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Supply Drop weapons incoming!


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40 minutes ago, techno said:

 people who pay real money for supply drops.


Exactly. If we were in this position would you give up making millions off of the back of 10% of players? Of course not. The consumer is to blame for this behavior in the first place.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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Called this two weeks ago and it was inevitable. These will no doubt have stat-based variants to entice people to buy supply drops rather than slowly earn them and it wouldn't surprise me if Activision also inject their new patent into the mix with matchmaking manipulations. People that stop playing the game wont impact Activision revenues because they already have the users money and any losses on DLC from those departing players is mitigated by the far more lucrative purchases of Supply Drops from the remaining die-hard ones left playing the game. This practice has been going on since Advanced Warfare and it's only going to get worse in the franchise as the years go on and Activision's new patent intentions proves this. 


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This marks the beginning of the end of console gaming for me.  This pay to win, retaining content to be sold as DLC bullshit has gone far enough.  There are a good number of games on PC that will occupy me in the years to come, made by small studios with a passion for gaming and not profits. I won't be buying into the next gen of drip feed nonsense.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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3 hours ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

MP-40, nuff said.



As someone who uses the Mp-40 religiously I prefer it over the PPSH. But the PPSH just seems to wreck me in 1v1 at short range. MP-40 works at both short and medium range.

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On 20/11/2017 at 10:44 PM, crispymorgan said:

This marks the beginning of the end of console gaming for me.  This pay to win, retaining content to be sold as DLC bullshit has gone far enough.  There are a good number of games on PC that will occupy me in the years to come, made by small studios with a passion for gaming and not profits. I won't be buying into the next gen of drip feed nonsense.


I think for the first time the next gen console will get questioned on whether it is really worth it, but let's face it the core of our friends are on console. That may change but I just think we'll be playing something.


Has anyone got a weapon supply drop btw? I'm sure Rich has already got one. Just wondered what the guns were like?

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