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I will... I can be on as early as 3:45pm central time if you need me... I need to run 3 vaults this upcoming week!

If I'm playing aw just join the chat and I'll swap games to do the runs weeklies etc on destiny.

I would have said send a message but we all know how good that is!

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If I'm playing aw just join the chat and I'll swap games to do the runs weeklies etc on destiny.

I would have said send a message but we all know how good that is!

Aw??? Boooooo...:) sounds like a plan... I will be on a in a bit, probably around 7... Need to run two dailies!




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More than happy to dip in to the raid with you ryan, I may br on AW but will soon jump off when you're ready to the raid...Destiny will be in my ps4 longer than AW for sure ;)

Agree with this statement 100%. Anytime you want to raid I'm there.
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I'm down for a raid this week as well. Need about 14 more shards and i'll be lvl 30! If we get a good run going maybe we can look to run them back to back


sounds like a plan!!! I will be on tonight after 3:45pm, and will be running the daliy/weekly/nightfalls, unless we have a raid to go asap...:)




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I'm guessing that's around 9pm UK time, I've got till about 3am so hopefully get to run some stuff, would be nice to get the nightfall done, whatever it is this week.

That it is 6 hours ahead my time... Sounds like a plan... Nightfall is mars valus taaurc... No elemental modifiers... Need to do it three times ...:)




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I'm down for the raid this week. I can do it two and possibly a half times. Half meaning with my hunter cuz hunters suck with their thinner than paper armour and weak gun handling.

If I did it with a hunter, so can you bud.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I'm down for the raid this week. I can do it two and possibly a half times. Half meaning with my hunter cuz hunters suck with their thinner than paper armour and weak gun handling.

Having golden gun and being on away team for Atheon is a match made in heaven. 3 shots, 3 oracles. Loads of time saved.

I don't think there is a standout class. All have their merits.

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If we keep wiping we can always cheese him. I've watched a YouTube video so I'm practicality an expert now.

Not judging anyone that does it, but i don't want to be part of a cheese run. I want to have the satisfaction from beating him as intended.

My 0.02, but the game is there to be played how you want it!

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No cheese here, although I was once seduced into cheesing the Templar in order to get the fifth chest. What a sad and pathetic creature I am. D:

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I managed to scrape a level 27 hunter through I'm sure you guys would ace it.  I need to level up my vision of confluence so it gets the oracle damage bonus.  I'll be about after 22:30 UK time for a few hours.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I managed to scrape a level 27 hunter through I'm sure you guys would ace it.  I need to level up my vision of confluence so it gets the oracle damage bonus.  I'll be about after 22:30 UK time for a few hours.


sounds good crispy!!!




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Great running with Ryan and Nev tonight 2x nightfall, heroic and dailies done.

Unfortunate we got wiped first attempt Lee.

Great stuff Gary, it was still fun doing the daily and weekly with you and Ryan.

Oh, and I'll remember next time when I'm swapping with someone not to go to orbit when I'm the fireteam leader. Donut. [emoji15]

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Great running with Ryan and Nev tonight 2x nightfall, heroic and dailies done.

Unfortunate we got wiped first attempt Lee.


yeah... had a lot of fun...  that one wipe hurt though... I HATE those purple psions...only one more nightfall to go... then 3 VOG runs... :) thanks for running the lower level strikes with my son as well gentlemen... I appreciate it, and he is actually doing pretty well just getting started and all... he is almost level 12, and done with the moon already... We will be on tonight, and I should be on around 3:45pm cemtral time to at least get in a few strikes, etc... maybe the new daily x3???:)




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