Madjonny 386 Posted July 21, 2015 Share Posted July 21, 2015 This isn't the first time Iv written a piece like this, but every time previously I have deleted it all before posting... Anyone that takes time to read this, thanks and fair play to you... Hello... This is just some thoughts I have jotted down whilst feeling upset this evening... (There is no order or real point to this) Firstly, I'm healthy and there is no danger in me doing anything stupid... Also some of you. I know have actual real problems... Mine are minor compared to yours, as I have little to no responsibilities in life, but please... I cannot help how I feel and these issues upset me on a daily basis... Let me begin... So I'm among the longest standing members of this community, any yet I don't think anyone here really knows anything about me... Mainly because I don't share, and I keep myself to myself, and this mentality has ruined my life...(reading back, "ruined" seems a bit strong) I'm 24 years old, I'm miserable every single day...(some days it's minor, days like today it all gets a bit much for me) I don't have a single close friend in the world, I hate my job, Everyday is the same, *I get up go to work, come home and walk and play with my dogs (probably the highlight of my days at the moment), eat an evening meal, wash up, sit there watching TV/browsing the Internet, Facebook etc, go to bed...* The beginning of it all was when I grew away from my best friend at school, when drinking and smoking weed over the park seemed to be the only thing he wanted to do (I never did this, or had any interest in it). After school I pretty much lost touch with everyone I knew from there, (I was popular at school, friends with everyone). Then on to college, the 3 years I was there I made great friends, again I was friends with everyone in the small college group, for whatever reason, didn't socialise with them outside of college... I could have but probably just made up some excuse as to why I couldn't (I do this a lot). After college, lost touch... Despite a few attempts to try and get together. Again, for whatever reason I came up with an excuse not to... Since then I started working full time, it's been about 4 years give or take... That I have been stuck in this cycle * (see above). I get on with some at work, but they aren't really the sort to socialise with outside work... (Age gaps, children, grandchildren, wives etc...) I see people in the street sometimes from school etc, and I just can't hold a conversation... I just don't know what to say to them, I feel awkward... Iv been surrounded by the same select few people for so long now I just don't know what to do or say to people who I just meet... I have some problems that I know about and have identified for myself: 1 of these is the fact that drinking isn't a hobby of mine... Most things I don't like the taste, it's expensive, you feel like shit the next day... I just don't see the point, so when someone says, "oh we should go for a drink", my initial thought is "ERR NO" I don't say that of course... I just make up some BS excuse... It seems a really stupid thing to say, but I think deciding from an early age not to drink was one of the worst decisions of my life! I will drink, I have no objections to it, I just choose not to... Because of this I have barely socialised or even conversed face to face with anyone my age in the past 4 years, unless family or a colleague... 2. I stress over things that really do not matter... Mainly at work... And why? I work with fibreglass making and selling sewage treatment plants! Its not important! I can't tell you how many times I say this to myself, yet find myself becoming stressed out over this... 3. I'm obsessed with money, due to not going out or doing anything for the past 4 years I have managed to save a fair amount of money... However I don't like to spend it... Wait... What's the point of money if I don't spend it?, sometimes I do spend it, I fact this past couple of months Iv stressed myself out big time because I got a bit happy on the AppStore (in app purchases) and kind of didn't realise it, it was so easy to spend £80 a time, and some days I was doing it multiple times... It is a Star Wars card trader app... I have finally come to my senses and started playing for free/ trying to sell my assets on the app to recoup the money I have wasted... But now I'm stressing because my money has gone down... Even though it doesn't really matter because I wasn't doing anything with it anyway... 4. I always want more, I never seem satisfied with what I have... Money, in terms of cash money, I don't know a person my age who has anywhere near this, am I satisfied no... Car, I have a decent car, my first car... Brought almost brand new, no finance, straight cash... Now I want a new car, for whatever reason have my heart set on 1 in particular, and it would absolutely clean me out! Why do I want it? I don't know... I don't go anywhere apart from work, so what's the point? But I still want it... Thing is, if I brought it I can't imagine what I would do when I see my bank balance as 0... Would it make me happier? Who knows... 5 I'm very very very shy... Other things... I just don't want to do anything anymore... I love watching TV series, but lately I just can't concentrate on them or just cannot be bothered to put them on, even though I'm sitting in front of the TV... I love football, however since the World Cup last summer, since then, I forget when Liverpool are even playing and when the big matches are on I'll just not watch it... Gaming, one thing you guys do know about me, I was missive cod fan in the beginning, as were we all... Now I don't play cod, but I want to... Everytime I go to play it, I make up an excuse why I shouldn't... I just flat out gave up on warframe a few months ago, after probably 700 hours, just stopped... New Lego Jurassic world, still in the packet... Elder scrolls online, played for about 12 hours, it's good but I just can't be bothered to play it... Batman, Arkham knight, I love batman so much the game is so good, the story is so interesting... Haven't played it in a week... The only game I want to play is clash of clans, and even that is getting less and less... I used to love coming to this forum to talk about games, it seems to have just died out, I have nothing interesting to say, and anything other people are posting I don't relate to... I miss this forum... I enjoy the gym, when I'm there, i just cannot motivate myself to go... It's 3minutes drive from my house if that... I'm payed pretty well and work good hours, but I hate the job and it's not a health environment, fumes and potentially carcinogenic materials I work around daily, I want a new job and have done for a long time, however as soon as I get home I forget all about it and do nothing to get a new job, then the next day at work I worry and plan to do this and that when I get home, and never ever do... I'm going to wrap this up for now... Iv had enough thinking about of for 1 day... If anyone read this far, do you have any advice? What the hell does a 24 year old do to make friends? It's not like when your a kid and can just go out to the park and be like, hey can I play? Without a circle of friends how am I meant to ever find a serious girlfriend, I can't go to a bar on my own... Besides Id be too shy to do that anyway... Do I need a doctor? Medication? I just don't know what to do with my life... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sennex 1,903 Posted July 21, 2015 Share Posted July 21, 2015 Howdy! (Talk about an intro! I feel like I am meeting you for the first time.) You sound like a shy person stuck in a rut, that is spiralling into depression. The good thing is you have spotted that you need help in dealing with this. I know you said you are shy, but I would look at maybe volunteering your time somewhere? If you are shy, you could maybe volunteer with a group that helps special needs kids. They "get" shy folks, they "get" folks that tend to dwell on things and what not. (Not saying you are special needs or anything like that, just that if you are around a bunch of folks that are similar, it could help you) Also, dogs and cats need help, perhaps volunteer with them? Luke 23:34 'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted July 21, 2015 Share Posted July 21, 2015 Jonny I ain't really got much time to reply just now but I'll think through stuff and give a bigger reply tomorrow, just wanted to say I was always bit of a shy guy as well at your age, and work and stuff eventually beat it out of me to an extent. Always wondered why you were a big part if the forum but rarely were on line with the guys, guess this is why. I do remember you being part of Lady and the Tramps for that forum tournament we had back in the day, always thought you were a good guy, so I'll think about any advice I can throw your way. Chin up mate, we are here for you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cyberninja2601 1,106 Posted July 21, 2015 Share Posted July 21, 2015 It's a bit of a sad read but here's the advice I an offer. Don't know what you know about me, here a short description - I'm 50 years old , happily married, I have a 18 year old son and a 17 year old daughter - I'm and PhD in Electrical engineering and I run my own consulting company I met my wife through a professional introduction service. I wasn't particularly shy but I just didn't have the time or the will to go do the bar scene and waste my time with women that were not going to be compatible. It's probably the best money I ever spent. I met a number of women through the service. Some became friends. I also found my wife. Since you seem to be introverted try to use a similar service and find someone slightly extroverted. If she has friends, you now have friends. You might even make friends with their boyfriends/husbands When people invite you to go for a drink, go. You don't have to drink alcohol. Hell you might even volunteer to be the designated driver since you don't drink. Don't know about the UK, but that means free drinks in a lot of bars in Ottawa. It might also make you popular if you don't mind driving the other drunks around. It also makes you look responsible which might attract some of the ladies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J4MES OX4D 10,155 Posted July 21, 2015 Share Posted July 21, 2015 That's an interesting read Jonny and you're not too different from many people I know including myself sometimes. The good news is things can change out of the blue and any ruts you find yourself in can become a distant memory. Sounds like you're just a bit down with your current routine and are a bit demotivated to do the things you would normally think you'd enjoy. I've had some really shitty jobs in the past which ruined my social life, usual routines and just dragged me down in general. I couldn't even be arsed to play games or even go down to the pub. Sounds like you're stuck in a rut and are just struggling to get out of it. I'm also a bit OCD with money - I saved up a shitload when off sick after having an operation but am scared to spend it even though I'm living comfortably. It may be worth going to your GP as such a thing is really common especially people in the 18-30 range. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JsinOwl 644 Posted July 21, 2015 Share Posted July 21, 2015 Very interesting, we have a number of things in common. I'll ponder and try to give some advice. I/we are not medical professionals though, so with grain of salt taketh. For now I'll say that choosing not to drink is an excellent choice! Had I never touched the stuff, I would not have nearly ruined my life and come within a hair's breadth of dying, or at the very least going blind. Unfortunately there's no sure way to know if you're an alcoholic in waiting until it's too late. If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Madjonny 386 Posted July 21, 2015 Author Share Posted July 21, 2015 Thanks for taking the time to read though that mess! It must have been painful for you guys all those spelling and punctuation mistakes I have just spotted myself... I'm a lot less shy on text conversations, I could never have told anyone all of the above face to face... It feels good that I can see you understand... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander_Undies 618 Posted July 21, 2015 Share Posted July 21, 2015 Nice to finally meet you! There are some great posts already. Volunteering, matching sites, and being the designated driver all sounds like great things for you to try and do socially. I can definitely relate to the same shit, different day routine. The thing that helped me at home and getting over the SSDD routine, was by simply trying new things. These things don't need to be spontaneous, expensive, or something you need a group of people for either (which is a plus if you're introverted like myself). And you might just find a new favorite hobby too. I started reading, which is something that I never really did. I always loved arts and crafts and by doing those I felt really accomplished. I play guitar a lot, learning new songs and just taking care of my guitar is a nice change up from the everyday 'work, home, dogs, eat, wash, social media, bed'. Just by adding one new thing a day can really change your mood. That really helped me. Even if you think you might not like certain hobbies, you need to give them a chance if the opportunity shows itself or you think you might be interested in something. I know plenty of people, myself included, never wanted to do/play a certain thing before and now it's their favorite thing. As far as the gym goes... I can't be confined to a few rooms of exercise equipment. I need to be out riding a bike, bowling... hell if I had money i'd probably be doing some airsoft. I don't know if any of these things will help you, but just know that I read every word in your intro and every word you say means something. So spill your guts to us, we will always be here to listen. No one should go without not having anyone to confide in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
techno 3,521 Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 Hey man I also can relate even though I was a little older than you at 32 I found myself all alone after my ex left with the kids. I remember sitting in my almost empty house for days on end wondering what the hell to do. I eventually decided ad I had no immediate circle if friends and like you no way could I go out alone to meet people I answered an add in the local paper and that's how I came to meet my now wife. I had a few friends at work but that was just because we all decided to learn to ride at the same time but no one to really socialise with so one year I decided to join an active motorbike forum and forced myself to go and meet everyone I could every meet I went and as it was on the bike I went alone the people I met I now count some as my best mates that I socialise with regularly it was this that finally reduced my level of shyness, it still rears it's head now and again it did when I started gaming with people from here but it gets easier to beat down. What I'm probably trying to say is sometimes you have to bite the bullet and get outside you comfort zone and figure you have nothing to lose..maybe if you could find a new interest that would get you out to meet others having a common interest helps with conversations. Anyway good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TigerBurge 2,375 Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 Well don't Jonny. Everyone gets in a rut from time to time. If you get envited to drinks that doesn't mean you have to drink a beer. You can stick to soda. Plus have you tried reading to pass some time? It used to really help he to just read a good book. What about collecting things? That's one way to get out of your shell and meet people. There are always some sort of convention for collections,gaming ect. It could be a grateful way to meet a lady that has some of the same interest as you also. I sounds to me you have became really complacent. Try mixing stuff up from time to time. Join us for some banter in party chat some. If it's just to hear us abuse diddums or to hear Lee giggle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BO7H B4RRELS 2,456 Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 NIce write up man. it takes balls to write something like that. I hope that we can help somehow. What I'm probably trying to say is sometimes you have to bite the bullet and get outside you comfort zone and figure you have nothing to lose..maybe if you could find a new interest that would get you out to meet others having a common interest helps with conversations.Anyway good luck. I feel like this is basically what it comes down to. You recognize the problem. You recognize your introversion. Now, recognize that you've got nothing to lose, so just go for it. Like others have said, say yes to your friends when they ask you out. You don't have to drink, be the DD. Or, just have one drink and make it last all night. Maybe it'll suck, maybe it'll be fun, but you'll never know unless you get out there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 I read every word you wrote Jonny and, as I scrolled down, everything I thought of someone else has suggested. Except one...... Those of you that know me well know that I won't normally talk religion but I won't back away from discussing it either. Have you considered some form of spiritual help? I'm a Christian, (maybe a little rough at the edges verbally when provoked!) but there are many different faiths around the world that you may find helpful to find if that's whats "missing" from your life. PM me if you want to discuss it further Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 I'm not a great one for giving advice on stuff like this but I'll just throw a few things in. You seem stuck in a rut and I think you probably know you've got to be the one you changes that and recognising that seems to me to be a good step forward already. So just some thoughts about things in the order they came up in your post: Lost touch with your good friends from school and college - I thought this couldn't happen to your generation, so I was really surprised to read that, what with social media, dead easy to reconnect with them I would think feeling like you have nothing to say - big problem for a shy person with a very set routine of work / sleep / TV. Need stuff to talk about which probably means getting new hobbies that you feel enthused about. Money - you sound like you've got savings, but stress about dipping into them. The vast majority of people in the UK have barely anything saved so you are doing better than them. Give yourself some saving goals, realistic ones, and feel happier about spending the rest on the here and now. work to live, don't live to work Motivation - you mention not wanting to do stuff a few times in your post - not going for a drink / not going to the gym / not wanting to game. Kind of classic lethargy from being down. I find I'm much more likely to get to the gym if I have a class booked, or a training session with a buddy lined up. Don't know if that's possible at your gym, but worth finding out. Being fitter gives you a lift Try new stuff - new hobbies give you a reason not to sit at home watching tv, widen your circle of friends and give you more to talk about. I always recommend climbing at this point, don't need a friend but will end up in a social environment. But really just try lots of stuff til you find something that works for you. You'll slowly get that wider circle of friends Gaming - you do realise if you had posted this 6 months ago you would have had 20 replies saying get Destiny and play with us. Next time the forum gets into a MP game get it and join in with us man, you'll be more than welcome. Socialising - next time you get invited out, just go. Be the driver if you don't want to drink, but just do it. I'll probably get shouted at by all the recovering alcoholics, but having a couple of beers with some mates ain't going to hurt. Anyway enough from me, I hope some of what people have said helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,153 Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 Honestly Jonny, this is great. Just taking a look through all the responses just shows you do have great mates - through here. Even if you look at what you've written, all its about is a subtle change in your mindset, which can happen in a heartbeat. As an example: 1. Not drinking - absolutely a positive thing to do. As others say you can still enjoy a night out w/o drinking 2. Stressing at work - I actually believe this is because internally you care about your job, alot. And so you should. You make a difference to that company and other people that buy that stuff. 3. Caring about money is a good thing. If you didn't care, then you wouldn't have all the nice shit you have and be able to talk to us on here. 4. Never seeming satisfied. That's desire right there. All your missing is goals to push for. Desire in life is hard to come by so don't lose that attitude. Be the best, at everything. 5. Shyness. You can use this to your advantage in lots of scenarios like others have said such as finding women. Confident, extrovert people don't always get everything. Life doesn't work like that. TV - i agree with you, TV is abit crap lately. Maybe go back to watching your best ever TV series or films as that always gives yourself a great feeling. Football - well, can't help you there if your a Liverpool fan [emoji6] . Football desire does waiver as you get older, thats just natural as you get more level-headed. Maybe finding key games to look forward to and sharing it on here may help for some friendly banter. Just don't expect me to say nice things about Liv [emoji38] . Finally Gaming - I'm sure lots of reasons why you played CoD was because who you played it with. I was abit gutted i missed this, but this community made me get a ps3 after having a ps4 just cos we could gave a laugh. This is still here, sometimes it does just need a little effort to get things co-ordinated and going. I can relate to a few things like the last so use the great guys on here to work at some realistic goals to help you regain focus on the fact you have a great life, great mates on here and great attitude. Thanks for sharing Jonny, have a think about what night you're free to do a BO2 night on ps3 and we'll get it going! [emoji6] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diddums 4,350 Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 Nice write up dude! Sucks to hear you're in a rut at the moment and take it from me, I know exactly how you feel. There's not much I can add to what the others have said, some great suggestions and I think a hobby would do you well. Do you have a car? Maybe go to an R/C car track on race day or something and see how that goes. There are also tons of r/c plane clubs if you're in to that kind of thing. It's great that you don't enjoy drinking, don't compromise that. I've actually been considering a booze free FG meet somewhere, maybe a day at Alton Towers or something. Would be great I reckon. Let me know if you're interested! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 I've actually been considering a booze free FG meet somewhere, maybe a day at Alton Towers or something. Would be great I reckon. Let me know if you're interested! This is one of your better plans Didds!! Dunno if the ticker would manage all the rides at Alton Towers but it could be a good laugh if enough of us can commit to it Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Madjonny 386 Posted July 22, 2015 Author Share Posted July 22, 2015 Thanks for all the replies! I see you guys put a lot of time and thought into your responses... There's at least something from each response I can take on board and think about... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JsinOwl 644 Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 Rather than try to advise you, I’m just going to relate my own experiences and let you decide if you think they’re applicable. I’ll do it in chunks. Regarding stressing about things that don’t matter. This was a real problem for me. Stupid, insignificant things would bother me to no end. I had a very particular way of making coffee, and one time my wife made the coffee. I didn’t like how she poured the water into the filter, so I dumped it out and made it over. Stupid. It was fine. If things didn’t go exactly right, I’d be useless the rest of the day. Like if I made breakfast and the pancakes didn’t come out right, I wouldn’t do anything the whole rest of the day. I wouldn’t get nervous or angry about these nagging little things, but mostly apathetic. If things didn’t go exactly right, then I didn’t want to do anything, fuck it, I’d check out mentally and just do nothing and be grumpy all day. It’s not depression, or rage, more like extreme moodiness, but getting into these down moods opens the door for the beast. (The beast is my alcoholism, he lives in my subconscious and is trying to kill me, but that’s neither here nor there.) First, I recognized this behavior. That’s key. You’ve no idea how many people drift through life without consciously examining their emotions and trying to figure out why they feel as they do. So I saw that I had this disproportionate reaction to trivial issues, I recognized that it wasn’t healthy or productive, and I understood that it came on as a result of various triggers. So I discussed this behavioral issue with my doctor and we talked about ways it might be addressed. I already knew counseling wasn’t going to help, I’ll talk about that in a future post, and there was nothing I could do to avoid the triggers since the trigger could be any unexpected obstacle. That left drugs along with more exotic treatments like hypnotism. I hooked up with a Psych Pharm nurse and it was the best thing ever. This is a person who’s sole thing is prescribing medications to fix/alleviate mental issues. She wasn’t a shrink or a counselor, but she had a very caring/motherly personality. We started every session with a hug sort of thing. Well, we tried a variety of protocols and I finally ended up taking Bupropion (Wellbutrin) and Citalopram (Celexa) and the combination has worked very well for me. I’ve been taking them for about, shit, 8 years maybe? Dose hasn’t changed. The drugs never had a strongly noticeable effect on me, I never didn’t feel like me, I never felt strange or high or anything else. But over time, I found that I had a much easier time letting things go, letting little things roll off my back. I have a much more relaxed attitude now and more stable moods. I’m taking anti-depressants, but I don’t suffer from depression, but still, my quality of life is much improved because of it. The drugs also help me deal with OCD tendencies. Now, I don’t have OCD, and it bugs me when other people joke about being OCD, because they’re not. Real OCD fucks up your life in a major way, like fixing the tassels on the edge of your carpet at 3:30 in the morning kind of shit. I never did that. But I do obsess over things. Like I’d use a ruler to make sure the box of Kleenex is square with the edge of my desk, and if I didn’t do that, I’d be thinking about it the whole day. Now I don’t have that so much. I’ll still get anal about certain things, but not nearly as extreme as I used to. Thus ends this installment of Inside the Skull, by JsinOwl If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander_Undies 618 Posted July 22, 2015 Share Posted July 22, 2015 Jeez Jason. Subtract the alcohol and that's how I feel all of the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JsinOwl 644 Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 Generally speaking, I think most people have issues to varying degrees, but just because you're not bedridden with depression or a paranoid schizophrenic doesn't mean you shouldn't seek treatment to make your life better. And treatment may not mean drugs, it may mean counselling, exercise, a diet change, etc. If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sennex 1,903 Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 Generally speaking, I think most people have issues to varying degrees, but just because you're not bedridden with depression or a paranoid schizophrenic doesn't mean you shouldn't seek treatment to make your life better. And treatment may not mean drugs, it may mean counselling, exercise, a diet change, etc. I agree with this 100%, and it is why I rage against the current state of mental health care in the US whenever anyone gives me a chance. Everyone's life and health could improve by talking to a 3rd party professional about how they feel and think. Luke 23:34 'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jordie1892 685 Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 Sorry I'm late to the party, but I feel like I have to chip in. Based off your post, I see a lot of similarities (and some differences) in our situations. I'm 20 and have been in full time work for just over half a year, but I don't see friends from school and very rarely see college friends anymore. I know I've lost contact with friends due to a lack of effort on my part and making excuses not to go out. I can't speak for you but I know I just like the peacefulness of being on my own. I think we all have daily cycles and breaking the monotony can be hard, but I know I'm personally improving. I'm not at all a big drinker, and I know it can be hard to meet up with people when it seems that's all they do on their weekends. Instead I'm trying to force myself into social situations where drinking isn't an option. I'm joining up with a local football team in the coming weeks, and have been coaching kids football for the last year. Both are great ways to break up the week, be social and not have to drink. I know you're into your football so maybe that's an option? As for the gym, it has been the best thing I've done for myself in years. I joined up at the beginning of June and have been 4 times a week every week since. I don't speak to anyone there, just plug in my headphones and workout. If I don't go to the gym, I sit at home bored, stressed, and often angry. I really urge you to try and commit to going regularly. I saw a reddit AMA with The Rock not too long ago and he said you have to form a habit of going to the gym even if you're not working out. If he's not feeling up for it he will sit in the corner and read a book, but at least he's still got himself out of the house. I'm hoping to gain friends through football in the coming weeks, and if you figure out the girlfriend part, let me know Maybe I'll grow some balls and join Tinder Good luck dude, keep us informed, Jordie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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