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What has been happening "recently" - From my point of view


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How the hell did I get drug back into shit. My god does this not get old. It's high school drama only with GROWN ASS MEN. I'm out see you all when I see you. I've got REAL problems I'm dealing with right now and don't need stress of internet drama


Don't let the unimportant things bug ya dude, no need to go anywhere over simple stuff like whatever happened here. Hope the other problems you're dealing with straighten out for ya too.


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I thought all this shit was over with!

The way I see it we are one big family, do we disagree and have arguments? Sure but what family doesn't?

I had a disagreement with Scipio (Sorry if the spellings off) but it was like 2 lines back and forth then ended. Get over it like we did.

I just had an argument with Glen11 over nothing and guess what, even though he's a massive helmet like everyone else on this forum, you guys are still my brothers (And Sam) and I enjoy reading all of your posts. Can't we just all brush it under the carpet and get on with our lives?

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Don't let the unimportant things bug ya dude, no need to go anywhere over simple stuff like whatever happened here. Hope the other problems you're dealing with straighten out for ya too.

Oh no I'm not going anywhere. I was talking about this thread.
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Don't make me put this signature back on. Don't.



Which awesome, intelligent, hilarious member made that?

In relation to the thread:

1. I've been a part of this community since I was 14 (I'm 18 now). During this period I've had to put up with a lot of bullshit IRL, that I think only 1 other member might be aware of. When I've been having a hard time I come here, not to post about it, simply to take my mind off things. We all deal with Enough BS in real life, so let's keep this sanctuary of ours clean from it.

2. We're all (mostly) mature here. If you can spot that a thread your involved in is turning ugly, just walk away.

3. Y'all are awesome. Let's keep it that way.



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It's ok to have disagreements, everyone does and i know every "Place" does. It's not okay to make a member feel unwelcome or unliked because they're feeling like shit. I've been a member of this mw2forums community since i was 18, im 22 now. I have changed and i have grown, I have gotten close to alot of you guys, and some i sorta drew away from(My fault) Either way, to me this place is a godsend. Life is hard so i come here to vent like many of you, don't like it? Balls. Don't comment on anything if you cant prevent yourself from making a condescending passive-aggressive remark. Ive made threads on here about being depressed, why? Well because i always thought this place was a run a way if you will. That my brothers will always have my back if i fall in real life. So i can feel normal again and bring myself out of whatever rut i was in. (advices here helped alot). 

So, whatever this is guys, dont let it turn into auptykville shitfest. Keep it civil and always be sensitive and open to other's feelings. Just because things may be going good for you dont mean they are to others here. You never know they can be in some nasty hell and be coming here to seek comfort. 


Just my 2 cents. This is all just an observation of what ive seen for the last few days. I dont know what was said to some members, but i do know this is how we need to be with everyone here if we wanna remain as a friendly community. 


I'm also like steve i stay out of those political threads because i know where they usually go, it's just my tactic the avoid the avoidable. 

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We need Kylebee's to get that lottery win he keeps talking about and arrange an inetrnational forum get together. That way we all get to meet in person get drunk and resolve any and all differences, plus Jason will get to suck on Doc's member ;)

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We need Kylebee's to get that lottery win he keeps talking about and arrange an inetrnational forum get together. That way we all get to meet in person get drunk and resolve any and all differences, plus Jason will get to suck on Doc's member ;)

Yep and the banner ad below your post Mark was........................Euromillions rollover!!! :lol:


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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It's dangerous to bite the hand that feeds, so don't worry, I won't be rocking the boat anymore.


Keep rocking the boat mate, no-one has to like it, challenging and questioning are a necessary part of life. Just don't expect too much... ;)


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Damn those tarts look good, been a long time since i've had a good old tart! I only like the jam ones, not the marmalade nonsense, fuck that with a cricket bat!


In other news, the future is here




I wasn't going to say anything about what's been going on here, as i don't think there's really anything more i can add but what i will say is this. I haven't been on many forums before but the ones i have been on have been nothing like this, like someone has already said, the fact we know each other by first names rather Wizardman3000 shows how close we are as a group. When people need help or advice on something, it seems, that they come here first. I know we all have our spats and our bad days where we can be dicks, everyone has them but the important thing is that we speak about it and try and clear the air. If someone's pissed you off/disappointed you so much that you think there's no way back then don't respond to their posts. You wouldn't go and hang out with someone you don't like in real life. 


At the end of the day we're all pretty fucking good mates here, i've made mates for life on this forum and i hope to continue to make more. Lets not forget how special this place is because lets be honest, it is. 





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I'm admin on a popular forum, I've got quite a few good mates I see regularly from that forum but this forum has become my number one stopping point for its varying interesting topics and both international and age related view points.

Ive never met anyone from here but find everyone I've played online with interesting, friendly and mostly funny :)

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