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Well, first time watching Man of Steel a few days ago. Man, DC dropped the ball by losing Henry Cavill after the first few films. I've never liked Superman in previous formats over the years and because of how the character never seems to have much of a weakness but this film seemed to carry more weight about how he can be more human than superhero, which I loved. It felt like it jumped through some parts of his growing up, luckily I think there was enough of his initially birth and what happened there to him worrying about whether to officially show his face as a superhero to make up for that.


Great film and such a shame we won't see him again as Superman after Justice League.


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Watched a movie last night called C.H.U.D which is actually a pretty old movie from 1984. It's about homeless people living in the sewers under NYC that turn into monsters due to toxic waste stored under the city. The funny thing is I remember when I was 12/13 yrs old seeing the previews for it and not wanting to see it because it looked pretty creepy. Now finally watching it as an adult, it was somewhat laughable because of how campy it was 😅


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Watched this last night and not sure how it slipped under my film radar but wow really enjoyed it and highly recommended it but I love the twist at the end so if you've not seen it get on it. 

It's classed as a horror but I would say it's more thriller than a horror. 



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If anyone wants to see a really enjoyable movie that you prob never heard of, check out a movie called Love & Monsters. I watched it off On-Demand last night and was really shocked how good it was.  It's kind of a mixture of monster movie/comedy/romance/drama/action movie. Bit of a weird combination but it works. Trailer for it-




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16 hours ago, Drifter said:

If anyone wants to see a really enjoyable movie that you prob never heard of, check out a movie called Love & Monsters. I watched it off On-Demand last night and was really shocked how good it was.  It's kind of a mixture of monster movie/comedy/romance/drama/action movie. Bit of a weird combination but it works. Trailer for it-




I absolutely loved this film. Was worried, like you say, how it looks on the face of it as its completely random - but it totally works. The lead plays a great role and a small piece for Woody Harrelson in it too which was unexpected. I think it could easily have a sequel if the desire was there.

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On 11/1/2021 at 12:51 PM, Drifter said:

If anyone wants to see a really enjoyable movie that you prob never heard of, check out a movie called Love & Monsters. I watched it off On-Demand last night and was really shocked how good it was.  It's kind of a mixture of monster movie/comedy/romance/drama/action movie. Bit of a weird combination but it works. Trailer for it-




I loved this movie! I hope they do a sequel. It was so fun and enjoyable.

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Watched a movie the night before last called SAS- Rise of the black swan. Was kind'a long, think about 2 hrs, one of those movies where you like it but it just seemed a tad "off" for some reason. I think part of the reason might be because the head terrorist/bad guy in the film was Ruby Rose, and I just can't stand her. This is about the 3rd movie I have seen where they cast her as some ass kicking baddy. Like she was in John Wick 2, and to me it just does not work. A skinny 90lb girl is just not believable in that role. 


With that said, it wasn't a bad film by any means, worth the watch if you get the time.


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Watched a movie from 2009 called Rampage. Was about a 24yr old guy that goes on a shooting/killing spree taking out a bunch of people in his town. Not much of a plot, but was vastly different than most movies that's for sure. It's on Amazon Prime if anyone wants to check it out.



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Watched insidious the other night with my youngest he's not so young at 15 but was rather funny watching him jump in the corner of my eye then after the film finished he asked to watch the other 3 films that are out and in chronicle order but told him the first is the last and we'd need to watch 4th 2nd 3rd then the 1st but if you ain't seen them definitely recommend them. 


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Right been a while since I posted on here (have been watching more sport and tv series), but got back into watching a few films before work:


No time to die (new bond flick): For me a good stand alone film not just bond film, good building of new characters, including remi maleks villain. Won’t say much more as to spoil the plot but worth a watch.


Rock’n’rolla: Great film from Guy Richies back catalogue of british “gangster” films. Well written, great wit and good cast of characters. Just waiting on the promised sequel.


Bloodshot: vin diesel action flick, classic one man army blowing everything up with an interesting concept but pretty underwhelming if I’m honest. 

Gunpowder Milkshake: honestly I’m in two minds whether I liked this or not. Saw many reviews that built this up as “Jane Wick” which is a little inaccurate, think more a mix of John wick and kill bill but with maybe a bit too much girl power/fuck the male establishment, which is a shame considering some of the cast in the flick. Again not a bad one time watch but you may feel like they missed a trick on what could have been a good film.


monty python and the holy grail: because why the fuck wouldn’t you.

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Watched the new Netflix movie last night with Ryan Reynolds & the Rock called Red Notice. 

 I liked it, but underwhelmed by it at the same time. It suffered from the same old trap that holly-weird tends to fall into with every movie they make these days. They try to overdo the comedy one liners, especially when Ryan Reynolds is delivering the line. Reynolds can be funny, there were many times he'd say something and I would laugh, but then (and I dunno if they let him ad-lib or what) but after getting a laugh with a line, he'll then say basically the same thing just in a whispering voice and changing the line just a tad. To me that just seems forced. Just deliver the funny line and move on, I hate when someone tries to beat a punchline to death.  And I think Dwayne Johnson must have a CGI clause in his contract where every movie has to have X amount of CGI or he wont sign on 😆


His movies always seem to be filled with tons of CGI. And it's kind of a shame because while I don't like that he has started to become so political lately (I think actors should leave out politics) he actually isn't a bad actor, especially in a more serious role. If you look back at his early stuff like Walking Tall, he did a great job in that role. But these days they just have so much CGI and comedy bits in his films I think they are missing an opportunity there with him. 


So wasn't a bad movie, but I think if they would have made it more of a serious action drama and left out about 75% of the comedy stuff it probably would have came across as a much better film imo.


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I was thinking about watching this but like most films these days it's normally a last resort rather than must watch this. Tbh I'd rather re-watch stuff I haven't seen in a while or give a low budget film I haven't heard about a shot. If you haven't seen avengement that's been the biggest unexpected hit for me recently. Violent but a great back story.

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Sounds like I should give Avengement ago. Watched Red Notice and pretty much agree with you guys, good but underwhelming at the same time. As much as I like to give new films a chance I find myself more and more going back to older ones I haven’t seen in a while, like I did today…..with Starship Troopers. 

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Watched 'Parasite' recently, and although I haven't actually seen any of the films it beat out for best picture I think it's probably deserved. I've loved all of Bong Joon-Ho's prior films for their uniqueness and absurdism and this was no exception. The best I've heard it described is as a more perfect version of Snowpiercer. Highly recommended.

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Watched this the other night which I was not looking forward to as the other 6 are pretty shit even if I secretly enjoy them but was quite shocked as it turned out to be pretty decent. 

There's no real connection to the other 6 but this is what the very first should of been. 



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Watched the new Guy Ritchie, Jason Statham offering which is a bit slow to start with and jumps around the timeline to try to explain the plot, tbh most of it was filler and it wasn't as good as I was hoping. Certainly not a patch on Ritchie's previous efforts 

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On 12/13/2021 at 9:19 AM, slamminbones said:

Watched this the other night which I was not looking forward to as the other 6 are pretty shit even if I secretly enjoy them but was quite shocked as it turned out to be pretty decent. 

There's no real connection to the other 6 but this is what the very first should of been. 


Cool, same as you ive seen the others and enjoyed them for what they are, so will give this a watch at some point when its streaming lol

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On 12/13/2021 at 8:10 PM, techno said:

Watched the new Guy Ritchie, Jason Statham offering which is a bit slow to start with and jumps around the timeline to try to explain the plot, tbh most of it was filler and it wasn't as good as I was hoping. Certainly not a patch on Ritchie's previous efforts 

Yeah watched wrath of man and was thoroughly underwhelmed considering the pairing (guy should get back to writing rock’n’rolla 2). Just felt like he had always wanted to do a film in the pulp fiction style and cocked it up.

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