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Everything posted by Baabcat

  1. I played it once. It sucks big time
  2. I agree with that now Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. I tried some Capture the Flag today, only available on the SA maps. It was really good, really fast paced and a lot of fun. Worked well on three of the maps Guess what, Metro was a nil nil draw! Still a lot of fun and 30 minutes of mayhem , the flags did get moved but no chance of scoring. Anyone struggling with the F2000 challenge I would recommend CTF Metro, I struggled through it on Conquest, had loads of near misses. CTF gives you longer to get those pesky kill assists. Definitely playing some more of this mode Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  4. Baabcat

    bf4 tips/help

    Yes it took me a while to work out what it was
  5. Baabcat

    bf4 tips/help

    The repair tool, its a blow torch
  6. Baabcat

    bf4 tips/help

    Thanks for this tip, completed the challenge on caspian using the torch on the grass around the big tower ( didn't work everywhere, must be special grass) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  7. AS Val has the worst iron sights ever. Enjoying it a bit more now I have a RDS, but took longer than it should. The GOL rocks. Shotgun is not nice though, takes two days to reload. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  8. AS Val was easier, meant to mention a tip, to get those squad repairs just keep jumping in vehicles and changing squad to match the driver. Got those repairs done in 2 games. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  9. So after struggling a bit with the SA weapon unlocks, with lots of frustrating near misses I unlocked the last three (gol magnum, as val, f2000) in the space of 5 matches. Got the f000 unlocked with seconds to go, thought i was going to miss out again. gol magnum was similarly tight, managed to steal a kill from a team mate to get the sniper ribbon, having got the tower kills earlier Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. I was thinking of getting this so would be interested in any feedback from anyone who has watched it
  11. I think you can have at least two active at anyone time - so once one is used up / destroyed you can deploy another, you don't have to die to replenish your stock. There's also a field upgrade that lets you have 3 deployed (again I think). Of all the 'expert' challenges its up there with the ammo ribbon one (in support) in how easy it is to complete. Unlocking recon expert, now that's not easy.
  12. go to Op Locker or Metro, throw kits at people in chokepoints, 6, 7, 8 ribbons per match guaranteed
  13. Tens or hundreds of thousands like One Direction. Doesn't mean they ain't crap Seriously - yes sure its a massive title, but it would be really interesting to know how many people were playing CoD this time one year ago, or two years ago, compared to now. And same for Battlefield - I bet the gap has narrowed massively.
  14. It was you that said ' just because you all feel a certain way doesn't mean the community as a whole feels that way'. Not me. My point was you were speaking for the community as a whole (accidentally i'm sure), and I was pointing out that this little once-CoD-loving community is not reflecting what you were saying.
  15. Nope never said that. I said a whole bunch from this community (this forum) had had our heads turned - that's just a fact (read this thread from start to finish for the proof)
  16. You cant possibly speak for the whole CoD community. If you aren't bored of the same old every year then fair enough, but that's your opinion Look at this community - we all came together because at some time we all loved CoD, now a whole bunch of us have had our heads turned by the shiny new Battlefield, or GTA - games that are ambitious in what they are trying to do. When CoD was great it was ground breaking, now its been left behind, that's my view
  17. The best sniper is the SRR, the last unlock. You probably already know that from the amount of times you'll have been killed by one. Some of the earlier unlocks are ok as well, Scout Elite for one On LMGs the ones I liked we're the PKP ( an early unlock) and the two RPKs, although they are more like ARs with big magazines My fave shotgun, in terms of ease of use is the Siaga, although the pump actions are more challenging. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  18. You could do both - if you know you can go to Uni now why not aim to get a place for September , and try between now and then to test the job market, or try out your own business. Keep your options open as much as possible, its a tough job market. Get some experience in working, even McD would look better on a cv than doing nothing. Don't knock it, a lot of marketing departments do have young people doing their first career job - so stand out from the rest of the young people looking for their first job by demonstrating you've worked hard, even in a stop gap.
  19. Yes the lack of a practise mode is an omission, and makes that learning curve that much steeper. I definitely had times when I considered jacking it in but I persevered and now think its a great game. It has it's flaws, and it can be bewildering trying to make a difference on something like Conquest. If you try it again I'm sure plenty of us will be happy to answer your questions and help out Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  20. Corner camps can't camp if you destroy all the walls around them, that's a big difference. I don't think there is any camping spot in BF4 anywhere near that room above the shop in war hawk. Kyle maybe you gave up on BF 4 too soon, its a hell of a learning curve, did you put much time into it?
  21. If you think the medikit challenge is tough wait til you go for engineer expert and recon expert.
  22. BO2 for me was a great game, they just got all the aspects of create a class, challenges, games modes, etc etc spot on. If IW had just copied that and done new maps I would have been happy But instead they junked all that progress. They seemed to get connection right, but missed the ball on the easy stuff It actually felt like the game was made by people who had never played BO2, and I expect the people who make CoD to be as much into CoD as I was, so it just felt lazy and a backward step And so lacking ambition. Lets make 1 tree fall down as a levolution moment. 1 tree, whilst on the same hardware other designers are dropping whole skyscrapers. Lazy complacent out of touch.
  23. I know it's less than half way to the current leader, but I was pretty pleased with a 508m. More than double my previous best. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  24. Headshotted a guy parachuting in from spawn, with a sniper rifle Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  25. Yep really annoying, all those people getting in my way Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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