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I'm thinking about jumping on Destiny for iron banner this weekend. Let's assemble a team that can carry me!

Make sure to send Diddums an invite. He gets all pissy if you don't, so it's usually best to a few ;)

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I thought he said he ignores people's invites?

Nah, it's cos his notification system is a bit dodge. You have to send him around 5-10 invites every so often otherwise it won't get through.

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I'll be getting off soon it will be more like Fri onwards.

Really enjoying iron banner so far...goto weapon still over soul edict strangely enough.I use the over soul find it matches the thorns very well ,need a etheric light to max it but it is still holding its own in IB

Rewards have sucked so far plenty of weapons to others.

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My PS4 was really acting up yesterday and kept sending him invites for like ten minutes strait.

The best thing was thinking Sam was laughing but it was Lee giggling and squealing

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I didn't think you could do this, but I just got a Frllwinters Lie in the iron banner!

Yea I was reading that it and something else was dropping from 1-3 then last IB stuff was dropping from 4-5
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Every ib event can drop every ib weapon, not just the ones he sells that week.

Lee's giggle is the most amazing thing on the internet.

But it used to be only the previous IB weapons. Now it's been all of them at any rank. Before you had to hit rank three
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Unlucky today on the 34 POE plumbrodders! Great effort though! As soon as you hit 34 we will be flying through them! As long as I get the fecking Ghorn! Haha! One day! One day!

yep got kicked on the boss ,but got to level 34 via using iron banners etheric light purchase on level 3
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Just to resurrect this thread what a fun night that was while I remember it,atheon on hard while drunk such a laugh great games guys.

Last night showed why Destiny won't go away, such a great laugh all night.

You're gonna need one of your strong double mocca-chocca americano latte's this morning!

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