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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. Res 4 Res 2 (Remake included) Res 1 (Original, Directors cut, and GC remake) Res 7 Res: CV I played the ever-loving shit out of 2 on multiple occasions, but man. When Res 4 hit, that instantly climbed into my top 5 games of all time. The GC version was so replayed, but when that Wii version dropped, the motion controls just added that little bit of extra precision that puts it on top for me. I did enjoy Village too, and it was close. But, I found it really faltered in the latter half. The suspense and terror were great until after the dollhouse. Then it just turned into a shooter.
  2. Episode 36 is LIVE!!! We talk about TTRPGs using AI-generated content and how some companies are explicitly keeping them out of their content. We also talk about Mar10 day, some games that really disappointed us among other things.
  3. Episode 35 is LIVE!!!! Atomic Heart... what a load of crap. we talk about what a hot turd it is, as well as Kerbal Space Program 2 and an interesting study on how music in games may make them harder.
  4. I mean, why not just give me a big pile of shit, Sony. Seriously, such garbage.
  5. Yea, this one is on my radar too. I'm gonna pick it up next time I see it on sale. It has to be better than Atomic Heart. Lol
  6. Sarah and I have watched some gameplay of this. I’ve never really got into the survival type games, but this looks pretty good.
  7. Aw damn. If @Rumelyladyand I were across the pond, we'd be in on that for sure. One of these days. I hope everyone that attends has a blast! 🤘🏻
  8. Yeah, I've been having a hard time getting into this game. Every few minutes they throw an unskippable, unplayable cut scene that just takes me right out of it. All the beauty bits in Bioshock or Bioshock infinite had a charm about them that made you want to keep moving. Due to my previous mention about the lack of Russian accents, and honestly some really cringe-worthy voice acting, this is lacking the charm to keep me interested. I think I may shelf this and come back at a later date.
  9. Epsiode 34 is LIVE!!! We call out Nintendo for their over-pricing of old games on current consoles, and just a lack of any kind of Classic lower priced catalog.
  10. Ok, right off the bat. Why does no one sound Russian?!?!? If the game is based in an alternate Russia, why the fuck does everyone sound American?? The intro sequence is a fucking slog. I legit wanted to shut the game off during it. This thing just drags this intro bit so damn slow, and It is just boring as hell. They try to fill it with some lore crap, but due to the aforementioned lack of anyone sounding like a Russian, I find that I don't care. This isn't off to a good start at all. *UPDATE* I did in fact shut it down after over 30 minutes of non-playing intro. I'll get into the ACTUAL gameplay tomorrow if @Rumelyladydoesn't go to wizard school.
  11. The fixed cameras give it that nostalgia feel. Sadly, Capcom learned their lesson, and gave the series that true 3rd person perspective with 4 and the remakes. I'll be interested to play through this and see if they have the same cringe-worthy dialogue and cut scenes. "Wait, DON'T go through THAT DOOR!!"
  12. Scarlet Nexus was pretty good. I had fun with that when it first released. DMC 5 is more of the same from that series. You'll dig it if you liked the previous entries.
  13. I installed this on my Series X tonight, and I'll give it a go tomorrow. The mixed reviews I've seen make me feel so glad this is on game pass. If you've played it, post your thoughts here. I've heard its a russian bioshock wannabe. Lol
  14. A really cool metroidvania action/adventure that dropped on the Switch last week, and eventually coming to other consoles at a point yet to be announced. I've been enjoying it so far. Controls are tight and it's got some gore to it.
  15. Oh man... My backlog is too damn full. I'm a sucker for a sale, and I've bought quite a few games but almost instantly put them on the back burners with the "I'll play this one next" marked on it. Of course, that never happens and a lot of the time, it was due to Destiny. Seeing as I've stopped playing that, I'm slowly picking away at it, even though I'm forever cursed to buy more during sales. Lol That, or thanks to game pass, something new will pop up and instantly take my time. It's tough being a gamer.
  16. Episode 33 is LIVE!!!! We talk about yet another Kickstarter by Wymwood in their quest to go out of business, as well as a recent article on screen addiction for young ones. We also talk about some games to past t he time with.
  17. My only gripe right now, is for some reason, your normal gun does a 3-shot burst instead of the single shot from the original game. While it can help short term, it sucks when you get the charge beam and have to wait those 3 shots to begin charging. I hope Nintendo/Retro release a patch to fix that.
  18. I recently picked up this entire trilogy on Xbox Series X for $15 a few weeks back, and for the most part, going back and playing the remastered versions of the first 2 games was a hit and miss experience. Darksiders: Warmasters Edition is a remaster of the first game and it runs silky smooth at 60fps with a nice touch up visually. It plays much like a classic Zelda game with a more mature tone, and I've replayed the original quite a few times when it initially released. Great gameplay that remains the same and didn't disappoint. Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition is a buggy, glitchy mess that I couldn't finish due to a game breaking bug I ran into late in the game. For some reason, this "remaster" didn't have any kind of graphical enhancement that I noticed, and for some reason was locked at 30fps. WTF? Funny thing is, if I popped the original 360 version in my Series X or played Digitally, that version would run at 60 fps on the X. So how the fuck did they not get this working on a remastered version? I'm glad I didn't pay full price for it, but my advice? Play the original 360/PS3 release. This "remaster" is utter fucking garbage. Darksiders 3 was recently released not that long ago, and still plays really well. They decided to go with the souls-like experience with this one, but the game gives you the option of playing in the previous installments hack & slash style if you'd like to. I've just started this one again, and it also runs at 60fps with some great gameplay and a decent story. The souls aspect isn't that big of a game breaker as the parry dodging is fairly generous. All in all, this is a great series that had one remastered speed bump with the second game. Like i said, play the original version of that, but I'll highly recommend the first one for those looking for a zelda like experience, and the 3rd if you want a souls-like to pass your time.
  19. It does look so much better visually. Gameplay is damn near exactly the same, and using the dual stick or motion controls make the gameplay so much better IMO.
  20. April 4th is the release date for PS4, Switch and Xbone.
  21. I played the demo tonight and instantly fell in love with the game. There's a lot of little references to imagery from The Messenger that had me geeking the fuck out. It definetly reminds me of Chrono Trigger, but you can tell they still have some work to do. I can't wait for the full release!!
  22. @Rumelyladystarted her tenure at Wizard school last night, and she was just geeking out the entire time. Every few minutes, she'd just lose her mind about something she found in the game. It was adorable.
  23. I also really like the choice of control schemes. Dual stick, classic, hybrid (Classic/dual stick mix) and motion. After playing with motion controls in the trilogy collection from the Wii, I think that'll be my go-to for this one. Playing dual stick with the joy-cons absolutely sucks.
  24. Nintendo announced these remakes are scheduled to hit the shelves April 21st 2023. This is a decent series that shares a lot of elements found in the Fire Emblem series. I had a great time playing the originals back during the DS hey day.
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