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Football (Played with Feet)


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Championship is really entertaining at the moment and it'll be interesting to see if Bournemouth can maintain their place at the top as the season progresses. They've definitely impressed this year with some massive wins and a quality team. Derby have a cracking squad with considerable depth so they'll be prime contenders for a return. Middlesbrough have played some incredible football from what I've seen on the TV and they are another team that are right up there for a return. You can't even discount the chasing pack especially at this stage of the season.


This shocked me earlier http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/31359331

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Haha what great news! Back to the hotel connect to wifi and see Liverpool beat Spurs 3-2 with Balo scoring the winner! Wow...


That was bloody awful :angry:


I'd say both teams have tuned the corner and both have exciting young players coming through.


Would have taken the draw last night though ;)


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Well i'm guessing most of us have seen what happened in Paris the other night, utter scum. They should loose everything, jobs, freedom, everything! I always joke and call Chelsea scum etc but in no way is this their fault. Are these people even football fans? One of them tweeted saying we love John Terry because he's a racist. 


I don't really know what else to say about this i'm still lost for words days later but just wanted to type something.


To anyone who doesn't know what i'm on about





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Well i'm guessing most of us have seen what happened in Paris the other night, utter scum. They should loose everything, jobs, freedom, everything! I always joke and call Chelsea scum etc but in no way is this their fault. Are these people even football fans? One of them tweeted saying we love John Terry because he's a racist. 


I don't really know what else to say about this i'm still lost for words days later but just wanted to type something.


To anyone who doesn't know what i'm on about



Cannot wait to see this pricks identified and shamed worldwide! Ironically they are probably Chelsea season ticket holders and are most likely held in the utmost respect on the Chelsea fan database. So many Chelsea fans always give it large overseas and I'm glad finally some of them have been exposed for what they truly are. This goes for many other English clubs as they take their Brit tourists abroad to 'take over' a hosting city. Many clubs in the Prem are ignorant, naive and oblivious to some of the shenanigans going on overseas from their fans and it takes an incident like this to draw in their rare attention. Even a few massive Chelsea fans I know say some of their supporters are massive bellends and only come out of the woodwork 12 years ago 

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 Many clubs in the Prem are ignorant, naive and oblivious to some of the shenanigans going on overseas from their fans and it takes an incident like this to draw in their rare attention.

Surely not?? :rolleyes:   Look the other way while pocketing the cash!!


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Cannot wait to see this pricks identified and shamed worldwide! Ironically they are probably Chelsea season ticket holders and are most likely held in the utmost respect on the Chelsea fan database. So many Chelsea fans always give it large overseas and I'm glad finally some of them have been exposed for what they truly are. This goes for many other English clubs as they take their Brit tourists abroad to 'take over' a hosting city. Many clubs in the Prem are ignorant, naive and oblivious to some of the shenanigans going on overseas from their fans and it takes an incident like this to draw in their rare attention. Even a few massive Chelsea fans I know say some of their supporters are massive bellends and only come out of the woodwork 12 years ago 


Hmmm now on this I'd normally say you can't blame a football club for the actions of its supporters but in the case of chelsea I'm not so sure.


They have a history, going back to the early 80s, of having a vociferous racist section of fans. Not the standard racists mind, politically motivated racists. Neo-nazi groupings in the 80s and early 90s like Combat 18, Blood and Honour etc all had leading members involved with Chelsea. They have affiliations with other teams with a right wing politically motivated fanbase such as Glasgow Rangers, and to a lesser degree loyalist paramiltary groups in ulster and white supremacist groups in south africa. There was a really good BBC doc years ago documenting all of this.


There's also a McIntyre doc about chelsea fans being racist in europe, but it's pretty lame. Notably only for McIntyre passing out while getting a chelsea tattoo on his arm. Twat.


Add to my little history lesson recent actions of the club with regards to racism. If I racially abused a colleague at work I would be dismissed. John Terry's backing and continued career at chelsea was pretty much chelsea saying "we don't give a flying fuck". And to be fair, they don't. They don't give a fuck about their fans. The real ones who have being going there for generations. And so, with that example, and atmosphere of being untouchable, what can we expect?


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So what do you guys feel about Ballo stealing that penalty yesterday?

Just shows that Henderson is a weak-ass capatin. Definitely wrong of Mario but any captino with some balls would have kept hold of the ball and told the Italian to piss off! Now Balotelli is back to his cocky ways; Liverpool really need to nip it in the bud before his full antics come to the fore.  He may have scored but it could have a deeper affect on the dressing room as we've seen with him before if he becomes too high and mighty off and more importantly on the field. 

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Just shows that Henderson is a weak-ass capatin. Definitely wrong of Mario but any captino with some balls would have kept hold of the ball and told the Italian to piss off! Now Balotelli is back to his cocky ways; Liverpool really need to nip it in the bud before his full antics come to the fore.  He may have scored but it could have a deeper affect on the dressing room as we've seen with him before if he becomes too high and mighty off and more importantly on the field. 


I actually hope this means we will see more of the Ballotelli we saw during his first season at Ac Milan. I remember him and Boateng being a lethal combo before Boa for some reason left for friggin Schalke. I actually had hope Milan would look more like the club they used to be before he was sold. Oh well, you never know maybe putting that PK away will get Super Mario back.


Also this: 

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So what do you guys feel about Ballo stealing that penalty yesterday?


Ballo had the right to ask to take the penalty, and his is our best penalty taker. With that being said he should NEVER have grabbed the ball of Hendo. Showed complete disrespect for the captain and I hope he got a complete bollocking for it.



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