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Raid This Week? [Week of Oct. 11]


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I was on yesterday, but everyone was running a raid already. I'm usually on every day after 5.

I was fucking livid the other night. Everyone was like "let's do a raid" so I said gimme 20 mins to go to the shop which apparently translates to "find someone else". My raid time is limited as it is, two nights a week max, having your spot filled by someone who's on every night was infuriating and the reason I chucked it in.

Starting to think Sam has the right idea with her pugs tbh.


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Let's cut to the chase. No one likes you Dave. You're obnoxious and smell like eggs. There I said it.


But really, we just need more people and my cloning machine is broke.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I was fucking livid the other night. Everyone was like "let's do a raid" so I said gimme 20 mins to go to the shop which apparently translates to "find someone else". My raid time is limited as it is, two nights a week max, having your spot filled by someone who's on every night was infuriating and the reason I chucked it in.

Starting to think Sam has the right idea with her pugs tbh.

That's rough Dave, I guess it's a problem of having a pretty small pool of people to raid with so hard to get everyone on. I suffer from limited times as well, which is why I resort to LFG but it's not ideal. What nights are you on bud, always best to try and co ordinate beforehand I find

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One thing I will say is this.


At times, you UK guys have way to many things happening in the background, or just talk over each other. Not to mention the heavy breathing into the mic, and the TV shows in the background.


I've joined in at times, and it has been impossible to hear anything.


So I would say its pretty likely that no one heard you.


I know I feel like shit if I don't mute myself fast enough when my kid or wife wants to chat.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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You can always post on here or most of us are on whatsapp to say I'll be on at this time or I'll be a few minutes late. Unless it's coordinated I thought it was first come first serve. We, as in US forum members,have a hard enough time finding six as it is at night to do it so if I have a chance to jump in on a raid mid afternoon I'm going to. I have maybe two day a week I can raid Didds as does a lot of us.

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That wasn't the point though. The point was I was in the party chat, everyone could hear me, when the topic of a raid came up, I said I'll be back in 20 and when I got back, the raid had begun. The people involved even said see you shortly.


That's what pissed me off. I could've understood if I wasn't 100% sure that I made my intentions clear and they were understood, but the fact that I then got my hopes up only to get the finger really grated.




And the thing that fucks me off even more is that I always go out of my way to help others. I might have a gob as big as Paris Hilton's snatch, but I'm always there when the going gets tough, I never get impatient or lose my cool, never pull out when the shit hits the fan and never leave a man behind. Ever. Pity it was a different story when the shoe was on the other foot though. Ah well, live and learn and all that.


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The problem we have is that if a raid is happening, a second is almost certainly out of the question.


I'm going to go ahead and assume that I wasn't on when this happened, as if someone says they're in, then that's it.  I'm not the kind of person to drop people intentionally.  If I was on, then it was a miscommunication plain and simple.


More people are certainly required, we had a push a while back, maybe we need to re-double our efforts and bring more gamers in, preferably with our..... unique sense of humour.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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That wasn't the point though. The point was I was in the party chat, everyone could hear me, when the topic of a raid came up, I said I'll be back in 20 and when I got back, the raid had begun. The people involved even said see you shortly.

That's what pissed me off. I could've understood if I wasn't 100% sure that I made my intentions clear and they were understood, but the fact that I then got my hopes up only to get the finger really grated.

And the thing that fucks me off even more is that I always go out of my way to help others. I might have a gob as big as Paris Hilton's snatch, but I'm always there when the going gets tough, I never get impatient or lose my cool, never pull out when the shit hits the fan and never leave a man behind. Ever. Pity it was a different story when the shoe was on the other foot though. Ah well, live and learn and all that.

Well that's not good. Let's have it out then. This seems like the sort of thing that could fester beneath the surface, turn into gangrene, and next thing you know, an amputation is required.

Right here or in PMs makes no difference, but Dave obviously feels slighted. There should be an explanation and/or apology. Make it so people.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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That wasn't the point though. The point was I was in the party chat, everyone could hear me, when the topic of a raid came up, I said I'll be back in 20 and when I got back, the raid had begun. The people involved even said see you shortly.

That's what pissed me off. I could've understood if I wasn't 100% sure that I made my intentions clear and they were understood, but the fact that I then got my hopes up only to get the finger really grated.

And the thing that fucks me off even more is that I always go out of my way to help others. I might have a gob as big as Paris Hilton's snatch, but I'm always there when the going gets tough, I never get impatient or lose my cool, never pull out when the shit hits the fan and never leave a man behind. Ever. Pity it was a different story when the shoe was on the other foot though. Ah well, live and learn and all that.

I heard you and I just didnt realise as stretch came in. I'm sorry about that mate.

Re: raiding in groups.

I personally think we have enough. It's just organisation. Our numbers have gone up, not down. We have a perfectly good calendar system that worked before. I'm happy to help co-ordinate and manage some of that and flag up spare slots.

On top of that, if anyone is desperate for a slot as they haven't been on, or haven't had chance - I'll switch out. I love raiding, but the game and you guys aint going anywhere soon (unless you all hate me [emoji38]). I know if i point came i was desperate you'd all help, like you've done before.

That's how we work and this game works. Organisation and understanding.

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Sorry man, that blows.


It happened to me a few times back in the Vault and Scrota days. So I can empathize 


That being said, stop doing crucible, and I will join you more!!!!!!!!




Oh yea, if people want to raid and I am in a raid, just let me know, and I will swap out. I love to raid with you guys, but I am 100% cool with bailing out to go do something else. Every Raid has Spouse Burn for me, so if I can stop getting aggro, and taking damage from the resident Omni'Gul, then its a good thing

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I've said what i needed to, to Dave in PM's. But i believe it was me that took his spot (unknowingly) and i feel like a shitbag for it.

I'm with Lee on this at the moment though, in that if i am raiding and people want my spot then i will switch out. I've been lucky enough with times and days suiting, but others haven't been. So i'm more than happy to give up my spot.

It doesn't help the situation that went on, but it might help to solve it in future. Once again, i'm sorry Dids

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I'm having a hard time believing that this was intentional.  I don't think anyone is the 'middle finger' type when it comes to partying up.  I'm sure everyone at some point has felt a bit miffed at being the odd one out. It sucks. But I know of not a single person to do it intentionally. 


Getting us lot into a raid is like herding cats on red bull.  So let's focus on the improving parties.  If there is a party of 8, drop an invite, and at the earliest convenience someone should drop out and let the person know what's happening, how long they'll be etc etc.  little things make people feel included.


I hate that people are feeling bad about it, so let's get positive feedback and improve it.


Pretty soon, I'm going to be raiding with Ajay--1997 (my son) and Lord knows we're going to need to be a bunch of happy mother fuckers for that!


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Right, I'm done. I've been fed and had my nappy changed so that concludes my drama moment for this month. I realise that this was probably me just overreacting to what was in hindsight no more than a simple miscommunication. Done and dusted, no hard feelings and hopefully that is the same with everyone else.

I do think we need to go on a recruitment drive for a few extra members. If we were all in the same time zone we'd be sweet as a nut but the fact that we have members from all over the world quickly gets in the way. If anyine wants to hit Reddit or the Destiny forums or whatever, please do.

Rob, there is a link to the site calendar at the top of the page. I've only briefly played with it so I don't know what's possible but it is there and it does work, so give it a shot if you like. We can always change permissions and stuff where necessary.


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I thinks calendar sign up system would be lovely.

I'm going to bed now Rob but I'm happy to work with you and generate the interest in it again.

The rules we had last time round were pretty easy to follow.

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