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Black Ops 3 first impressions


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You seem rather mad Diddums :P


Jealous, not mad :D



So what game modes are you guys playing? TDM, DOM, something else?


Is the honeymoon over? I recall a lot of people liking AW at first and then not so much. Have you guys played zombies yet?



I play KC and Dom if solo and whatever's going when in a partay.


I'm still enjoying it, great fun and I think I will enjoy it for a while. At this point in time it's just nice to have something other than Density to play with friends.


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I didn't want to get suckered into buying another CoD game, playing it for a few days, and then quitting out of frustration.  But... here I am.  I've got the game and I've played about 10 matches or so.  


Connection - The number one concern I had going into the game was the connection.  So far I'd give it a 8/10.  I've a few little hiccups, but nothing major at all.  It was a moment of lag or whatever, never a full game or session.  It's still early to say, but this is just a first impression.  So far so good.  


Maps - One of the things that can make or break a CoD game for me are the maps.  I love that they've gone back to the traditional 3 lane maps.  I've only played a handful of them so far, but I've enjoyed each of them.  Some better than others, but I haven't had one that I hate yet.  They all look good, play good, and the colors are decent enough.  I hate the gray/tan look of some of the Ghosts maps.  Like I said, I haven't played them all yet, but first impressions are good.  8/10.  


Guns -  I used a few during the Beta and I've only used 2 since release, but so far so good.  They feel right and look good.  There seems to be a decent selection.  I haven't heard of anything being completely OP yet, so that's good.  Early impressions, 8/10. 


Perks - Still to early to say much on this.  I haven't explored them all that much.  However, I will say that I don't care for the Specialist stuff at all.  I think it's just something extra added to the game that we could do without.  I don't think it's game breaking, but I don't care for it.  Time will tell I guess.  7/10. 




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KC by far is the best game mode imo so far. TDM is a fucking nightmare. I still can't see why you want to sit in the corner in a building and go 6-3.

Played a few games of DOM and so far all maps play like they were made for it. All are really well balanced. They have did something too with the spawns. They flip really quick in DOM if you push to far. I'm also loving they went back to a two round match.

I really want to get into search. Think the maps will be balanced for it also.

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KC by far is the best game mode imo so far. TDM is a fucking nightmare. I still can't see why you want to sit in the corner in a building and go 6-3.

I really don't know why so many more people play TDM over KC when you can earn many more points in the latter and build scorestreaks much quicker. It's practically the same mode anyway but it's so much better flowing when you have tags to pick up and it's not frankly a taxing tactical mode either. TDM is just too plain and simple and KC offers much more which doesn't drastically alter matches whatsoever. 

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I really like the hardcore mode. I can't seem to get the hang of regular. It was taking way too many bullets to kill someone.

I enjoy the zombie mode as well, so long as you have good partners. One thing I will say, the Fucking loading screen and the ending loading screen take way too long. Sometimes you join and the game is ending so you're stuck in a loading screen for 2-3 minutes.

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My experience with KC so far is that it is just as much corner campers there as in TDM.

And score is still half compared to TDM until you pick tags so dont get scorestreaks any quicker.

Tried a bit of Search, much like earlier games. DOM is a bit hit and miss so far.

And the specialist is just annoying. I dont want to use the stun gun but it pops up all the time.

Might switch specialist though.




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Starting to get pissed off. The connections are an abortion, the amount of times I plough a whole clip in to someone for them only to turn around and kill me with one bullet is really starting to grate. The killcam even shows a very different story to what I saw.

Looks like it's all about the connection again which is a shame. Same old same old.


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Starting to get pissed off. The connections are an abortion, the amount of times I plough a whole clip in to someone for them only to turn around and kill me with one bullet is really starting to grate. The killcam even shows a very different story to what I saw.

Looks like it's all about the connection again which is a shame. Same old same old.

Its strange as playing solo I've literally had 1 or 2 issues, I'm surprised it's been so good solo

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I've not plated a massive amount yet but really enjoyed it.

Haven't eaten my copy yet :P


I've really only played the campaign so far, which I'm enjoying. It' s a ritual of mine to complete it before jumping fully into MP.

I've done a few missions and I have no idea what is going on :lol: It seems pretty good but also trippy as hell - if you said to me 5 years ago after MW2 that instead of shooting civilians in an airport; you'd be killing robots on a train, I'd say you were bloody crazy. After mission 2; this campaign is well and truly fucking mental B)

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Haven't eaten my copy yet :P


I've done a few missions and I have no idea what is going on :lol: It seems pretty good but also trippy as hell - if you said to me 5 years ago after MW2 that instead of shooting civilians in an airport; you'd be killing robots on a train, I'd say you were bloody crazy. After mission 2; this campaign is well and truly fucking mental B)


Ha, I was being all posh using a plate, oh well, back to the trough :lol:


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Enjoying alot more than i thought i would. Connection and randoms/camping are a standard thing for me, i knew what i was signing up for by buying the game. It's the general feel of the game i'm liking so far, it oozes BO2 which is pure win (for me!).

It won't hold my attention as much as previous iterations as Destiny still has a greater appeal, but a really good fun fall back game.

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I love this game! Was so good to get back into full parties with peeps i haven't gamed with in ages! :)


Like others have said there was the standard launch issues and my internet didn't help but overall i fucking love this game. When it's working it's really going to be hard for me to play anything else......except battlefront :D



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So parties work better? Might just join some of you then if no one mind that is.

Have been so long since I played with anyone I'm a little reluctant to join people.

Small parties seem to work well. More than 3 people it seems to screw shit up
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On parties me and Charlie teamed up on our slightly dodgy internet yesterday and had a wild lobby jumping ride:

Eventually join game

Host migrates us into a completely different lobby in the middle of a game

Host migrates us again into a 12 person zombies loading screen

Crashes and kicks us both back to ps4 main menu

So not good. I've not partied up as yet and just played solo TDM for the most part

Actually quite enjoying it, more than I expected, to the extent I didn't even do the destiny daily crucible yesterday which I have done every day since TTK launched.

Have to admit to being a bit rusty, destiny PvP is no preparation for the CoD model but it's gradually coming together. Done a fair bit of sniping but will go back to AR now I have the man o war. Trey arch was always my hope for CoD after the last two releases as I loved BO2 so pretty happy so far.

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