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Black Ops 3 first impressions


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It has it been good for me.


The connection is pretty poor. According to their system my bandwidth is 2196 Kbps which is 2Mbps which is about 8% of my my internet can do. I have 30 Mbps down and 10 Mbps up. 


I had to restart the PS4 4 times just to play multiplier because I apparently couldn't connect to the servers.  


Tried DOM and TDM. With DOM at least I can cap flags to get points. I cannot manage to Kill much with the connection issue I have. 


So it seems like a typical 3arc release for me. My connections have always been shit with their games.


Have you guys tried 


6th sense + tracker + Awareness ? Seems like a rather powerful combo

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Well, as a CoD MP noobie to you guys I'm enjoying the fun so far. Only experienced some lag in large parties but that's got better each day.

I absolutely suck but enjoying the stock AR until Man o War is unlocked. KC and HP seems useful modes.

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I hate to hear so many people are having connection issues. I expected the worst coming into the game, but so far it's been great.

For the most part it's been fine for me. The most noticable difference i see comes from what tv i'm using to play. My big tv has quite a big lag delay (~100ms) whereas my smaller monitor in the bedroom is noticably better.
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Hmm... I don't know wether to believe you guys...

Every year, me included in this, there's a while where it's great and was so worth the wait, back to the glory days etc... Then everyone changes their tune and it's just as bad as all the others...

I'm going to hold off a little longer... (I almost brought it today)


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Hmm... I don't know wether to believe you guys...

Every year, me included in this, there's a while where it's great and was so worth the wait, back to the glory days etc... Then everyone changes their tune and it's just as bad as all the others...

I'm going to hold off a little longer... (I almost brought it today)

Johnny here's the way I look at it. The community still sucks. The way people play it is still CoD. For me the connection has been really good minus some games I've played on a UK host. All US hosted games have felt good. Not great but you can work with it.

No guns feel OP. I've seen a good variety of stuff used. The specialist are ok. Nothing that's a game changer. The kill streaks are basically the same ones from Blops 2. If you liked Blops 2 you will like this one. If you didn't then don't get it. It's been fun playing a CoD game again especially after the last two. It's not perfect by no means but it's good enough to have me not bitch about it.

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Right... First off I'm rusty as fuck!

I do like it so far, even though I'm appalling at the moment...

I won't be able to truly give the game a review or even enjoy playing it though until, I unlock my essentials... As usual I simply cannot cope without QuickDraw and stock, so until I unlock some more attachments it's going to be a long, miserable and hard road ahead...

As usual the connection is poor, I won't blame that yet, im bad enough anyway but it really isn't helping me...

Why we must play the same map 3 times in a row aswell I'll never know... Harvester constantly...


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Why we must play the same map 3 times in a row aswell I'll never know... Harvester constantly...

There isn't a map called Harvester Jonny - you sure you're playing Black Ops 3 ;)


I played Combine last night 6 times in a row because the bloody lobby kept persistently voting for it - even the players who were going 6-30 every bloody game! The only reason I stayed in the lobby was due to a good connection and a load of players were there for the taking. 

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So a friend of mine bought this game and I had a go at the zombie part of BO3. The actual fuck have they done? You can't play splitscreen on zombies any more? Half the goddamn fun with the BO series was getting 4 people together and seing how long you could last ffs!

Also tried the "freerun" thingy. Inventive, but is there really much of a point in doing all of it? Not had a chance to try MP yet so wont comment on that.


Watched my friend play through a good chunk of the campaign and have to say it seems like the same old "We're going in to kick some ass, but oh shit we got our ass kicked!" And "Wait, one of our guys is a bad guy?".

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