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Who actually owned AW, how long did you play it for and are you interested in getting BO3? 


Just trying to gauge the interest in CoD at this time and if there is any life left in the franchise on here. 


I had AW on release; got about 60 hours out of it, bought the first DLC and have not really bothered with it at all this year apart from about 10 matches in the first map pack. After going back to BO2 recently; I'm actually more tempted by BO3 as it's clear that the second Black Ops is far bloody superior than what we saw of Ghosts and AW. A part of me thinks I'm sick of the franchise and the other half thinks BO3 could be a saviour for the series. 

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I've got AW and played it for a few nights before lutting it back in the box permanently. That junpy shit and exo bollocks was the biggest load of shit I've ever experienced in a game.

I'll probably get BO3. Hafta wait for a few reviews though.


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I had AW played maybe 20 hours and sold it,wasn't so much the exo movements even tho it's not my thing but all the connection crap as well.

I wasn't remotely interested on bo3 but having seen some gameplay I await reviews but it's more likely I will give it a go.

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Played it for the first 3 weeks daily, then went to play other games and never played AW again... No reason why not, it was a decent game... But apparently not decent enough to make me want to play it again...


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Exo suits for me we the most exhausting feature to use and play against and seeing that they were the most significant aspect of the game; that's ultimately what killed it for me along with the ludicrous emphasis on SBMM. I'm not overjoyed about the prospect of wallrunning but it wont be as prominent as the persistent jumping with the suits and the maps I've seen so far seem pretty horizontally focused with only a few areas where the wallrunning feature may be used. The game also looks to have captured the BO2 general presentation and aesthetics which is another plus.  

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The jumping around is annoying, like everyone's playing on turbo charged pogo sticks.


I played AW for a while on the 360 but the lads I play with have all gone back to BO2. So I still play that on the 360 once or twice a week. Still loving my chicom.


Slightly off topic, what settings do you have BO2 on PC? I can never seem to get a stable aim using either KB+M or xbox controller. Plays better on the 360 for me for some reason.


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Played it for about a week or two IIRC then put it down

I'm with Det ^ multiplayer only with no frills or exosuits would suit me fine. I'll probably wait for the forum reaction before deciding whether to buy it


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Slightly off topic, what settings do you have BO2 on PC? I can never seem to get a stable aim using either KB+M or xbox controller. Plays better on the 360 for me for some reason.

The PC version doesn't have aim assist Phil which makes a huge difference. If you play it on your 360 against bots but turn aim assist off in the settings; you'll notice a massive difference in aiming when compared with aim assist on. The likes of Ghosts and AW had full controller support w/aim assist but for some reason BO2 didn't hence why I'm struggling with the KB+M against tryhards :lol:

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The PC version doesn't have aim assist Phil which makes a huge difference. If you play it on your 360 against bots but turn aim assist off in the settings; you'll notice a massive difference in aiming when compared with aim assist on. The likes of Ghosts and AW had full controller support w/aim assist but for some reason BO2 didn't hence why I'm struggling with the KB+M against tryhards :lol:


Ah, that explains a lot, I thought it was my set up that seems to make the cross-hair dance all over the place ;)  


I was playing on the 360 tonight as it happens, snipers are rushing around like they're running with kap 40s and one of my mates is trying to prestige his RPG, still a really enjoyable game :D


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Have 10 days on AW. Not a big fan of the jumping but its way far better than Ghosts.

I only play hardcore KC though.

It also have modes without exo jumps but no hardcore there.

Kinda look forward to BO3 and guess I will get it.




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Didn't enjoy AW at all. Tried it for a while to see if it grew on me but never did. Whereas the only reason i 've kept my ps3 is BO2.

Won't be getting BO3 at release that much is for sure. If the reviews are good and people are playing it, then i may purchase it. It's not a must buy at release gama anymore

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