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well from what they said it's 1.0 in name only pretty much, but I am always down to be killed by some zombies

Could try..I’m a bit banged up with cellulitis at the moment which means computer time is limited 😐


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

I'll get my PC time available again to play some of this. Makes sense to give it a go to see whats new!

Forum Signature Test.png

Had a couple of hours last night, died a few times and got evicted by Americans. The game looks a million times better, but my poor little GPU feels it. Might hafta turn the quality down a bit. booo. 


It feels much more in depth and grown up,  and I'm looking forward to getting pissed tonight and getting stuck in again. 


Do you think its worth expanding of creating multiple home bases? Just may help for when people join at different times. The start was much rougher than I expected tbh! But i'm sure as some food elements have been unlocked that it will become slightly easier in some ways perhaps. I do think a central horde base is a great shout though so we can all help each other survive 😅


Love the look of storage boxes now. Looking forward to seeing what new shapes are about for the building side of things. The new armour sets are looking class.


Really hope I can work out why I was getting disconnected so much. I will reset my router when i can to see if that is the issue.

Forum Signature Test.png

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