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Black Ops 3 first impressions


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Seems a good game packed full of content but as expected; it's lagging like hell and the bullet detection is a fucking farce. It'll be a waste of time producing all that material if people are getting shit on with the same old issues that have plagued the Treyarch games. Looks like HC mode beckons as usual to compensate..

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I've not tried it but the buzz on Twitter and Reddit is nothing but positive. Plus from the streams I've watched it looks soild. People are actually praising the hit detection. Not the big fan boys but smaller twitch broadcasts

I do think pc is having some issues however

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It seemed to run solid yesterday with no lag and hit detection was spot on however I am aware that was day before full release so I'll have to see how it is today.

Having said that the game looks good and there seem to be enough to keep me busy and the camo unlocks look same as bo2.

Played on a fair few maps also and not one did I think this is shit but had a hard time picking out different people sometimes due to everyone looking the same not sure how that's going to work in hardcore with no names popping up.

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Played five games or so. If you liked BO2 you will definitely like this one. Feels a lot like it and that's a good thing. Played on Gary's host and I had zero connection issues. Actually felt really good. The fucking screen shake is my biggest complaint so far.

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Connection improved as the day went on - I think I jumped in just as the game was being released in North America so the dedicated server lobbies were a bit lopsided. Bullet detection still feels iffy to me and the hitboxes are inconsistently out of sync possibly due to the fluctuating framerate playing a part. I'll probably have to lock it at 60fps retro-style!


For the life of me I still cannot remember any of the map names but I think I've played on most. A couple I have yet to see though but on the whole; they all seem of a very good quality and are nicely balanced. Not too sure about the new Nuketown though as it's a bit too trippy at times with all the colours and digital style. Still haven't got round to creating an emblem or doing some camo but I'll take a look at that later I expect. I've mostly been using the first two AR's - one is the KN-44 which was the Ark-7 in the beta - not sure why they've renamed it and I dunno the name of the other one but it's quite beasty. Need to start unlocking more. I think I'm level 17 and it's taking a while to level up - I remember last year on AW reaching level 30 after 5 or so matches. Prestige rate is supposed to be 12-15 on average apparently. 

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Playing solo:


Great game.


Playing in a party:


This game can't count. Ending up in lobbies with 16 out of 12 players is normal and a fucking pain in the arse. This means that you have to back out over and over until it finds the right match or you're not playing. Once in a game, the lag is ridiculous. Still fun listening to Euan raging but not as good as playing solo. We can only hope that this gets sorted and fast. 


Playing in a private party:


This is what the game is made for at this point. I'm fucking shit at this so running around stabbing people who are trying to snipe me is great fun. Using a war machine against people who are trying to snipe me is great fun. Shotgunning people who are trying to snipe me is great fun. Trying to snipe people who are trying to snipe me is fuckin' shit cos I can't snipe. Being a cunt is more fun. I had a laughing fit so bad Kyla told me to shut up. Yes, private matches are that good.


Great game so far, needs some sorting. Once Treyarch manage to sort out the lobbies and also fix the connection issues, this game will be brilliant. 


Until then, I'd say hold off but if they do manage to fix their shit, this game is a winner hands down.


Also, Kiwi is so good st snipycunting it's unreal.


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Yeah I think it will take a few day to sort shot out. Remember it's launch day and it really wasn't that bad.

The game is good. Really fucking good. I can do withour specialist but whatever not a game changer. Guns are all different. No one perk makes me feel like I have to use it.

I am going to agree with Didds and the private matches are ace. My god that was great. And you can have up to 18 players. Let's just not let Euan make the rules

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Small parties work fine unplayable as a full party.

But those private matches were a lot of fun as a side distraction and something different.

My initial thoughts on uav spam may have been premature in some matches last night it was relentless I will have a ghost class when it gets unlocked and hope it can be carried through prestige.

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