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yea, but what I am saying is they don't drop period


I have been buying them, which blows. I have like 200 glimmer right now

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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yea, but what I am saying is they don't drop period


I have been buying them, which blows. I have like 200 glimmer right now


After the loot cave patch, they drop a lot less frequently it seems.  


I wouldn't focus too much on them.  Think of them as a bonus.  Try to put your efforts into leveling up your Rep with a faction that you want to buy from.  




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Is there a way to engram farm?

I am short on glimmer because I bought a ton of gear to get rep with the decrypter dude, because I never come across engrams like I did in BETA. Is it just a level thing? or is white gear the norm?

There is,next time I'm on join me and I'll show you my spots

But what Tommy said is the best way. Get to lvl 24 then do tiger strikes.

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Just found this one Reddit:  


Sword of Crota - Hidden Combo 


"I figure most people here already know this, but since one of today's bounties is for Merok, figured I'd post it anyway.

There is an extra attack available when using the Sword. Melee+Melee+Shoot to finish off the combo with a powerful upswing that does almost twice as much damage as the regular melee on mooks, and an extra 800 damage on Hallowed enemies.
Go forth and slash, Guardians."




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yea, but what I am saying is they don't drop period

I have been buying them, which blows. I have like 200 glimmer right now

Legendary engram still drop. Ryan got one last night. He also got monte carlo from level 24 strike.

That's your best best to get legendary engrams. Just to run the shit out of strikes. You'll level your cryptarch, your factions, and you may get lucky.

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Legendary engram still drop. Ryan got one last night. He also got monte carlo from level 24 strike.

That's your best best to get legendary engrams. Just to run the shit out of strikes. You'll level your cryptarch, your factions, and you may get lucky.


yeah "lucky" just like me...:) legendary engrams do drop quite a bit... we have had a few drop between us, (different clan members) not to mention a few reward ones as well at the end of the strike...




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How are you guys getting your ascendant shards? I get plenty of energy but shards elude me. Even in the daily mission on level 28. I need a bunch to level up. All my armor is ready to go but I lack the materials


random events while patrolling... buying legendary armor  and scrapping it... running raids... doing the dailys on level 28...




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Raid will get you a lot of ascendant materials. Having multiple characters helps a lot. I've bought at least a half dozen exotic armor bits from Xur and sharded them. It just takes time.

A second character of the same class will help more than anything else IMO.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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can I vault maxed out armor for my secondary alt to then pick up and use without having to unlock it again?

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Raid will get you a lot of ascendant materials. Having multiple characters helps a lot. I've bought at least a half dozen exotic armor bits from Xur and sharded them. It just takes time.

A second character of the same class will help more than anything else IMO.


I haven't done the raid. I just don't have the time or I am not one when you guys are one which is mostly evenings. I have family responsibilities around that time. I do strike a lot.

I'll probably create a number of characters and just do the patrols on earth. That work but is slow going. Protecting the warsaw and killing the spider can pretty much be soloed with decent gear.

I've done the daily strike at level 28 (im 27) but that can be a lengthy pain in the ass solo as well depending on the mission.

Having another decent character is making more and more sense since that will help for the weekly strikes also.

I have some decent gear exotic gear for a hunter that I haven't used because it is only level 12 or 13, maybe I'll scrapped that and continue with my warlock.

Does dismantling provide the same number of shards regardless of upgrading or not?

What does legendary give you?

What does exotic give you?

It takes no time at all to earn legendary stuff with marks if I had to and dismantle that maybe

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You get 2 or 3 shards for dismantling legendary/exotic gear. Upgrading it may help, but honestly, it seems random to me. I've upgraded and gotten two shards and bought dismantled straight away and gotten three.

Raid takes 90 minutes give or take depending on your group's gear and raid experience. When are you usually on?

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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You get 2 or 3 shards for dismantling legendary/exotic gear. Upgrading it may help, but honestly, it seems random to me. I've upgraded and gotten two shards and bought dismantled straight away and gotten three.

Raid takes 90 minutes give or take depending on your group's gear and raid experience. When are you usually on?


90 minutes??? that was pre-random teleport athlon...  now??? maybe just a tad longer... :o




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You get 2 or 3 shards for dismantling legendary/exotic gear. Upgrading it may help, but honestly, it seems random to me. I've upgraded and gotten two shards and bought dismantled straight away and gotten three.

Raid takes 90 minutes give or take depending on your group's gear and raid experience. When are you usually on?


Often between noon and 4 our time

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