

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Well that's Destiny for me I think. I tried the gameshare thing with Nutty's account and naturally Bungie says no. So that's that, deleted. 


I have zero problems paying for good shit and I've given Bungie the benefit of the doubt for years but I genuinely can't see myself spending another penny on it. The copy&paste culture is fucking retarded and expecting us to pay for it even more so. 



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My favourite game, as far as I’m concerned there’s bugger all else out there atm so I’m in for now....probably makes me a 🐑 but at least I’m a reasonably happy 🐑 even knowing I’m being slightly fleeced! <groans >


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Not sure if I'm correct, but this seems very much about grinding for new weapons.  A few more activities but once you have the weapons, it's back to the same old stuff.  They need to find a way to modify story and come up with dynamic content that evolves over time.   I'd be first in the queue for handing over money for a steady stream of fresh content, but this is a few crumbs that are hoovered up in a few days.  Gaming as a whole for me has become very concerning.  A worrying trend of withholding content behind dlc's and effectively making your version of the game null and void.  I note they let you still let you increase your light level, but I shouldn't be grateful, it's a world I bought into and it would be a disgrace if they changed it so I couldn't play in it anymore because I didn't keep up with the latest version. 


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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