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Destiny Clan - Forever Gaming


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Epic session of destiny last night.

First time in the PoE, ran 28 twice and then 32 once, last boss taking 90 minutes until we got him. Dropped a Gjallerhorn (my fourth), Last Word and three queens weapons

Then ran VoG, or at least watched Chip, Crispy, Ryan and Stretch do an awesome job on the Templar with me and Charlie dead. Thanks for the fate bringers guys.

Fifth Gjallerhorn drops at exotic chest.

Way too many weapons and I need a radical sharding session, including (sorry to everyone still wanting one) two Gjallerhorns.

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(eyes start to fill)....

Great job Bob, epic night of fun and drops. Thanks all for getting my NFs done and a few PoEs.

Now bring that motherfuckin Gyallhorn Xur!!!!!!!! [emoji16]

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(eyes start to fill)....

Great job Bob, epic night of fun and drops. Thanks all for getting my NFs done and a few PoEs.

Now bring that motherfuckin Gyallhorn Xur!!!!!!!! [emoji16]

That's how I feel about the Hawkmoon. Can't freaking drop it to save my life
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I've given up on those guns. I've learned to live without them, they've become bonusses now. If I get one, great. If not, meh.

Bullshit homo, I know you'll travel all the way to my house to show me one if u drop it!

Forum Signature Test.png

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Guys I'm seriously considering taking a long if not permanent break from Destiny. Shits just starting to rub me the wrong way. Like the whole key thing. So they are telling me to get rewarded I need to farm for hours to possibly get a key to unlock a chest after beating a fucking boss. That's bullshit. The reward system is still fucking so broken its not even funny. It rewards how much time played not how well you do. Prison of Elders is fun but for how long? It's a combination of other things too. Plus I'm on night shift working 12 hours on three hours of sleep. And this diet has gotten to me tonight. I want a fucking cheeseburger

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So have a cheeseburger then. As long as you stick to one it'll be fine.

Too many people think that the way to lose weight is to simply do a 180 on what you eat, when it fact the little day to day things are what make the biggest difference. Have a cheeseburger today, get your personality back, and back on track again tomorrow. No point trying to lose weight if it's a chore. the stress and tensi9n will only make it worse.

As for Destiny, I'm in the same boat but I play because of mates, if I get loot, bonus. If not, at least I had a good night calling people names. Can't wait for Trials of Osiris tonight. My body is ready.


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(eyes start to fill)....

Great job Bob, epic night of fun and drops. Thanks all for getting my NFs done and a few PoEs.

Now bring that motherfuckin Gyallhorn Xur!!!!!!!! [emoji16]

He brought you The Last Word...:)




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So have a cheeseburger then. As long as you stick to one it'll be fine.

Too many people think that the way to lose weight is to simply do a 180 on what you eat, when it fact the little day to day things are what make the biggest difference. Have a cheeseburger today, get your personality back, and back on track again tomorrow. No point trying to lose weight if it's a chore. the stress and tensi9n will only make it worse.

 As much as it pains me to say this, Chris....... Dead's has a valid point here. Everyone on a diet has the occasional bad day. Have the bad day, right it off and start again


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I play because of mates, if I get loot, bonus. If not, at least I had a good night calling people names. Can't wait for Trials of Osiris tonight. My body is ready.

Totally agree, "Thunder Loooorrrrdddd!!!!!.............Guardian Down!" :lol:  :lol:
"My body is ready"   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  ;)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Guys I'm seriously considering taking a long if not permanent break from Destiny. Shots just starting to run me the wrong way. Like the whole key thing. So they are telling me to get rewarded I need to farm for hours to possibly get a key to unlock a chest after beating a fucking boss. That's bullshit. The reward system is still fucking so broken its not even funny. It rewards how much time played not how well you do. Prison of Elders is fun but for how long? It's a combination of other things too. Plus I'm on night shift working 12 hours on three hours of sleep. And this diet has gotten to me tonight. I want a fucking cheeseburger

I'm feeling the same about destiny on every point you made, Chris. I would have much preferred a new raid.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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I can't see me farming keys I just have other stuff to do,in fact I'd usually be on now but I'm just slobbing about :) in fact my percentage time played since coming back off hols is way down but I am looking forward to a couple of good sessions this weekend with you peeps even deadums :)

Chris don't go on a diet its a lifestyle change and have a damn cheeseburger see it as a reward for doing well.

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I'm feeling the same about destiny on every point you made, Chris. I would have much preferred a new raid.

We should concentrate on PvP Chad since we're so bad ass at it. ;)
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On Treasure keys I'm not sure exactly how that works yet as i have heard conflicting views.


Optimistically I'm hoping you get given one key per week (maybe out of the side chests) when you complete your first PoE run. This to me makes sense as doing the end game for no chance of good rewards would be shit. I know keys do drop out of those chests via RNG (Rodders got one last night) but I think one guaranteed per week should be on.


But also I've heard the only way to get keys is RNG via Ether chest hunts or the side chest RNG. If this is true it's a major fail to me, as I ain't going to sit for hours on patrol farming ether keys, just not interested at all in doing that. Fine with this giving extra keys, but it should not be the only way of getting end game rewards (really Patrol for end game rewards, surely Bungie cant be that retarded)


Will also be interested to see how often Etheric light drops - as far as I know I'm the only one in the clan who got any out of the nightfall, which suggests a very low drop rate. Really wish this was earned like motes. RNG for something that is uniquely important to progression is going to be horribly frustrating I feel

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