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is that lbs or kg man ?

Deadlifts are my favourite.


lbs, lol. I'm not Arnold.


I like them too. I have been switching between Deadlift and Romanian Deadlift every 4 weeks; back and forth. I have also been switching between incline and decline (coupled with flat bench) every 4 weeks as well.  Since I first started, I have lost 20 lbs. Now I'm at equilibrium and starting to add weight again from muscle. Slowly but surely.


I think my favorite aspect now is beating my record from the previous week. That's how you know you're making progress. I have yet to fail at increasing the weight over the previous workout.  I'm hoping I still have a ways to go before I hit plateau.  I am currently starting month 10.


I can't view your pictures at work; I'll revist this thread at home.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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saw the pics, looking good man (no homo). Curious, what are the size of your arms? I'd ask everything else, but I know you're in proportion, so just know the arms gives me a good idea of the rest.  I'm slowly making progress. Went from 14" to 16" in 8 months, and now its slowly creeping up to 16 1/2"  - my goal is 18"

Keep calm and question nothing.

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Phil is a cnut. Same as before but been walking around with a postural problem with my right leg for atleast a decade and its causing all sorts of havoc. Soon stopped all lower body/weight bearing stuff for nearly a year. Grrrr.

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Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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18 minutes ago, phil bottle said:

3 square meals a day I imagineemoji6.png

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Omg that's genius :lol:


Sorry Adam 


18 minutes ago, Dr Diamond said:

Phil is a cnut. Same as before but been walking around with a postural problem with my right leg for atleast a decade and its causing all sorts of havoc. Soon stopped all lower body/weight bearing stuff for nearly a year. Grrrr.

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How do you exercise with your back, i know you have issues and also have sciatica?


We've talked about it before but think it might be quite useful for other people who may suffer from the same thing.


It's at the point for me where i can't jog anymore, that cause all sorts of issues after a week or so. I do yoga occasionally but not often enough.



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- dont stop moving or exercising. That is the worst thing you can do. But you'll need to stop doing what flairs it up

-identify what it actually is that is causing the issue. May need to see a physio but in my experience they are largely useless.

- most peoples back problems are *generally* caused by weak glutes, weak abs, over worked hip flexors and sitting.

- seriously sitting for long periods is awful. Your buttocks are hip extensors and stabilise your spine. Your spine is the most important structure in your body so when its not supported adequately ( by sitting down and letting your buttocks turn off) it needs to grab stability from somewhere else. This tends to be from the hip flexors and psoas muscles. This then tilts your pelvis and causes extra strain on your back muscles which = pain and sciatica. That is a big generalisation but applies to alot of people.

Without knowing the cause of the issue its hard to say what to do. But literally everyone here who has a desk job would benefit greatly from the daily routine of :

2 min each stretch each leg : hip flexors, quads, calfs.

Foam roll/tissue release with a hockey ball : glutes/buttocks.

Key things to google are : anterior pelvic tilt, pelvis reset, mobilityWOD.

Do some reading and if any of these conditions sound familiar then you may be onto something.

Ill post some more later but a final point is to see how your feet arches are and also never sleep on your side. Sleep on your back !

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Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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Side is terrible for your posture. If you have to sleep sideways then support your side with a small pillow

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Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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2 minutes ago, Dr Diamond said:

Side is terrible for your posture. If you have to sleep sideways then support your side with a small pillow

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Ah, okay. Never knew that at all. I have terrible posture anyway. Tried to wear a support vest around 10 years ago to work each day but it didn't work well.


I may try that to see if my body feels a little better in the morning.

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It tends to tighten up the side thats in the air. Your basically leaving yourself in a shitty position for 8h a day. Thats 8h of one side of you tightening up. Over years it gradually gets used to be in that position.

Wont be the same for everyone tho. Doesn't help if you are on the heavy side too

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Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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Sciatica is a real bitch. I've have had it myself for the past 4-5 years now and at times it gets really bad. A few months ago when talking with a friend whom also has it he suggested something that worked for him which was simply putting a small pillow at the base of your spine when sitting for long periods. Since I sit at the work bench for 6-10 hrs per day building rods for my rod business I decided to give that a try. It has seemed to help a great deal, my sciatica pain I would say has decreased by at least 80% a few days after starting with the pillow. Hopefully it continues to stay this way because my sciatica pain was getting pretty bad there for a while.


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8 hours ago, Dan94 said:

Old thread... but any gym goers on here now?

Nope. Need fitness but fitness bores me. If I can get fit by doing something e.g. sport, then that's the best for me.


Wife does a boot camp (not affiliated with a gym) and pays for that which is the half way house I think. Plus you get to bounce off others that attend and push each other.

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