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Yep, that game, that game which had so many problems at release, but turned out to be an insanely good racing game.


Does anyone still own a copy and would anyone be interested in getting a few races organised with me?


I absolutely loved the racing arcade/sim feel of the game and the graphics were outstanding.


I still have a copy and I'm sure it's cheap as hell to buy now too.


Anyone interested?

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Coming back to this game was so damn refreshing.

It actually looks and feels superb. What they get uniquely different tp other racing games is that it essentially feels like a simulated game with an arcade touch. You get the best of both worlds.

Also, the Precipitation, I mean rain, when it is heavy looks insane.

I know Evolution Studios has closed but for £6 brand new, this game is an absolute steal. Servers still have quite a few people playing it.

Only downfall I could see is only 6 can be a Club. However, the clubs don't mean much tbh.

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Hi All,

Seems more are interested in this so I'll get another session booked in, maybe for this weekend!


Was properly good fun but I think it needs a few of us to be hilarious.

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So I ordered a copy, but my son said we already had it. Sure enough it's in my library. But it's ps plus edition. Is that good enough?

Via the FG App


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I'm not really sure to be honest - I think it has some limitations on amount of cars or something? If it doesn't then fuck it, send the copy back and stick with the free version.


I guess I could stroll on over to Mr Google and ask him for you.

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