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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare | Reveal Trailer


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I don't get the hype over the campaign. As most have said, multiplayer is what we are concerned with. All in all, how much of the campaign is ever brought over to the multiplayer? Usually when it is, it's a toned down version, if my memory serves me right.


The only time I get excited about the next new CoD coming out is when the multiplayer is revealed, so until that happens, this is all just taking up space.



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I don't get the hype over the campaign. As most have said, multiplayer is what we are concerned with. All in all, how much of the campaign is ever brought over to the multiplayer? Usually when it is, it's a toned down version, if my memory serves me right.


The only time I get excited about the next new CoD coming out is when the multiplayer is revealed, so until that happens, this is all just taking up space.



Same. The only thing I take from the campaign reveals is just the era/setting. Based on the AW trailer; I hope the MP is indeed 'toned down' as many elements on display are quite overly-spectacular but that's probably the usual marketing ploy to get people engaged.


My prediction; 5-6 hour campaign that people drool over but ultimately wont give a flying fuck about come E3 when the MP goes on show :lol:  

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Watched the trailer again... Honestly I don't think this even looks like Call of Duty anymore. Why can't they go back to basics and make something like CoD4, MW2 or WaW. I liked it better when they had battles like in real war and not sci-fi spec ops. I usually like sci-fi but not in Call of Duty.

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Oh god... In multiplayer I don't want:

X-ray vision visors

20ft super jumps

Robot suits with mini guns on (they looked a but like juggernaut type things, which I don't like either)

Cloaking devices

It looks very Black Ops 2 like, which is great if the connection is stable...

Not too sure about the deplorable cover barrier... It's a great idea in theory, if used as part of a team could be used to really great effect... But I fear it would be used to cordon off little camping rooms instead of protecting your team as you cap B or something...

Decent start sledgehammer, now I look forward to the MP reveal...


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Basically I could care less about setting as long as its fun and quick paced like COD should be. As for weapons and abilities whatever as long as its balanced or has a counter I'm fine with it. The community will still find ways to be a douchbags.

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This "Leak" is dumb, and I feel dumber for spending a large portion of the morning reading about it

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Haven't bothered reading anything but I love ww games. No scopes, red dots, heartbeat sensors, uavs or any of that other bullshit which can turn a slight lead into a thorough kicking. That's always been my issue with cod, that a good team can get their blackbirds and what not and basically dominate. It's beyond a nod or tipping scales in your favour, it's basically helping you turn the enemy team into a defenceless mess. Lose all that shit but keep the game pace and give us bolt action rifles, and maybe, just maybe ill deal with the pussy assed frogs again.


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This "Leak" is dumb, and I feel dumber for spending a large portion of the morning reading about it

You're hyped but you just don't know it ;)


So basically the 'reveal' was supposed to be on Sunday but Activision for some reason jumped the gun and decided to release it 10 hours or so ago despite launching a teaser site yesterday with a countdown?


I suppose this means we have fuck all to look forward to on Sunday then. I'll HAVE to go to church now as I'm all out of excuses B)  

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Retail listing posted


Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, developed by Sledgehammer Games (co-developers of Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3), harnesses the first three-year, all next-gen development cycle in franchise history.

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare envisions the powerful battlegrounds of the future, where both technology and tactic have evolved to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Delivering a stunning performance, Academy Award® winning actor Kevin Spacey stars as Jonathan Irons – one of the most powerful men in the world – shaping this chilling vision of the future of war.

Power Changes Everything.

An Advanced World:

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare takes place in a plausible future in which technological progress and today’s military practices have converged with powerful consequences.
In this carefully researched and crafted vision of the future, Private Military Corporations (PMCs) have become the dominant armed forces for countless nations outsourcing their military needs, redrawing borders and rewriting the rules of war.
And Jonathan Irons, the founder and president of the world’s largest PMC – Atlas Corporation – is at the center of it all.

An Advanced Soldier:

Powerful exoskeletons evolve every aspect of a soldier’s battle readiness, enabling combatants to deploy with an advanced lethality and eliminating the need for specialization.
The introduction of this gameplay mechanic delivers enhanced player movement and verticality through boost jumps and grappling, covert cloaking abilities, and biomechanics that provide unparalleled strength, awareness, endurance, and speed.
With the advent of the exoskeleton and newly advanced armor and weaponry, every soldier commands tactical freedom in any terrain unlike ever before, fundamentally chan
An Advanced Arsenal:
Harnessing the power of next-gen platforms, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare brings players into the battlegrounds of the future by boasting a new hi-tech, advanced arsenal and ability set, arming players with all-new equipment, technology, perks, and vehicles like hoverbikes and highly specialized drones.
Players can also choose between standard ammunition and an all-new class of directed-energy weaponry that enables totally new gameplay dynamics.
And with exoskeletons delivering a massive force multiplier and unprecedented tactical freedom, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare evolves every firefight.

An Advanced Arsenal:
Harnessing the power of next-gen platforms, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare brings players into the battlegrounds of the future by boasting a new hi-tech, advanced arsenal and ability set, arming players with all-new equipment, technology, perks, and vehicles like hoverbikes and highly specialized drones.
Players can also choose between standard ammunition and an all-new class of directed-energy weaponry that enables totally new gameplay dynamics.
And with exoskeletons delivering a massive force multiplier and unprecedented tactical freedom, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare evolves every firefight.

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I was getting excited for the next CoD.  Now, I'm less interested.  I'd much rather see them go backward in the timeline than into the future.  I don't want nano suits, lasers, etc.  I want bullets, good maps, and bad guys.  




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I feel Call of Duty has lost its identity now. 


It used to be a WW style game but IW taking the risk of bringing it to modern times paid off with COD4 and MW2 but now 3 futuristic titles on the bounce is a put-off right off the bat. It does look good but it's not the COD I remember and once loved. 


Don't they ever listen to the community? Most people want a modern day game or a revisit to the classic era from what I've seen over the months. If they made this is direct response to Titanfall or something; then they've wasted their time as that hasn't set the world alight like we thought it would. Seems they are too scared to alienate the younger target audience who aren't old enough to buy the game by going back to a classic era either.


I'm gonna get sick of this once the micro items baloney comes to fruition too.  

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If they made this is direct response to Titanfall or something; then they've wasted their time as that hasn't set the world alight like we thought it would.

They've been working on this for some time now,way before TitanFall. So I don't think that's it. The biggest problem with Titanfall is they got the shaft by EA making it a xbone exclusive. If they released it on both it would easily be the top grossing game on both consoles. Granted it may be from lack of competition.

I don't care if it's throwing spears and rocks if it's smooth,has really good maps and a good connection.

I don't need all the fancy shit. Do I like the pick ten. Yea. I like the new system on Ghosts also. I wouldn't mind going back to the way it was on MW3 either. Fuck off with the tracker sights and target finders. Leave out the IEDs and bouncing berries and claymores. Go back to the soundless whoring like BO2. Just make it fun and worth my money.

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This thread is an amusing read.

"CoD is the same every year, it gets boring because it's repetitive, it needs new ideas because it's getting old..."

*SH has new ideas and innovations*

"CoD needs to go back to its roots..."


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How many fanboi's ran out and pre-ordered this POS today?

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I'm torn about pre ordering this. First off I don't have any new console and secondly I don't know which console to preorder it on. Because everyone (majority) have transitioned over to the new consoles.

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